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The Metropolitan Police are actively involved in the supply of drugs.


Which loosely translates as, the government want it this way.


The only question then is, why?


Alcohol is definitely worse than drugs I'd say. I gave up alcohol just over 1 year ago and my life has been so much better since. Even managed to kick the ciggys because I don't drink alcohol and it was the biggest factor in me lighting up a fag!

My problem with alcohol was that once I started I didn't know when to stop and unfortunately when you have a wife and 3 kids it doesn't go down too well with them. I never drank during the week only at weekends but I binged big time.


I don't miss it in the slightest now as I drink the alcohol free stuff cos i do like the taste of lager. Becks blue is really good as is Bavaria but tried a new one when i was on a night oot recently called Bitburger Drive which was lovely...... If anyone knows a supermarket that sells this can they let me know!

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Alcohol is definitely worse than drugs I'd say. I gave up alcohol just over 1 year ago and my life has been so much better since. Even managed to kick the ciggys because I don't drink alcohol and it was the biggest factor in me lighting up a fag!

My problem with alcohol was that once I started I didn't know when to stop and unfortunately when you have a wife and 3 kids it doesn't go down too well with them. I never drank during the week only at weekends but I binged big time.


I don't miss it in the slightest now as I drink the alcohol free stuff cos i do like the taste of lager. Becks blue is really good as is Bavaria but tried a new one when i was on a night oot recently called Bitburger Drive which was lovely...... If anyone knows a supermarket that sells this can they let me know!



Aye but if you've never taken heroin how can you say that?

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My problem with alcohol was that once I started I didn't know when to stop and unfortunately when you have a wife and 3 kids it doesn't go down too well with them. I never drank during the week only at weekends but I binged big time.



Alcohol is massively destructive to family life, and regular consumption, even if weekend only, will undermine everything.


I can only imagine these lads boasting of their intake dinna have any family who rely on them.


A drunk father is a sorry sight for children to contemplate.

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Alcohol is massively destructive to family life, and regular consumption, even if weekend only, will undermine everything.


I can only imagine these lads boasting of their intake dinna have any family who rely on them.


A drunk father is a sorry sight for children to contemplate.


Spot on and the fact that I can get up in the mornings and take the kids on days out etc makes giving it up even more rewarding. My family life vastly improved once i kicked it into touch.


Edit to add:- If there's one thing I have learnt in the last year it's you really don't have to be drunk to have a good time. You really don't!

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Spot on and the fact that I can get up in the mornings and take the kids on days out etc makes giving it up even more rewarding. My family life vastly improved once i kicked it into touch.


Edit to add:- If there's one thing I have learnt in the last year it's you really don't have to be drunk to have a good time. You really don't!



Drunk or merry, i like a few glasses of wine with a meal and enjoy having a bevvy with my mates, dont see the problem

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To be drinking of a weekend, and to have children, are two incompatible things.


Anyone who thinks that you can do both is an utterly selfish individual.


You take these people into the world, it's your responsibility to make sure they are equipped for it.


Seeing their dad blitzed is not going to do that. Same goes for those who use babysitters so they can go out. Get a grip. Absolutely no hope I would leave a stranger in charge of my children. It's all governed by self-centredness, and more pertinently, alcohol.


You need to take 10 years out of your own social life if you have kids.

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To be drinking of a weekend, and to have children, are two incompatible things.


Anyone who thinks that you can do both is an utterly selfish individual.


You take these people into the world, it's your responsibility to make sure they are equipped for it.


Seeing their dad blitzed is not going to do that. Same goes for those who use babysitters so they can go out. Get a grip. Absolutely no hope I would leave a stranger in charge of my children. It's all governed by self-centredness, and more pertinently, alcohol.


You need to take 10 years out of your own social life if you have kids.



Rubbish, I go to a restaurant I take my daughter with me i have some wine, I dont get blitzed, whats the problem ? Or are you referring getting smashed ?

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Rubbish, I go to a restaurant I take my daughter with me i have some wine, I dont get blitzed, whats the problem ? Or are you referring getting smashed ?


No, I'm referring to the consumption of alcohol per se.


I appreciate things are different down your way, where 90% of you are chronic alkies, and you have the lowest life expectancy in the Western world.


Fire away, I assume this is 'wine' in the loosest possible sense?


i.e. Buckfast.

