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George Square Bin Lorry Crash


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Had it been something 'racist' or another helicopter tragedy in the north sea, would you have been on making such crass comments?

I just think it is ironic, given how precious you are about all thing fatty brown

Weegie min. Get a fucking grip.

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If a poster from here got wiped out by the garbage truck, I would hope it wasn't a garbage poster.


DD1903 obviously survived but Frankie might not have. Much as the garbage he posts comes from a consistent place, he's nae a bad cunt, just a mad cunt. Passing the Corinthian last night with its ostentatious caldenlabra, I was reminded of that weak baldy penalty missing cunt having to get his pic taken with chin wart cunt.

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Weegie min. Get a fucking grip.

My point stands. Redstar is precious as I stated. You get wound up and angry over someone saying that they got a better deal on a motor, then daring not to post proof up.


Had I said something like that on a rig/copter incident in the NE, I would have been, rightly, pulled up.


Ps I wouldn't though

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At what point can we start to question how can the police come out with shite like they aren't treating this as suspicious, without being labelled as insensitive and callous?


A scaffy lorry drove 300 metres up one of the busiest streets in Glasgow during the busiest time of the year? To me, that is highly suspicious.


All this happened during the day of a vitriolic Rangers AGM and on Jamie Langfields birthday.

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Tragic what has happened but really are weegies the only breed that rally round and help others in time of tragedy?

Lol. Exactly. It's their sense of "gallusness" and erroneous sense of individuality at play here.


I'm reminded of the guy in Goodfellas giving it helicopter when the boy was going nuts.


That was hilarious.


In that context.


Doing it to a weegie scum cunt immediately after Clutha would have been insensitive.


The jokes that follow tragedy are usually inspired. The ones today after the George Square scaffy show have been outrageous.

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Lol. Exactly. It's their sense of "gallusness" and erroneous sense of individuality at play here.

I'm reminded of the guy in Goodfellas giving it helicopter when the boy was going nuts.

That was hilarious.

In that context.

Doing it to a weegie scum cunt immediately after Clutha would have been insensitive.

The jokes that follow tragedy are usually inspired. The ones today after the George Square scaffy show have been outrageous.

It was reporting scotland I noticed it.


Normally any where else in the world they catch someone's view and its one of shock and sadness.


Glasgow it's look how fucking great we are.


See smeato as a shining example.

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Zander, much as Glasgow has its faults, it had its good parts too.


Fuck knows what they might be but the law of nature dictates thus.


It's NOT "the unique character" of its people though.


They are unique. For sure. Just not in a good way.

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At that time of the day most Weegie Bin-men will have been hammered after a morning collecting their Xmas tips (half bottles)...I'd be asking... was the speed the result of the heart attack or was the speed first and then the heart attack...in no way due to a morning on the batter...

Could have been speed or legal highs he was on so I wouldna jump to conclusions min, it's too raw ffs.

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At that time of the day most Weegie Bin-men will have been hammered after a morning collecting their Xmas tips (half bottles)...I'd be asking... was the speed the result of the heart attack or was the speed first and then the heart attack...in no way due to a morning on the batter...


Definitely a possibility. Pished up scaffy dozes off while thundering back to the depot in time for a wee Christmas bevy with the boys. A few locals get in the way, and that's Christmas fucked for half a dozen families.


It's not insensitive. Given the drinking culture in Glasgow, particularly considering the time of year, it's a possibility.


Then again, given the local diet and tendency towards obesity, heart attack's possible inna.


I'd be laying money on booze being involved, though.


Feliz Navidad.

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With a council van wiping out folk in Nantes today, I'm wondering if this was a coordinated attack?


Fuck knows the connection between Nantes and the weeg but highly populated areas getting wiped by disaffected workers?


Ironic that the Booker prize winning novel by weegie James Kelman 25 years ago was A Disaffection.

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Jesus Rocket, what a fucking drama queen you've became....look at me...look at me, it's a off topic football forum, you're not doing anything ground breaking by trying to be funny around a tragedy, half the World does it these days, me included.


I hope you're not gone for good but honestly think a short spell off here would do you good, all the best min.


As for the George Square thing....I'm going for suspicious circumstances, bystanders said he was doing at least 70...on one of the busiest streets in Glasgow at one of the busiest times of the year, something just doesn't add up, may be a massive coincidence but the chance of him having a instant blackout there and then is pretty fecking slim imo, I'll have a tenner on attempted suicide while pished and trying to take loads of people with him cause he hates life, the cunt cleaned their rubbish away for years.

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Someone on the news said it was doing 100mph which tells me this particular 'bin lorry' didn't have a fully functioning flux capacitor.


That'll be the same cunt that said how many Smeltic fans were in Seville. Nae bin lorry is capable of getting up to that speed, let alone in a city centre. It will have been doing about 40. Appears quick because of the slower traffic and stationary objects around it. Probably thick cunts they interviewed, unsurprising considering the demographic.

Sad loss at this time of year for those affected. I feel for them just as much as I do the Pakistani families affected by the school tragedy last week, or the coffee shop folk in Sydney. Folk I don't know involved in something awful.

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I don't know why anyone says it's worse because of the time of year, if you lost someone close to you over this does it matter one fuck if Christmas is a couple days away?? The news was full of it.


Celebrating the life of someone who we're not even sure existed, don't get me wrong I love Christmas, days off work eating and drinking too much but would someone close to me dying at this time of year mean more than at any other time, I don't think so.


My old man had a stroke at Pittodrie a few days before Christmas, my ethos was shit happens, just another day really though the hospital car park is quieter on Christmas day, lazy NHS fucks take the day off. I sound like rocket there. :)


I still smell a rat, why not keel over on a gorbals street or on PRW??

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Hhmmm, don't know about that. Most people have family events planned at this time of year, meet up with people they rarely see etc. I can see how tragic events will have a bigger impact on the wider family and friend groups at this time of year. The loss itself is no greater than if it had been in the first week of January though.

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No. I said the impact to a wider group of people may be greater a few days before Christmas, but the loss itself isn't. Doesn't matter when on the calendar someone dies - especially for them. They have just went from a living being to the oblivion of nothingness.

So in summary: impact = potentially greater, loss = same.

If one of the people killed or injured was Santa, can you not see the impact it would have on some families at this time of year?

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