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In my experience there are very many drug addicts who want to get off drugs but there is very little in the way of help in this area especially. Methadone is a joke, just another addictive drug.


It's not fair to class all drug addicts the same just like it wouldn't be fair to say that every Muslim is a terrorist or any other ridiculous stereotype. Whilst there are some horrible violent drug addicts, I think in most cases you have to look at why they commit the crimes they do and not at the crime itself. A drug addiction is a horrible thing that makes desperate people do things they ordinarily wouldn't do. There are plenty of horrible violent folk who aren't addicts who do equally disgusting things.


Alcohol is as bad if not worse when you see the state it gets people into at its extreme.


I think this country really needs to reassess what it does with addicts in terms of providing more opportunity to get them off drugs. Legalising drugs is not the solution though.

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In my experience there are very many drug addicts who want to get off drugs but there is very little in the way of help in this area especially. Methadone is a joke, just another addictive drug.


It's not fair to class all drug addicts the same just like it wouldn't be fair to say that every Muslim is a terrorist or any other ridiculous stereotype. Whilst there are some horrible violent drug addicts, I think in most cases you have to look at why they commit the crimes they do and not at the crime itself. A drug addiction is a horrible thing that makes desperate people do things they ordinarily wouldn't do. There are plenty of horrible violent folk who aren't addicts who do equally disgusting things.


Alcohol is as bad if not worse when you see the state it gets people into at its extreme.


I think this country really needs to reassess what it does with addicts in terms of providing more opportunity to get them off drugs. Legalising drugs is not the solution though.



Well said :applause: . However I feel that legalisation is the solution.

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Well said :applause: . However I feel that legalisation is the solution.

I don't think so because I think it sends out the wrong message to kids for a start. Look what happened when cannabis was reclassified. There was an explosion in its production around the country. I'm sure there are plenty of folk on here who wouldn't see that as a problem but it does cause mental health problems and nobody ever mentions the fact that it is smoked with tobacco without a filter and is way more cancerous than smoking a normal cigarette.


Where do you stop with legalisation, do we legalise Crack and Crystal Meth? There is no way in hell that is the answer.


A combination of huge investment in treatment and much much longer sentences for drug dealers is the way I would go.

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I don't think so because I think it sends out the wrong message to kids for a start. Look what happened when cannabis was reclassified. There was an explosion in its production around the country. I'm sure there are plenty of folk on here who wouldn't see that as a problem but it does cause mental health problems and nobody ever mentions the fact that it is smoked with tobacco without a filter and is way more cancerous than smoking a normal cigarette.


Where do you stop with legalisation, do we legalise Crack and Crystal Meth? There is no way in hell that is the answer.


A combination of huge investment in treatment and much much longer sentences for drug dealers is the way I would go.



I'm not suggesting crack and smack are sold in Asda!


One of the best programmes I've ever seen on the issues of (illegal) drugs was 'Our Drugs War' on Channel 4.




Edit: the 1st episode, "Everyone's At It" is particularly good.

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I don't think so because I think it sends out the wrong message to kids for a start. Look what happened when cannabis was reclassified. There was an explosion in its production around the country. I'm sure there are plenty of folk on here who wouldn't see that as a problem but it does cause mental health problems and nobody ever mentions the fact that it is smoked with tobacco without a filter and is way more cancerous than smoking a normal cigarette.


Where do you stop with legalisation, do we legalise Crack and Crystal Meth? There is no way in hell that is the answer.


A combination of huge investment in treatment and much much longer sentences for drug dealers is the way I would go.

Sorry Fifered loon...you're advocating more of the same policy that has cost Bi

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Addiction is for the weak.


As an outsider looking in, if there was something you wanted to give up, i don't see how you couldn't. Junkies say they want to come off heroin, but do they REALLY want to? Power of mind, will power, call it what you want, if you have the state of mind to do it, you'll do it.

