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All day in the pub, come home about teatime, smashing off the walls, fall asleep.

Wake up a few hours later, rough as f**k, make something to eat, fall back asleep again.


And, on alternate weekends, do not drink at all, and offer my time as service to society, bit of kids fitba, that kind of thing.


I like to mix it up a bit.



Hope the kids are out at this point!

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Seen a load of junkies walking down Union Street again today, minky b*stards. The first "couple" that i seen, the girl, I assume it was a female, was shouting at her junkie mate for taking ages in the Post Office queue and that he was letting "pansies" infront of him. By this point they were past me and could hear the guy shouting as loud as he could, no idea what he said, back at her. Minks. They love a good argument in public.


Most of the junkies in Aberdeen could be burned and used as fossil fuel. No great loss to society.

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I think your old man's drinking has caused issues for you tup.



What a crazy world. Dispense with these f**king things is my advice. Lets get back to the days when you had to sprint to the phonebox with 10p to phone the bar and try and get a hold of your faither, and where the owner would call out his name, and you could audibly hear him saying 'tell them I'm not here'.


Magic, halcyon days.


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If I have the kids with me, I always have soft drinks.


There's no point in one or two drinks, futile.


Either you go all out on a raxxer, or you dinna bother.


I'm a 100%'er, at everything.


you are weird min. do you just come on here to wind everybody up? you just said before that you end up steaming after 1 or 2, that's hardly the raxxer as you call it. pretty sad aswell you grudge your old man having a few pints with his mates on a saturday, probibly having grafted his arse off all week.

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you are weird min. do you just come on here to wind everybody up? you just said before that you end up steaming after 1 or 2, that's hardly the raxxer as you call it. pretty sad aswell you grudge your old man having a few pints with his mates on a saturday, probibly having grafted his arse off all week.


I was talking one or two glasses of wine, not pints, as it was barassie I was speaking to, and he likes a poof juice or two with his food.


I can handle being steamin, just not with the kids, as you notice the effect of the drink far more when you have to do practical things.


So working all week entitles you to get smashed at the weekend? You must be a weegie.

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I was talking one or two glasses of wine, not pints, as it was barassie I was speaking to, and he likes a poof juice or two with his food.


I can handle being steamin, just not with the kids, as you notice the effect of the drink far more when you have to do practical things.


So working all week entitles you to get smashed at the weekend? You must be a weegie.


lots of people prefer the vino instead of beer with a meal.


na, i'm not a weegie. aberdeen born and bred.


what practical things you attempting to do with your kids on a saturday night like? nothing wrong with going out for a few shandies with your mates on a saturday after the football for example imo. just depends on whether the wife lets you i suppose.

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lots of people prefer the vino instead of beer with a meal.


na, i'm not a weegie. aberdeen born and bred.


what practical things you attempting to do with your kids on a saturday night like? nothing wrong with going out for a few shandies with your mates on a saturday after the football for example imo. just depends on whether the wife lets you i suppose.


Thank christ for that, I canna stick weegies.


Crossed wires min, I was referring to Saturday afternoon, evening is fine, kids are usually bedded then anyway.

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aye, a lot of how you behave depends on the age of your kids awell.


Aye, because they get up at the crack of dawn, especially at this time of year, and you canna be lying there rough as f**k because they're in your face right away.


Best to meet them head on, 40 star jumps first thing, then you're ready for pulling up trees with your teeth, kids think they're enthusiastic, hold on a minute, faither is bubbling over with aggression at 6.30am on a Sunday.

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Aye, because they get up at the crack of dawn, especially at this time of year, and you canna be lying there rough as f**k because they're in your face right away.


Best to meet them head on, 40 star jumps first thing, then you're ready for pulling up trees with your teeth, kids think they're enthusiastic, hold on a minute, faither is bubbling over with aggression at 6.30am on a Sunday.





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I'm back in the game!


How about the occasional summer BBQ? Thats where i've let the side down? Missus keeps sober mind.


All the kids love it, i had sucker arrows stuck to my head and about 40 quid of drunkmans change swiped out my pouches all in the fun and games of being the drunkman. I canna see the harm.


My 10 year old gets Bucks Fizz at xmas and New Year, one glass mind. When i was a youth it was 2 tins of Sweetheart Stout.


I used to get a cuppy of Sweetheat Stout when I was a young loon. Used to love the stuff. Thought I would relive my youth last year at Echt Show with a Sweetheart Stout but it wasn't as good as I remembered!

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I used to get a cuppy of Sweetheat Stout when I was a young loon. Used to love the stuff. Thought I would relive my youth last year at Echt Show with a Sweetheart Stout but it wasn't as good as I remembered!


It was fine when you used to get semi-naked birds on the tins, a halcyon period for mankind.


Now women are in charge of everything FFS, worst thing we ever did was give them a say in things.

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Why don't we all mind our own business and let people do what they like, eg god put the cannabis plant on this planet, why not let people smoke the bloody things?


I would legalise the lot and let tesco sell it off the shelf.


The nanny state brigade piss me right off, I'd rather be a stoner,alkie,junkie than a boring old c**t who spends a sunday morning reading the Observer!

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Government reports all over Europe disagree with your statement. The triads were here long before they started selling grass, like every organised criminal element they spotted an opportunity and grabbed it. Now that money, handed to them by our government goes towards people smuggling and prostitution. This opportunity was handed to them on a plate, if the demand wasnt there then they wouldnt have the opportunity to supply. The demand was created by our own governments pressure on Morocco to burn their farmers fields. Before that there was a steady supply of solid coming into the UK from Morocco through Spain...


Experts would decide how much of any substance would be allowed on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. The NHS wouldnt be the new dealer, bar type establishments that are licensed and have strict guidelines along with a country wide database that all sales go into would help control the sales. If something is available, it can be discussed in an adult manner instead of the just say no sh*te we still hear today. Adult discussions would lead to a better understanding of the risks and a better educated teen is less likely to go chasing the dragon if they know and fully understand all the positives as well as the negatives, especially when a lot of the negatives are over exaggerated and over hyped while the fact they make you feel good and for a lot can be taken with none or little consequences is ignored. If you only push the bad in something and them someone finds that its actually more balanced the whole argument falls apart. It didnt work for Nancy, it failed miserably in the 80's, 90's and is still failing today. Yes there would still be issues but these issues would be controlled in the same way. Its human nature to try to escape, expand the mind, enjoy an altered state of consciousness. Why governments think they can control this after decades of failure beggars belief.


I liked your post though, saved me reading the daily mail ;)

so anyone who doesn't advocate blanket legalization of all drugs reads the daily mail. good een. ;)

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