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JIT: Aberdeen V.s Caley

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WTF happened tonight?


Turn the game around to 2-1 and looking quite comfortable and then BANG, total arse collapse. Tbh only poor finishing from Caley save that from a total thrashing tonight.


The entire defence were fucking hopeless and Anderson in particular was honking. In fact i don't think he won a header the entire 2nd half and i've no idea what he was doing for their winning goal


Yet again we have a chance to go top and we blow it big style. With the injuries now piling up - which is no excuse for the way we played tonight - we really will have a difficult xmas period that's for sure

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disappointing result, at times we looked good but did look dodgy in the middle of midfield and defence. cant do much about it though considering the injury list. think we probably could have beaten most teams tonight but caley are on top form and are playing well. still gutting though as we could of nicked it

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WTF happened tonight?


Turn the game around to 2-1 and looking quite comfortable and then BANG, total arse collapse. Tbh only poor finishing from Caley save that from a total thrashing tonight.


The entire defence were fucking hopeless and Anderson in particular was honking. In fact i don't think he won a header the entire 2nd half and i've no idea what he was doing for their winning goal


Yet again we have a chance to go top and we blow it big style. With the injuries now piling up - which is no excuse for the way we played tonight - we really will have a difficult xmas period that's for sure



we had them at 3 4 3 and then changed to 4 4 2 probelem was that middle four didnt have any one playing in the middle of the pitch so caley midfield just ran 3 or 4 at a time at our unprotected defence


need a centre back sitting in front of our defence not a misfiring forward who was out of position or a yellow card waiiting to happen


As soo as we scroed and went 2-1 up should have put Josh back where he was in the first half and locked it down - never did and paid the price.


Lost the tactical game, i wouldnt say butcher won it but Brown seemed to hand over the win by not figuring out what was wrong in the middle and sorting it

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WTF happened tonight?


Turn the game around to 2-1 and looking quite comfortable and then BANG, total arse collapse. Tbh only poor finishing from Caley save that from a total thrashing tonight.


The entire defence were fucking hopeless and Anderson in particular was honking. In fact i don't think he won a header the entire 2nd half and i've no idea what he was doing for their winning goal


Yet again we have a chance to go top and we blow it big style. With the injuries now piling up - which is no excuse for the way we played tonight - we really will have a difficult xmas period that's for sure


Harsh on Shaughnessy.

He played quite well i thought.

Especially since he was played out of position.


Other than that we were indeed hopeless.

Not helped by injuries unfortunately.


Was Masson injured or was he subbed because he was playing shit?


Caley were the better team and we're lucky it was only 3 they scored against us.


I fear for Saturday with all the injuries we have.

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Fucking murder, makes you lose all faith and wonder why you spend a fortune following them up and doon the country, fucking crap, out of all the people to play in CM Vernon would be the last one, I would rather have Reynolds, despite not successfully linking one pass together tonight, or Shaughnessy there.. Masson wiz crap. Anderson wiz crap. Langfield looked pish for the 2nd goal. Hayes was average. Magennis looked decent for once. McGinn just didn't roll up his sleeves and walked aboot. p - i - s - h

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Disappointing result. Caley had their top team out though and we had an absolute mess of a team out - due to a crazy injury list. Think the better team won but when we went 2-1 up I thought we were looking good for a 3rd until they equalised.


Hayes came off at the end holding his hamstring which is worrying for the weekend. Motherwell are a good side, they should have won here earlier in the season. Vernon and Cammy Smith in central midfield together -_-

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As soo as we scroed and went 2-1 up should have put Josh back where he was in the first half and locked it down - never did and paid the price.


Lost the tactical game, i wouldnt say butcher won it but Brown seemed to hand over the win by not figuring out what was wrong in the middle and sorting it


Very easy to say that after the game, but can you imagine the outrage if he moved him back when he scored twice (and was at the time causing problems) and we went on to lose the game.


Not saying Brown is faultless tonight as I didnt get the Vernon thing but injuries messed us up tonight and gave us no real options.

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Played without a midfield in for the last 30 mins. Vernon is so slow and unable to follow and track runners and was on a booking which left our defence so exposed. Never even noticed Masson was playing Not sure what Brown does on sat. Have to hope Rae makes a recovery.


