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Kenny Shiels & Glory Hunters

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Shiels is correct. In fact I bet what he wanted to say but stopped himself is that its pathetic people in Ayrshire are more interested in the faux religious ethnic traditions of the OF than actually just supporting their local football team.


But he softened it I reckon by using the catch all "glory hunters" instead.


It's why Kilmarnock get such crap attendances and I feel pretty sorry for them in that regard.


On the glory hunters debate I think its easy enough to define - people who chose a team ONLY because its successful and then if the success wains move on to something else. That is a definitive glory hunter.


I think anyone from anywhere can get hooked on a team - one great performance or one inspiring player might do it. If you stick with this team for the rest of your days, even when they are not doing well, then no one can call you a glory hunter.


OF fans of course are part of a system designed to guarantee success so they are the worst kind of glory hunter possible. They support a team that is guaranteed to be kept at the top for their lifetime. Sad, unimaginative, lonely little fckers with nothing else in their life.

They can't afford to support a real football team as they might lose a game and then when faced with the vacuous emptiness of the rest of their deadbeat lives they are likely to top themselves.


Sometime I wonder why 40-50k people actually bother going to Celtic and Rangers games. What possible enjoyment can anyone get from watching a victory with such massive overwhelming odds in your favour? But then these are seriously deluded, uneducated people we are talking about.

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Shiels is correct. In fact I bet what he wanted to say but stopped himself is that its pathetic people in Ayrshire are more interested in the faux religious ethnic traditions of the OF than actually just supporting their local football team.


But he softened it I reckon by using the catch all "glory hunters" instead.


It's why Kilmarnock get such crap attendances and I feel pretty sorry for them in that regard.


On the glory hunters debate I think its easy enough to define - people who chose a team ONLY because its successful and then if the success wains move on to something else. That is a definitive glory hunter.


I think anyone from anywhere can get hooked on a team - one great performance or one inspiring player might do it. If you stick with this team for the rest of your days, even when they are not doing well, then no one can call you a glory hunter.


OF fans of course are part of a system designed to guarantee success so they are the worst kind of glory hunter possible. They support a team that is guaranteed to be kept at the top for their lifetime. Sad, unimaginative, lonely little fckers with nothing else in their life.

They can't afford to support a real football team as they might lose a game and then when faced with the vacuous emptiness of the rest of their deadbeat lives they are likely to top themselves.


Sometime I wonder why 40-50k people actually bother going to Celtic and Rangers games. What possible enjoyment can anyone get from watching a victory with such massive overwhelming odds in your favour? But then these are seriously deluded, uneducated people we are talking about.


It's a safety in numbers thing V has to be.


Kinna happens on here as well...stick with Broon...Adams is the best prospect....you know the score...when someone like me mentions anything controversial...their on me like a pack of wolves...Tup gets the same...as before safety in numbers...Me I don't give a fu*k and neither should they....weak people... Bin Broon and get Luggy in....you know it makes sense!!

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You mention random managers every now and then.


Craigan, Adams, Sturrock.


Wonder who it'll be next month. I'm excited to find out :)


I'm sticking with Luggy...Craigan would be first choice but we've missed the boat...N Ireland bound....Adams would have been a contender but it was pointed out his dad is the brains behind him....which is a little worrying

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You mention random managers every now and then.


Craigan, Adams, Sturrock.


Wonder who it'll be next month. I'm excited to find out :)


Funny Adams is mentioned as I was back at a party last Friday and the guy who owns the house isa direct relation to Derek and George Adams.


Derek Adams will be our next manager make no mistake about it.


I'd forgotten we'd had that discussion until I read this thread. :drink: :drink: :drink: :dancin::blink: :blink:

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Funny Adams is mentioned as I was back at a party last Friday and the guy who owns the house isa direct relation to Derek and George Adams.


Derek Adams will be our next manager make no mistake about it.


I'd forgotten we'd had that discussion until I read this thread. :drink: :drink: :drink: :dancin::blink: :blink:


So whats the word on whether Derek is genuinely competent or relies on his fathers hand?

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So whats the word on whether Derek is genuinely competent or relies on his fathers hand?


I have no idea.


Only recall the home owner telling me about Derek coming to Pittodrie as the next manager. No timeline or anything else such as Brown getting sacked or leaving at the end of the season was forthcoming.


EIther way it'd be a good choice of manager in my opinion should Brown either walk, get sacked or make it to season's end.

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Bollocks and probably the most ridiculous suggestion I think I've ever witnessed on a football message board.


Your wrong Chief....do a bit of research into Luggy's recent form and them come back....Luggy is at the top of his game...and he wouldn't take any shit off Milne either

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boof is correct, it's already been decreed that Adams is our next manager, that's why he went back to County, to bide his time, as a proper manager not a coach.


It's only a case of when, not if.


He is far and away the best candidate, and the choice is a good one, as recommended by me some three years ago.


It's good that those in power at Pittodrie sit up and listen when I speak.

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boof is correct, it's already been decreed that Adams is our next manager, that's why he went back to County, to bide his time, as a proper manager not a coach.


It's only a case of when, not if.


He is far and away the best candidate, and the choice is a good one, as recommended by me some three years ago.


It's good that those in power at Pittodrie sit up and listen when I speak.


While I respect your judgment on AdamsTup....I'd be interested to hear what you think of my man Luggy...I know he is a wild card...but an Ellon loon doing a good job on a meagre budget...could he be the man for the job?

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why do the mods allow this continual crap to come from the same people?


What crap?


I spoke to Derek Adams' cousin who happens to be the younger brother of my mate.


Is that SO difficult to comprehend?


Complain if it offends you so much otherwise if you have nothing constructive to add then keep quiet and stick to waffling about antiques in Harris and being ripped off on ebay.

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While I respect your judgment on AdamsTup....I'd be interested to hear what you think of my man Luggy...I know he is a wild card...but an Ellon loon doing a good job on a meagre budget...could he be the man for the job?


I rule him out on the grounds that he is a fat mess and no player can respect a manager who resembles Jabba the Hut no matter how good a coach he may or may not be.


He canna help himself with the pies and stuff, do you respect Charlie Allan?

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haha i see what you did there..!






only asked because i know "fishing" is frowned upon on here, yet you and ur friend seem to get away with doing it constantly..


do you make these stories up purely to look important, or purely to fool the gullable on here?


I haven't made up the story and so the answer to your question is neither.


Not every post is a fishing post from me Millertime.


I've simply stated that Derek Adams' cousin claims that Derek Adams will be the next Aberdeen manager.


If I was that interested in trying to get folk to believe a made up story I'd have started a thread titled "Guess what I was told" or something along those lines in the Rumour Mill thread.


Please reign in your paranoia as not every post on this board is an attempted wind up of pure and utter bollocks.


Your posts not withstanding.

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Kilmarnock FC I've always seen as a branch of Glasgow Rangers in any case, their Loyalist cousins, who hoard terrorists like Johnny Adair in sleepy villages, and roll out the red carpet if their big team are needing the points to get above Celtic.


Witness their pathetic collapse last day of last season for evidence.

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I rule him out on the grounds that he is a fat mess and no player can respect a manager who resembles Jabba the Hut no matter how good a coach he may or may not be.


He canna help himself with the pies and stuff, do you respect Charlie Allan?


No....point taken about Luggy's waistline still think he's got one big appointment ahead of him....maybe not with us though....we'll see

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No....point taken about Luggy's waistline still think he's got one big appointment ahead of him....maybe not with us though....we'll see


Maybe to get a gastric band fitted.


Any man who cannot see his own cock and balls, and has not seen them for some time, must have his overall character called into question.

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