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me neither.


you are unaware of what i alluded to / it was two ezamples of IMO their aggressive marketing which borders on the shit. now they are mini chain of pubs. poor mans all bar one.


that is not the micro brewing philosophy from which they started. fair play to them if they want to be the next ab inbev but ill stick to more subtle less in your face beers as IMO they are stule over substance


To be fair to the BrewDog guys they don't pay for advertising on tv, magazines etc so they have to rely on their online presense and social media. Quite easy to avoid if you avoid their website I would think... no?


They are hardly inbev either and their brewery is a pretty small place in the grand scheme of things. Fair play to them though, they are doing well for a couple of local lads and are ambitious.


I also happen enjoy the majority of their beer (and the range of stuff they sell from elsewhere) and don't get wound up by their marketing and who drinks in their bar.

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Anyway, Brewdog. It's a NE company and they appear to branching out and being successful, no doubt benefiting some banker cunt along the way too. Onybody ken onythin aboot these guys? Good cunts, or wanks?


EDIT: Right on cue johnny mac. Cheers. Haven't seen their website. Will check it now.


Have met them a few times. The long haired chap Martin (head brewer) is a cracker of a lad. Pretty quiet but will go out of his way to chat and is a down to earth loon.


The other guy James is responsible for all the marketing etc.


In my opinion more bars like theirs are exactly what Aberdeen needs as opposed to scores of Belhaven hellholes with the same shite food / beer selection that litter the place (still enjoy a pint of best in Ma Camerons occasionally mind you).


Variety is the spice of life and all that pish.

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Fuck me. How refreshing. Saw the alternative Queens speech there on the Home Page. At first I thought, the boy's a bit effeminate and they obviously have zero future in comedy but when the hairy one (the better of the two) started calling the majors "fuckers" - me love a LOT. Marketing guy might be a bit of a wanker, actually, no might about it in that shite hat and clothes, but whatever the fuck they're doing it's working and if it means taking on the establishment, me like a lot. I'm going to try their whole range now.


What was it you said earlier, (can't use multi quote on my phone), but think it was along the lines of 'advertisement can't make me buy fuck all'... :sherlock:


Their 'wacky', 'we don't conform', this isn't really advertising advertising clearly works.

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the black eens are usually the best - imperial stout style, sweet, smooth and weighing in arount 10%

when it comes to packing a taste at thecomplwte opposite end to a lager

style takes getting used to though


i think i had brewdogs on before, might have been called 8am saint or something

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Tennent's from a can- yuck.


It's a weegie's drink.



Pints of T are far better, but quality varies fae pub to pub, if it's in your local, poured by bar staff that ken fit they're doin, they dinna want to lose trade by sellin shit pints, so almost always a fine pint. The Grill and many of the Market/ Guild St pubs do this too. However if it's any other shithole in the city center, most o the time yer getting some uncaring student wank, all fake smiles, and only knows the absolute basics of pint pouring, nae bothering their arses with making sure it's any good. Therefore a shite pint, much like their establishments.

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Anyway, Brewdog. It's a NE company and they appear to branching out and being successful, no doubt benefiting some banker cunt along the way too. Onybody ken onythin aboot these guys? Good cunts, or wanks?


EDIT: Right on cue johnny mac. Cheers. Haven't seen their website. Will check it now.

I went to school with them. Fine enough chaps.


I tried their lager which said all other bottled lagers were bland which turned out to be ironic as it was more bland than water.

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