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3 minutes ago, aberdeen1970 said:

And if you don't immediately finish 3rd minimum and then 3rd minimum every season afterwards there is a vocal element of the support that will want you sacked. 

It's such a fine margin for error that it probably doesn't register with many ambitious managers outside Scotland as being worth the risk/reward. 

Especially foreign coaches.

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4 minutes ago, NorfolkDandy said:

Personally I feel it's all manufactured - Similar to how Miovski (For example) is under 'valued' against anything the bigot brothers have - It's deliberate to keep us (any club outside both sides of the filth in reality) in our / their place

In terms of the 'ambition' Zero talked about, I read that as someone 'new,' not the continual merry-go-round of sh&te 'jobs for the boys' options - Could be wrong though, perhaps he'll clarify ?

I'm quite infrequent on here (Aye, not infrequent enough I hear a certain 'someone' shout from their couch 🙄), however, I've seen 2 or 3 of your posts in the past day or so, and I'd think we're pretty much on the same page in terms of the circus that this is


Unless you get a media basis that fights the fight for the other 10 clubs (online/paper etc) and have folk stand up to the nonsense that we are subjected to with Boyd vs Sutton week in week out then its not REALLY going to change. We need someone with balls.

The other aspect is those who run the game from top to bottom. They sell a product to Sky/BT and before a ball is even kicked we are told there's 4 OF (no such thing) games guaranteed. What message is that sending? Seriously?

It's completely a dead duck. There is so much we could rattle off here that shows there's actually no point to the game up here unless either someone with balls changes the narrative/someone willing to take on powers at the top within MSM to protect the other 10 clubs (over value their players) or better yet, get those 2 cunts to fuck off.

Someone called us a basket case club, I don't think we are - we are just a bit lost right now and strange appointments and jobs for the boys is something Cormack has ti learn quickly from... Aberdeen is a big club, a great prospect for someone, but it certainly isn't going to be someone Zero thinks its going to be. 'Ambition'... alot of people use this term but never have anyone in mind themselves but put down every person that's mentioned for the job.

We will get someone from a manager merry go round BECAUSE unfortunately where we are as a club is exactly there. Who do we seriously believe we will attract? @zeroisgod76

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Regardless of what folk think of Scott Parker he's got 2 promotions to the English Premier League on his CV at a young age which will practically guarantee him another crack at a Championship club. 

It's also a better cv than any manager we've appointed. And a cv that every single manager outside Huns and Celtic (and Warnock by the way) in Scotland would love to have. 

I don't think we'd be able to attract him even if we wanted to. 

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12 minutes ago, Roberto said:

Unless you get a media basis that fights the fight for the other 10 clubs (online/paper etc) and have folk stand up to the nonsense that we are subjected to with Boyd vs Sutton week in week out then its not REALLY going to change. We need someone with balls.

The other aspect is those who run the game from top to bottom. They sell a product to Sky/BT and before a ball is even kicked we are told there's 4 OF (no such thing) games guaranteed. What message is that sending? Seriously?

It's completely a dead duck. There is so much we could rattle off here that shows there's actually no point to the game up here unless either someone with balls changes the narrative/someone willing to take on powers at the top within MSM to protect the other 10 clubs (over value their players) or better yet, get those 2 cunts to fuck off.

Someone called us a basket case club, I don't think we are - we are just a bit lost right now and strange appointments and jobs for the boys is something Cormack has ti learn quickly from... Aberdeen is a big club, a great prospect for someone, but it certainly isn't going to be someone Zero thinks its going to be. 'Ambition'... alot of people use this term but never have anyone in mind themselves but put down every person that's mentioned for the job.

We will get someone from a manager merry go round BECAUSE unfortunately where we are as a club is exactly there. Who do we seriously believe we will attract? @zeroisgod76

Yogi and we will all fucking rejoice.

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13 minutes ago, Roberto said:

Unless you get a media basis that fights the fight for the other 10 clubs (online/paper etc) and have folk stand up to the nonsense that we are subjected to with Boyd vs Sutton week in week out then its not REALLY going to change. We need someone with balls.

The other aspect is those who run the game from top to bottom. They sell a product to Sky/BT and before a ball is even kicked we are told there's 4 OF (no such thing) games guaranteed. What message is that sending? Seriously?

It's completely a dead duck. There is so much we could rattle off here that shows there's actually no point to the game up here unless either someone with balls changes the narrative/someone willing to take on powers at the top within MSM to protect the other 10 clubs (over value their players) or better yet, get those 2 cunts to fuck off.