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You really are a card


Is your daughter in secondary school?


If so, then I see your point, but primary school age, wine goes out the window when kids are present in my opinion.


Otherwise, anything can happen, look at the McCanns in Portugal, too much drink = chaos, and these are supposedly very respectable individuals.

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Is your daughter in secondary school?


If so, then I see your point, but primary school age, wine goes out the window when kids are present in my opinion.


Otherwise, anything can happen, look at the McCanns in Portugal, too much drink = chaos, and these are supposedly very respectable individuals.


Tup I take her out to a place that has a kids menu she likes I have 2-3 glasses of wine max, I do not get drunk, I think its reasonably civilised. She is 8

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Tup I take her out to a place that has a kids menu she likes I have 2-3 glasses of wine max, I do not get drunk, I think its reasonably civilised. She is 8


Aye fair enough, but most such places have a policy of 2 drinks max per adult if accompanied by kids, which is sensible.


I get blazing easily, 2-3 glasses of wine and I'd be flee'in, and liable to do something mental, so it depends on your tolerance levels as well.

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Aye fair enough, but most such places have a policy of 2 drinks max per adult if accompanied by kids, which is sensible.


I get blazing easily, 2-3 glasses of wine and I'd be flee'in, and liable to do something mental, so it depends on your tolerance levels as well.


I'd also add to this that when you have young kids (under 10's) you have to be prepared for accidents etc. Imagine you've a had 2 or 3 glasses of wine and yer bairn trips and injures him/herself and you need to get them to the hospital quick. This is a major thing for me as my daughter is on Warfrin which thins the blood and stopping bleeding can be particulary hard. Me or the wife need to be sober to drive up to the hospital. When I used to drink my wife never drank because of this kind of scenario.

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Drinking creates resentment.


I always remember as a youngster seeing my dad drunk, which was not particularly common, but I felt nothing but contempt for him when he was lying snoring on the couch by 7pm on a Saturday, having been in the pub in the afternoon.


It benefits nobody.

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Drinking creates resentment.


I always remember as a youngster seeing my dad drunk, which was not particularly common, but I felt nothing but contempt for him when he was lying snoring on the couch by 7pm on a Saturday, having been in the pub in the afternoon.


It benefits nobody.


Agreed being blazin in front of kids isnt on

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Drinking creates resentment.


I always remember as a youngster seeing my dad drunk, which was not particularly common, but I felt nothing but contempt for him when he was lying snoring on the couch by 7pm on a Saturday, having been in the pub in the afternoon.


It benefits nobody.


My god, what a monster. I hope he was locked up.

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More than once every couple of months.


thats fair....


I enjoy a a drink in the house with friends and family every 6-8 weeks, where we cook homemade pizzas,burgers etc for the kids, they all play in the back and garden, play their own music, and the adults have a good few drinks, most get drunk, but normally all over by midnight these days.


Me and the Mrs have started to refuse most nights out these days, as it just fukks the weekend with the kids....I never get "private" babysitters , its always the grandparents and always overnight, so I can wear my gimp mask and use her vibo.

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Drinking creates resentment.


I always remember as a youngster seeing my dad drunk, which was not particularly common, but I felt nothing but contempt for him when he was lying snoring on the couch by 7pm on a Saturday, having been in the pub in the afternoon.It benefits nobody.


i will also remind you TUP.


"Men are supposed to work, drink, shag and fight. A man's place is at the bar when in leisure time"

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i will also remind you TUP.


"Men are supposed to work, drink, shag and fight. A man's place is at the bar when in leisure time"


Saturday efternoon, when you have small kids, is not leisure time, far from it, you're right at the coalface of life.


So to drink under such circumstances is to say subconsciously to your children that you dinna give a f**k about them.

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Don't justify yourself barassie it's perfectly normal and acceptable.


If I have the kids with me, I always have soft drinks.


There's no point in one or two drinks, futile.


Either you go all out on a raxxer, or you dinna bother.


I'm a 100%'er, at everything.

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Saturday efternoon, when you have small kids, is not leisure time, far from it, you're right at the coalface of life.


So to drink under such circumstances is to say subconsciously to your children that you dinna give a f**k about them.


If men are supposed to work, drink, shag and fight, and drinking is not suitable to do in front of the kids, then I hope it is working that you find acceptable behaviour on a Saturday with the kids.

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