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im a coorse c**t but i find it hard to see any of this addiction and disease as anything more than buzz words and excuses. i read george bests autobiography and still didnt appreciate what it is to be diseased and afflicted.


his "disease" as he recounts meant he couldnt go into a casino and just have a flutter, hed go in large and be 17k down, then finish the night 21k up (because its that easy apparently).


i dunno, i try to be sympathetic but find it very hard to understand why folk dinna just wise eh f**k up and quit being a bell-end. if you know its killing you, why keep doing it?

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As an outsider looking in, if there was something you wanted to give up, i don't see how you couldn't. Junkies say they want to come off heroin, but do they REALLY want to? Power of mind, will power, call it what you want, if you have the state of mind to do it, you'll do it.


Unfortunately drugs often affect your mind as well as your body.

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i dunno, i try to be sympathetic but find it very hard to understand why folk dinna just wise eh f**k up and quit being a bell-end. if you know its killing you, why keep doing it?



Exactly, because they want to.


Junkies don't need a hit.

Alkies don't need a pint.


They want one. They would survive without.

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I'm not suggesting crack and smack are sold in Asda!


One of the best programmes I've ever seen on the issues of (illegal) drugs was 'Our Drugs War' on Channel 4.



No I realise that but it would presumably be through prescription on the NHS. For Heroin I can see the argument, it is physically addictive and addicts need it just to feel 'normal'. Most of the problems in terms of loosing teeth etc etc are cause by the chemicals Heroin is cut with an not the drug itself. Getting pure heroin in a small prescribed dose would certainly help loads of folk. Lets not kid ourselves though, some people would still want more and there would still be drug dealers, for that reason alone it should not be fully legalised.


Crack though is different. It's mentally addictive and someone can smoke it and smoke it and they won't overdose. The only thing stopping a crack user taking more is their finances. Not having it won't cause the same physical side effects as not having Heroin so where is the medical need for prescription?


Personally I would always look at the examples of alcohol and cigarettes as well. Both are extremely bad for you and if both were invented tomorrow I'm pretty confident they would be illegal. Even when they are legal, folk abuse them, death rates from them are off the charts and still folk don't want to pay the prices set for them and import fake booze and fags that are even worse for their health. How would that not happen with drugs?


I did watch that programme when it was on but I didn't agree with a lot of what was said. I think that anyone who thinks that if we legalise all drugs the problem of criminals controlling it and addicts all being helped is deluded. Criminals will simply manufacture new more potent and dangerous drugs which plenty of folk will experiment with because it is different and dangerous and the whole thing will start again. There is altogether far to much money in it for all those people to just say, oh well, its legal, lets get a proper job.

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im a coorse c**t but i find it hard to see any of this addiction and disease as anything more than buzz words and excuses. i read george bests autobiography and still didnt appreciate what it is to be diseased and afflicted.


his "disease" as he recounts meant he couldnt go into a casino and just have a flutter, hed go in large and be 17k down, then finish the night 21k up (because its that easy apparently).


i dunno, i try to be sympathetic but find it very hard to understand why folk dinna just wise eh f**k up and quit being a bell-end. if you know its killing you, why keep doing it?


Some people find it difficult to quit being a bell-end...for wahtever reason..


Don't set up a rehab centre please ...you'll lose all your money

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Exactly, because they want to.


Junkies don't need a hit.

Alkies don't need a pint.


They want one. They would survive without.

Both wrong.


Heroin addicts are physically addicted and their body needs it and for some alcoholics if they stop drinking they will simply die as their body couldn't cope.

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i dunno, i try to be sympathetic but find it very hard to understand why folk dinna just wise eh f**k up and quit being a bell-end. if you know its killing you, why keep doing it?


Because they are not well. :banghead:


People used to say the same kind of thing to anorexics but I think it has now generally been accepted that it is an eating disorder caused by a mental illness.


I feel we will be going round in circles here.....

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Because they are not well. :banghead:


People used to say the same kind of thing to anorexics but I think it has now generally been accepted that it is an eating disorder caused by a mental illness.


I feel we will be going round in circles here.....


Probably. Always good to get another viewpoint though.