Someone called us a basket case club, I don't think we are - we are just a bit lost right now and strange appointments and jobs for the boys is something Cormack has ti learn quickly from... Aberdeen is a big club, a great prospect for someone, but it certainly isn't going to be someone Zero thinks its going to be. 'Ambition'... alot of people use this term but never have anyone in mind themselves but put down every person that's mentioned for the job.

We will get someone from a manager merry go round BECAUSE unfortunately where we are as a club is exactly there. Who do we seriously believe we will attract? @zeroisgod76

Yep - All of that!

Hopefully the manager merry-go-round we pick from will be a 'different' one this time, though - One with vision and stability in mind 👍

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1 hour ago, Dunty said:

Genuine question, but why Alex Neil?

Why the clamour for a guy who hasn't been a success in management since 2015?* He's been sacked from three of his last four management jobs and one he didn't was Sunderland where he quite happily ditched them six games into the season.


*I know he got Sunderland promoted to the Championship, but Sunderland winning League One is the equivalent of Jim Goodwin winning the Championship with Dundee United.


He sits besides Derek McInnes as the most overrated manager in the game.

Ok, here's why. 

1.) Got Hamilton promoted to the SP, left them at 5th in the table. Exceeding expectation. 

2.) Got Norwich promoted, kept them up. Things eventually went south but very clearly met expectation initially. 

3.) PNE. One of the lowest budgets in the Championship, nowhere near relegation for most his tenure, managed to get them play offs. Overachieved in getting them play offs, generally met expectation with them. 

4.) Sunderland. Did what 4 other managers couldn't and successfully guided them out of the 3rd division, and in to a healthy position in the Championship before jumping ship for Stoke. 

5.) Stoke- shite. But the fact it was so shite, means we can possibly consider him. 

Add in to the bargain he's only 42 or something and will fancy himself for decades in the game yet, I can't see a reason why Aberdeen would turn their nose up at him. 

He'll probably reject us, mind you. But aye, it would be a brilliant appointment for Aberdeen and one that would excite me greatly.  

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8 minutes ago, aberdeen1970 said:

Regardless of what folk think of Scott Parker he's got 2 promotions to the English Premier League on his CV at a young age which will practically guarantee him another crack at a Championship club. 

It's also a better cv than any manager we've appointed. And a cv that every single manager outside Huns and Celtic (and Warnock by the way) would love to have. 

I don't think we'd be able to attract him even if we wanted to. 

It's his style of play,Parkerball the Fulham fans called it,goes across park and backwards,more than going forward.

He did the same in his last stint abroad. 

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We're currently sacking managers for falling way below expectation, why anyone would turn their nose up at a guy who generally meets/exceeds expectation at clubs he's manager, I don't know. 

I suspect it's because he's Scottish and was a jobber player. 

I'd fund his travel up here if there was a sniff of a chance he was interested. 

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4 minutes ago, CCB III said:

Ok, here's why. 

1.) Got Hamilton promoted to the SP, left them at 5th in the table. Exceeding expectation. 

2.) Got Norwich promoted, kept them up. Things eventually went south but very clearly met expectation initially. 

3.) PNE. One of the lowest budgets in the Championship, nowhere near relegation for most his tenure, managed to get them play offs. Overachieved in getting them play offs, generally met expectation with them. 

4.) Sunderland. Did what 4 other managers couldn't and successfully guided them out of the 3rd division, and in to a healthy position in the Championship before jumping ship for Stoke. 

5.) Stoke- shite. But the fact it was so shite, means we can possibly consider him. 

Add in to the bargain he's only 42 or something and will fancy himself for decades in the game yet, I can't see a reason why Aberdeen would turn their nose up at him. 

He'll probably reject us, mind you. But aye, it would be a brilliant appointment for Aberdeen and one that would excite me greatly.  

If you believe what Scott Burns says (aye, I know) he’s got no interest in returning to Scotland. 

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8 minutes ago, CCB III said:

We're currently sacking managers for falling way below expectation, why anyone would turn their nose up at a guy who generally meets/exceeds expectation at clubs he's manager, I don't know. 

I suspect it's because he's Scottish and was a jobber player. 

I'd fund his travel up here if there was a sniff of a chance he was interested. 

Some folk are searching for an almost mythical beast. 

A manager who has a successful track record that sees Aberdeen as a stepping stone to bigger things (and hasn't failed in his recent jobs). 

Which would likely mean someone from a smaller club who many wouldn't accept anyway as he wouldn't have done anything at our level previously. 

@milne_afcis spot on. Someone looking to rebuild his career after a recent setback but with a good previous record would be a coup for us.

And folk like Neil fall into that category. 