Thought we were going to get away with it with all the chances that Caley were wasting but cant grudge them their winner.


Tudor Jones is good player for them and Foran seemed to bully our defence when he went up front, he's a real streetwise awkward player to play against. Caley aimed the diagnol ball at him every time

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Depressing stuff really.


Langfield - Useless for all goals.


Jojo - Top red, looked at times only one with fight & determination to win.

Anderson - Horrible, worst since he has came back.

Reynolds - Better than Ando but error for winner.

Considine - Constantly out of place and got ripped apart from Doran.


Hayes - Average, final product at times is honking.

Vernon - Horrible, waste of space.

Clarky - Gutted for him, now have nobody comfy in centre-midfield.

McGinn - Poor, lot of huffing & puffing but fuck all.


Fallon - huff & puff, shite.

Josh - Two good goals, one of the best goals i've seen at Pittodrie for the second.



Ref - better than that cretin in the first half.

Masson - terrible, shadow of the player last season.

Smith - Nothing

McManus - Nothing


Fallon's take on this was amusing though..



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Masson was involved in the youth cup game on Sunday, wasn't he? 45 on Saturday, 90 on Sunday (?) and then on again today. Bit much for a youngster coming back from injury.


So many confusing things done today, somany poor performances by the people who were lucky enough to get their natural positions today.


Think Bamber got it spot on, in the formation second half, you need the centre mid cover to be a defensive option, not a centre forward.

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utter fucking root tonight. langfield, just fuck off you utter, utter chocolate. totally culpable for the 2nd goal hiding as usual at a cross ball. find another career you climbing frame faced prick. reynolds absolutely shite. shocking performance, he looked a compete fanny who was completely disinterested. anderson was just as bad, worst i've ever seen him play and was disgracefully honking. considine did nothing of note, another disinterested fud. midfield and front line tried their best and for that should be commended but were completely let down by the 4 clowns at the back. thought magennis was good tonight, fought like a lion and took his second expertly. also thought shaugnessy did very well, you wouldn't of known he was out of position. only complaint about the lay out of the team was having vernon labour his arse off in midfield, ffs why would you play him there?


another massive opportunity blown, blame lying squarely at the defenders door particularly anderson and reynolds. sorry to say it but those 2 were a disgrace tonight.

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Anderson getting a fair amount of stick. Some justified. He and Reynolds were not helped in any way by being left brutally exposed by a non existent midfield (last 20) and a 6' 5" striker who gets smaller when he jumps and couldn't hold up his own hardon.


aye fallon is a complete carthorse, tried his best but was woeful throughout. no brainer vernon should have been there, having him in the centre of midfield in the 2nd half was like being a man down. i'm anderson's biggest fan but tonight he really was dreadful as was his sidekicks reynolds and considine. tbh they were worse than that, disgusting. they looked like they'd never played together.

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At 2-1 up we were cruising. In no way, shape or form did we look like losing that game. Only once Langfield yet again, (you listening Millertime, I say yet again) sold the jerseys, did we fall to pieces.

Agreed it was the pivotal point in the game...after Langfield handed them a life line they looked the more hungry and likely to push on and win the game...thanks for that Jamie you poofy first named cu*t

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The result tonight was no surprise given the injury list and lack of depth in the squad. However, The Dons had managed to get into the lead, and Mr Brown should hold up his hands for losing a 2nd half advantage at home. I fear that there will be plenty time to concentrate on the league after the weekend, since the involvement in all other competitions will be over. Harsh, but very likely.

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Thought Considine was our worst defender by far. Time and time again he didn't even bother to track the right midfielders run. Followed by Anderson. Reynolds wasn't great but at least he was coming short for the goal kicks as he knows Langfield can't kick.


No idea what Langfield was doing for the second either. Didn't think there was anything wrong with their first goal, Masson went down like a fairy. Tonight was a harsh reality check for the loon. I think he needs to be loaned out to get some experience and get kicked about a little bit.


Great goal for Magennis' second, and why the fuck was he booked for his celebration in the first half?


Vernon was awful in centre mid. Thought Shaughnessy performed well.


We need to move for Shinnie in January when he can speak to other clubs.

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