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English League Cup 2013/14

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Only way Man U will challenge for the title again is if they start to spend like Man City and Chelsea as Moyes has a major rebuilding job on his hands. If they do that, it'll still take them years to build a squad as good as Man City's. Apart from Juanuzaj, Rooney and Van Persie (who's been out for ages) the rest of those players look distinctly average. Hard to believe that it's virtually the same squad that won the title last year.

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Hard to believe that it's virtually the same squad that won the title last year.


Another year older when many of them were already over the peak is a sharp descent. SAF left Moyes with a poisoned chalice.

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Wonder who Bluto can defend this week...


ha ha.


i just give full, fair and balanced opinions. canna fault me on that. :-)


on this subject - you have to defend moyes.

de gea, fergies only decent signing since hargreaves, makes a blunder. shit happens. he's been one of their better players this year.

but those penalities were awful. even fletchers was nearly saved.


seems a world away from the team who comfortable fought off a medium to hard CL group.

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Sure, so its got nothing to do with Lukaka, Benteke, Kompany, Mirallas, Demebele, Hazard.


i think its fair to say that fellanin in his everton days obvioulsy looked a better player in midfield than 40yo giggs, semi retired scholes, inconsistent cleverly, injured fletcher or anderson who isnt trusted.


he is more than good enough for this current utd side. and easily stands up to scrutiny for belgium when compared to those players

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Moyes will, as usual, take the flak but when your striker misses a sitter when clean through on goal, your goalkeeper fumbles a routine shot straight at him and four of your players can't score a penalty, there's not much you can do. Sunderland deserved it over the two games and it's going to take more than Juan Mata to repair this team. Major clearout needed at Old Trafford.

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Aberdeen v Sunderland in the Europa League next season !


That would be shit! Getting back into getting them, of all the places we could go!


Anyway, when your lucks out it's out David Moyes. That was the worst set of penalties I have ever seen. Scott Vernon takes a better pen that that lot - he at least hits the target!

He'll be praying Rooney and RVP will be back soon.

Januzaj likes to shoot A LOT. It's a pity he's got a shite shot on him.

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Also, is there a worse 'pundit' or co comm than Davie Provan? Utter tim pap.


Niall Quinn, incapable of commenting on any game that doesn't involve Sunderland, Arsenal and Man City.

Craig Burley, incapable of commentating without being a bellend.

Andy Walker, just incapable.

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provan is an old div.


the cardiff game where macnaughton cleared the ball just as it went over the line, provan was havering on about who gave the goal, was it the linesman, or the ref. he kept on going on about it. his co-commentator came to the rescue and subtly mentioned the well documented goal line technology, to stop provan's knickers from getting any more twisted.


townsend is the worst, he says nothing of value.

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