Everyone knows heroin is addictive and if you take it you run the risk to becoming a junkie, why take it? They have never experienced before, can't miss what you've never had huh? Total down and outs might feel they've nothing to lose, that they'll take any cheap thrill they can and from then it's a downward spiral. But why seemingly well off kids with the world at their feet (Amy Winehouse) would even contemplate it is beyond me. Silly girl.

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Probably. Always good to get another viewpoint though.


Everyone knows heroin is addictive and if you take it you run the risk to becoming a junkie, why take it? They have never experienced before, can't miss what you've never had huh? Total down and outs might feel they've nothing to lose, that they'll take any cheap thrill they can and from then it's a downward spiral. But why seemingly well off kids with the world at their feet (Amy Winehouse) would even contemplate it is beyond me. Silly girl.

I agree with most of that, I can't understand folk who think they can experiment with it because it is dangerous and edgy and think they won't get hooked. Deluded idiots. For some folk it is an escape from some horrible thing that has happened to them in their life and I do have sympathy for that.

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It's easy enough to get whatever you need anyway, so even if some drugs became legally available, i doubt the numbers would increase much. The thrill of it all might lose its lustre if you take away the rebellious lure.

Yeah..ticht brikks I agree with that...


Whoever it was that said legalisation can't possibly be the answer has rolled up his foreskin..pulled it over his head and vanished up his ain erse


Whoever said that btw..I'm not for hostilities...lively debate is healthy! ;o)


(How do you enable these phukkin emoticons?)

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Probably. Always good to get another viewpoint though.


Everyone knows heroin is addictive and if you take it you run the risk to becoming a junkie, why take it? They have never experienced before, can't miss what you've never had huh? Total down and outs might feel they've nothing to lose, that they'll take any cheap thrill they can and from then it's a downward spiral. But why seemingly well off kids with the world at their feet (Amy Winehouse) would even contemplate it is beyond me. Silly girl.


Therein lies the million dollar question.


Maybe they thought like you did and to quote you, "if there was something you wanted to give up, i don't see how you couldn't. ".


So maybe they thought they wouldn't get addicted, they try it, feel great don't feel addicted, don't do it again for ages, try it again, feel great again, still don't feel addicted, fine so far..... etc etc etc.


However there are many, many reasons why people take drugs.

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Some people find it difficult to quit being a bell-end...for wahtever reason..


Don't set up a rehab centre please ...you'll lose all your money


A bellend rehab clinic, now there's a Dragon's Den'er if ever I heard one.


Duncan 'What's your vision'


Me 'Open up a centre for bellends, a first in the history of mankind, to cure bellends of their bell-endedness and rehabilitite them into normal people, you can be my first customer, you c**t'


Duncan 'I'll give you 20 grand'



My prediction is that bellend centres would appear the world over, making me a fortune in franchise fees, and keeping bellends out of mischief to boot, two birds with one, erm, stone.


The only issue is that the bellends would have to admit to being bellends to themselves, which some bellends find hard to do.


It would be like the new Samaritans.

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My wife's family run rehabilitation centres in Denver, Colorado and Hamilton, Toronto. If there is one thing I have learned from them then its that addiction is really a disease. Its impossible to judge people who go into re-hab cos they are suffering from a disorder that changes who they are. Also, re-hab only works if the person concerned actually wants to be helped. Mandating re-hab is no use....they have to submit themselves to it otherwise they will fail.


Its such a sad thing to see these people. That isn't a wishy washy liberal response, its the reality of the situation. Some people just can't say no to their addiction and bad behaviours.

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A bellend rehab clinic, now there's a Dragon's Den'er if ever I heard one.


Duncan 'What's your vision'


Me 'Open up a centre for bellends, a first in the history of mankind, to cure bellends of their bell-endedness and rehabilitite them into normal people, you can be my first customer, you c**t'


Duncan 'I'll give you 20 grand'



My prediction is that bellend centres would appear the world over, making me a fortune in franchise fees, and keeping bellends out of mischief to boot, two birds with one, erm, stone.


The only issue is that the bellends would have to admit to being bellends to themselves, which some bellends find hard to do.


It would be like the new Samaritans.

Aye tup...another important contribution to this serious and emotive issue.


you tit!


phukking hilarious tho!!




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