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Brewdog is minging sour pish. Massive credit to them though for turning out loads of pish & selling it so well to a load of would be beer snobs that speak a load of pish about a pishy beer.


Would rather sook sour milk through mini's wank sock than drink that pish.


You're into sour beer?


James and the team want to make a sour beer facility, but they need YOUR help to make it happen.


Click here: https://www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks using referral code R234983 for cool punk goodies.

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You're into sour beer?


James and the team want to make a sour beer facility, but they need YOUR help to make it happen.


Click here: https://www.brewdog.com/equityforpunks using referral code R234983 for cool punk goodies.

I do admire what they have done & how they done it & I know a few folk that have done well with their shares.


Massive credit to them but doesn't change the fact for me that their beer is pish.

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I do admire what they have done & how they done it & I know a few folk that have done well with their shares.


Massive credit to them but doesn't change the fact for me that their beer is pish.

You need to try some more there is heaps of different tastes/strengths if you do not like one try some more

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There are a million microbreweries in Yankieland that dwarf Brewdog. But in America it's more about how well you can fool the massive pool of morons who are your potential customer base.


Having plenty experience fooling the even more cynical Brits into thinking their dregs are drinkable, they should have very little problem tricking the Yanks.


I think they'll do quite well. Awful product + Slick marketing = $$$

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But in America it's more about how well you can fool the massive pool of morons who are your potential customer base.


Having plenty experience fooling the even more cynical Brits into thinking their dregs are drinkable, they should have very little problem tricking the Yanks.


I think they'll do quite well. Awful product + Slick marketing = $$$


Budweiser being a good example.

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People always hate what they can't understand.

I get what you mean here but I'm just not that in to it, I like dead pony and I like Punk IPA, tried a couple of others but they are no great shakes, better beers out there plus Brewdog seems to attract young lads that think they are cool and edgy because they spent £120 in there on a night out (not much of a night out if you stay in there) I've not been in the bar and don't plan to, them opening up in the grave of Snafu is just shit aswell.

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I get what you mean here but I'm just not that in to it, I like dead pony and I like Punk IPA, tried a couple of others but they are no great shakes, better beers out there plus Brewdog seems to attract young lads that think they are cool and edgy because they spent £120 in there on a night out (not much of a night out if you stay in there) I've not been in the bar and don't plan to, them opening up in the grave of Snafu is just shit aswell.

We have always shared the same opinion on this.


I firmly believe people only jump on this bandwagon because they think it makes them sophisticated and different from the usual lager lout. The bar is generally full of two types, pretentious stuck up twats or smelly punks with leather jackets and long hair.


They have however done extremely well and kudos to them for doing so.

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Budweiser being a good example.


That's the perfect example of style over substance. Completely undrinkable pisswater with a marketing budget larger than the gross product of most small nations, scarfed down by stupid kids, brainless hipsters, and lassies who think 2% is the upper limit of alcohol content.


Anyone offers me a can of that and I decline, asking, "Can I have a beer instead." I think that's a very clever thing to say... so....

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I firmly believe people only jump on this bandwagon because they think it makes them sophisticated and different from the usual lager lout.


The bar is generally full of two types, pretentious stuck up twats or smelly punks with leather jackets and long hair.


There is always going to be some people who just get into something because they think it makes them cool. Doesn't matter if it's a band, fashion, football team etc etc.


So what category do I fall into?


I don't rate Brewdog that high in terms of all the craft breweries the world over but what they make is better than 99% of the shit normally consumed in the UK.

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Nothing wring with bud.


Other than absolutely everything, i'd agree.



I don't rate Brewdog that high in terms of all the craft breweries the world over but what they make is better than 99% of the shit normally consumed in the UK.


This. Punk is wonderful (as is Hardcore). But other than that, most of their stuff is nothing special.

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We have always shared the same opinion on this.


I firmly believe people only jump on this bandwagon because they think it makes them sophisticated and different from the usual lager lout. The bar is generally full of two types, pretentious stuck up twats or smelly punks with leather jackets and long hair.


They have however done extremely well and kudos to them for doing so.

Nail. On. head.


Went in once asked for a beer but had no idea what kind. Guy lined up about 15 tasters to try. All of them mingin. I asked if there was a lager and he handed me a bottle. It was also mingin so I left. Place was full of smelly beauts too.

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I know you personally and know you to be fine guy but chat like above doesn't exactly help your cause here.

The first comment was just a wind up to be fair.


I don't really care if folk like Brewdog or not it's only a beer. Half my mates wouldn't touch it.


What does bother me is folk who instantly label something shite and everyone who likes it wanks because they don't like it. It's rather narrow minded.


Although on the other hand some beer geeks deserve all the abuse they get.


Boy once talked about adding black pepper to a beer to enhance the flavour. For fucks sake.

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