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Goodwillie Rape Charge Dropped

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Men never, absolutely never, accuse women of rape.


I'd be delighted to be raped by some reasonably famous female sportswoman.


On the basis that "Rape" involves penetration of the victim by the offender with the offender's penis I reckon it would be quite hard for a guy to accuse a women of raping him. :dontknow:

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On the basis that "Rape" involves penetration of the victim by the offender with the offender's penis I reckon it would be quite hard for a guy to accuse a women of raping him. :dontknow:


Up until 2009 (thanks monkey) rape was a gender specific crime in scotland like you say. Then Kenny MacAskill brought this ingenious piece of legislation into being (the sexual offences scotland act):


If a person ("A"), with A's penis—


(a) without another person ("B") consenting, and


(b) without any reasonable belief that B consents,


penetrates to any extent, either intending to do so or reckless as to whether there is penetration, the vagina, anus or mouth of B then A commits an offence, to be known as the offence of rape.


(2) For the purposes of this section, penetration is a continuing act from entry until withdrawal of the penis; but this subsection is subject to subsection 3


(3) In a case where penetration is initially consented to but at some point of time the consent is withdrawn, subsection (2) is to be construed as if the reference in it to a continuing act from entry were a reference to a continuing act from that point of time.


(4) In this Act—


"penis" includes an artificial penis if it forms part of A, having been created in the course of surgical treatment, and "vagina" includes—


(a) the vulva, and


(b) an artificial vagina (together with any artificial vulva), if it forms part of B, having been created in the course of such treatment

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I would disagree that the crime libelled in section 1 was still gender specific. It would be easy to imagine a case where person A was a female who used an artificial penis (say a strap-on) to penetrate the anus of B, a male. If B did not consent, or A was reckless as to whether or not he consented, then i would say that she could be charged under section 1 of the act - it would be a stretch to imagine in practice, but we were always taught to interpret it like that at uni.


S1 was drafted specifically like that to remove the gender specific element, and make provisions for transgender individuals. S2 like you say makes provisions for the crime of sexual assault.

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Problem with that interpretation is 1(4) which defines "penis" as including artificial ones "if it forms part of A, having been created in the course of surgical treatment."


This can't include "strap ons" but we digress OT...


David Goodwillie eh? West Lothian parties...... lots of drink.. lovely ladies...phnarr phnarr. :poster_oops:


Not enough evidence... :dancin:

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Men never, absolutely never, accuse women of rape.


I'd be delighted to be raped by some reasonably famous female sportswoman.


That's not true. It does happen, but most don't report it because society has a double standard. Same goes with domestic violence against men. The majority of it goes unreported.


I have a mate that woke up at a party with a fat bird bouncing up and down on him. Arousal does not equal consent.

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Looks like our fans miss read this rule.

We have had quite a large amount of them but we just cannot collectively decide who is most hated.

The nominees over the past decade to date are..

Darren Mackie

Richard Foster

Mark Kerr

Gary McDonald

Darren Mackie

Zander Diamond

Chris Maguire

Sone Aluko

Darren Mackie

Jamie Langfiled

Mark Howard

Andrew Considine

Lee Miller

Darren Mackie

Derek Young

Michael Paton

Chris Clark

Scott Severin

Darren Mackie

Rory McArdle


Not forgetting Managers & assistants

Or if we go back a few years..

(assuming we mean the afc fitba players who didna escape the wrath of the militant boo-boys)



John McMaster (Gothenburg great)

Billy Stark

Bobby Connor

Joe Miller

Robbie Winters

Derek Whyte

Stewart Mckimmie

Darren Mackie..


Oh how our standards have fallen...



back on topic...


not so much "innocent untill proven guilty"


In this bigotted world that is sScottish fitba...


Its "Instantly guilty if accused and worthy of horrendous diatribe"

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Maybe he got off with it as it's a police matter and he's just about to join Rangers, hence much shuffling of trouser legs and pouring of whisky amongst the lawyers, police, and court officials.


David Badwillie might be a more appropriate name for him now.


And Hollywood will have their eyes on him, star potential, Free Goodwillie, box office smash.

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Maybe he got off with it as it's a police matter and he's just about to join Rangers, hence much shuffling of trouser legs and pouring of whisky amongst the lawyers, police, and court officials.


David Badwillie might be a more appropriate name for him now.


And Hollywood will have their eyes on him, star potential, Free Goodwillie, box office smash.


''If the glove fits'' tup



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Maybe he got off with it as it's a police matter and he's just about to join Rangers, hence much shuffling of trouser legs and pouring of whisky amongst the lawyers, police, and court officials.


David Badwillie might be a more appropriate name for him now.


And Hollywood will have their eyes on him, star potential, Free Goodwillie, box office smash.


That is brilliant tup min! I'm convinced that most of your humour goes Whooshing...and probably best that it does...Don't know if the world is ready for you yet... I love it...excuse the cheeeese and the deference...but if it's a thing to be a thing...you're a thing!

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Cheers Hugh min, it takes years of ripping the pish from anything and everything to achieve such a repertoire.


And on the subject of Hughs, I used to ken a guy at school called just that, first day he said 'My name's Hugh, but they call me Archie for short'



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but unlike others, scarface has been known to post stuff that is interesting, with humour, with intelligence.


Do you concede this much of our formerly +1 addicted resident?



If you mean copy and pasting from other sites without attribution, aye. Sure rocket.

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Cheers Hugh min, it takes years of ripping the pish from anything and everything to achieve such a repertoire.


And on the subject of Hughs, I used to ken a guy at school called just that, first day he said 'My name's Hugh, but they call me Archie for short'




Wonderful overtures of black-adder..steaming into my confused singular brain-cell...


to be continued....

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That is brilliant tup min! I'm convinced that most of your humour goes Whooshing...and probably best that it does...Don't know if the world is ready for you yet... I love it...excuse the cheeeese and the deference...but if it's a thing to be a thing...you're a thing!


To the more erudite among us, its cliched , narrow, stereotypical chippy pish.

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