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Rangers V Aberdeen

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That's the thing about 21 years of not winning at that hellhole, for the younger ones such as mysekf every visit there's the potential to have the best day/bounce of our Dons supporting lives.


Actually think folk could get mangled in that bounce.


I only went to Ibrox once and never went back, it was the most unpleasant experience ive ever had at a football match. I was 16 or 17, the ground was being redeveloped, there was no segregation or even expectation that any away fans would be there. I think we took one bus from northern lights supporters club and we made the mistake of going into the enclosure, i dont think we would have had any colours on but still got quickly picked out and threatened with being bottled, beaten up etc. thankfully we beat them 1-0 with a late archibald goal, but by that time we were back on the bus which had at least one smashed window....then it was a cold journey back north but at least we had beaten the scum.

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Edit: Dynamo Berlin lads is it not?


Yeah, I think your right, can't claim to be in the know about that side of things, I assume they became "friends" because we were playing Hertha. As well as seeing them at the Motherwell game, I seem to remember a few Germans in Madrid.

If they are going into the Huns section, does that mean the Aberdeen guys they are meeting here are also going in there, surely not?

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Yeah, I think your right, can't claim to be in the know about that side of things, I assume they became "friends" because we were playing Hertha. As well as seeing them at the Motherwell game, I seem to remember a few Germans in Madrid.

If they are going into the Huns section, does that mean the Aberdeen guys they are meeting here are also going in there, surely not?

Nae sure - think the Dynamo lads have turned up at a few Dons games away from home in last few years. Pretty scary looking bunch in their DMs and bomber jackets and no (head) hair between them!!

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Nae sure - think the Dynamo lads have turned up at a few Dons games away from home in last few years. Pretty scary looking bunch in their DMs and bomber jackets and no (head) hair between them!!


Scary is understating it, either need a crash course on pavement dancing from Dayts, or else I'll need to check the trainers thread for what will get me away from them the fastest ;)

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Scary is understating it, either need a crash course on pavement dancing from Dayts, or else I'll need to check the trainers thread for what will get me away from them the fastest ;)

Never seen them do anything wrong though. Just sitting watching the game then getting police escort everywhere they go before and after match.

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was lurking on follow follow earlier and the filth seem to have been gettin in touch with stewards and police about 2 banners (simmie one and a suppose HMRC one?)

I can't say i'd be surprised with the Simmie banner - even if it is just the testimonial one - but the possible banning of the HRMC one is a farce if true. It's only light-hearted humour FFS, i mean these cunts are allowed to display whatever banners they want so why are we being targeted?

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Its sad but that is what they are all like. We've seen it all before.


Childish and petty are 2 very good words to describe the average Rangers fan.


Apparently the only "banter" allowed at Ibrox is their faux religious tradition nonsense they just invented to give themselves a purpose. I mean as if any of them even know what the fundamental difference between a catholic and a protestant is.

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I only went to Ibrox once and never went back, it was the most unpleasant experience ive ever had at a football match. I was 16 or 17, the ground was being redeveloped, there was no segregation or even expectation that any away fans would be there. I think we took one bus from northern lights supporters club and we made the mistake of going into the enclosure, i dont think we would have had any colours on but still got quickly picked out and threatened with being bottled, beaten up etc. thankfully we beat them 1-0 with a late archibald goal, but by that time we were back on the bus which had at least one smashed window....then it was a cold journey back north but at least we had beaten the scum.


I refused to go anymore after one incident lord knows how long ago now, maybe 8-10 years ago... It's like being surrounded by feral scum, if you're still stuck in that corner. And the treatment by the police is a fucking scandal. I actually lived in Glasgow and so did my mate and we were literally getting man handle off the train at St Enoch, naturally we stayed on the train but not without some grief... I seem to recall we were all marched to the Underground and put on the wrong platform... Cocks...


But after however long it's been I felt I needed to experience this one more time to see if anything's changed... I don't think I really hate Rangers as much as I did, I just think I mock them more now... and it would be nice if it was the last trip to Ibrox before they bulldoze it... Alas it looks like I'll be watching it on some dodgy tv feed... Have fun if you're going !

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Nae quite as motivational as KSL's drunken early morning "Freedom" speech


But aye, in tae them!


Sadly stuck offshore for this one, so no drunken words of encouragement from me.

Won't even get to listen to the game.

Useless Shell bastards!!!



Lets get torn into these torn faced, buckfast swilling, benefit scrounging, neanderthal hun cunts!


Pray for a 30 seconds gone and Arnie ploughing right through Sone.

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Sadly stuck offshore for this one, so no drunken words of encouragement from me.

Won't even get to listen to the game.

Useless Shell bastards!!!



Lets get torn into these torn faced, buckfast swilling, benefit scrounging, neanderthal hun cunts!


Pray for a 30 seconds gone and Arnie ploughing right through Sone.

That's it, we're fucking doomed I tell thee!

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My enthusisam for this game went a long time ago, after so many inept displays, but for some reason, I'm well up for it today, and the general mood of the board seems to be the same, is one little win to much to ask for, come on reds, get tore into the bastards, show for the ball at all times, go in hard, attack at all times, boot Aluko, shut up the 50,000 mongs, and give us the bounce to end all bounces, COME ON YE REDS!!!!!!!

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