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1 minute ago, Torry Tosser said:

It's his style of play,Parkerball the Fulham fans called it,goes across park and backwards,more than going forward.

He did the same in his last stint abroad. 

Again though, got Fulham promoted. Got Bournemouth promoted. 

Meets expectation.


Had a mare at Brugge but that's different, you're a big fish over there with that club and expected to win titles and compete in Europe. 

What will we be asking from a a manager? 3rd place in a poor league where you can outspend a great deal of your competition? Get your hands on just one trophy and we'll practically build you a statue, and play in either the 2nd or 3rd European comp group stages. 

That's all infinitely achievable as AFC manager. 


Forget whatever nonsense notion we had regarding style of play. That's done. We need people in to meet the very obvious, achievable and explicit targets we set out at the start of the season. 

If we meet those targets, everything falls in to place. It means our assets are playing well, meaning we can still flip them for profit. 

Back to basics, far too much convo about strategy, style, corporate jargon etc. 


As Aberdeen manager you've done your job successfully by finishing third, qualifying for Europe, and if you can get your hands on some China that's fucking magical. 

Whole things needs approached in these simple terms. Way too much chat about superfluous shite. Everything falls in to place with results. 

Let's get that sorted. 

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3 minutes ago, CCB III said:

Again though, got Fulham promoted. Got Bournemouth promoted. 

Meets expectation.


Had a mare at Brugge but that's different, you're a big fish over there with that club and expected to win titles and compete in Europe. 

What will we be asking from a a manager? 3rd place in a poor league where you can outspend a great deal of your competition? Get your hands on just one trophy and we'll practically build you a statue, and play in either the 2nd or 3rd European comp group stages. 

That's all infinitely achievable as AFC manager. 


Forget whatever nonsense notion we had regarding style of play. That's done. We need people in to meet the very obvious, achievable and explicit targets we set out at the start of the season. 

If we meet those targets, everything falls in to place. It means our assets are playing well, meaning we can still flip them for profit. 

Back to basics, far too much convo about strategy, style, corporate jargon etc. 


As Aberdeen manager you've done your job successfully by finishing third, qualifying for Europe, and if you can get your hands on some China that's fucking magical. 

Whole things needs approached in these simple terms. Way too much chat about superfluous shite. Everything falls in to place with results. 

Let's get that sorted. 

Fair Points.

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5 minutes ago, Schapenneuker said:

Wouldn't surprise me if we get to June and announce that Warnock has signed a 2 year contract. 

I don’t think Warnock wants that tho, he seems more than happy to pick up jobs for a few months steady the ship and then wait for the next job to come along

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1 hour ago, Torry Tosser said:

Took Norwich to Premier. 

Got Preston on edge of play offs with a bunch of free transfers.

As for Stoke,all last four sacked and new boy in from Plymouth lost half already.Club is in a mess.


I found it strange Neil left Sunderland to take the Stoke job.

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5 minutes ago, CCB III said:

We're currently sacking managers for falling way below expectation, why anyone would turn their nose up at a guy who generally meets/exceeds expectation at clubs he's manager, I don't know. 

I suspect it's because he's Scottish and was a jobber player. 

I'd fund his travel up here if there was a sniff of a chance he was interested. 


Still loads of delusional fans who think Neil’s not an ambitious enough appointment. When the reality is, its the opposite.
EPL fanboys. 
Same bunch who have been ripping the heid off it cos we got a media personality english 75yr old journeyman manager out of retirement to steady the ship till the end of the season. 
Sacking our last successful manager wont have gone unnoticed by other managers. That will surely be enough to put off any decent manager. 

We’ll get who we deserve to get. 




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4 minutes ago, Simply Red said:

Why boring? Who would be exciting?


I think Neil would be a good appointment. However if the club were interested in him they would have given it to him permanently last month rather than appoint Warnock.

Not sure we will be able to attract any manager of quality if all other football related issues appear to be the car crash they presently are. 

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Pretty sure Alex Neil sees his future down south. But for what it's worth, he'd be an excellent appointment.

Rare combination of a young (only 42), yet experienced manager (11 years and counting). Proven track record, but ambitious and plenty still to achieve. Ticks a hell of a lot of boxes.

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5 minutes ago, JamieMT said:

Pretty sure Alex Neil sees his future down south. But for what it's worth, he'd be an excellent appointment.

Rare combination of a young (only 42), yet experienced manager (11 years and counting). Proven track record, but ambitious and plenty still to achieve. Ticks a hell of a lot of boxes.

Hes too good for us tbh.

Hes the calibre of manager that shouldve come in after DM. 

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