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Paul Lawrie's Corner

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Cut made but a struggle. New driver misbehaving?


Guys sorry I wasn't on last week but couldn't get website to work in Dubai ,last week was a bit of a struggle with the driver and the short game my up and down stats very poor and had 126 putts for the week which is to many , I'm at home this week then two of the next three weeks in the states for Wgc events which I'm really looking forward to


Cheers paul

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Superb stuff Paul, hitting the ball better than ever, in your 40s.


Other than the Open, is this your biggest win, based on the quality of the field, or was the Dunhill Cup a bigger win for you?


You playing in Dubai next week, or heading home?


Dunhill links was the next biggest as it had been over two years since I had won the open and the press were giving me grief

Just home from Dubai and have this week off before heading to the states for two of next three weeks


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What do you put the better form down to Paul?


New clubs?


New swing?


New coach / caddy?


Or simply all of us motivation coaches and the great advice dished out in the golf thread at AFC Chat? :sherlock:


Great win. :applause: :applause: :applause:



Defo started playing good again when I started reading afc chat!!!!!!!!!!!!


It has been a bit of everything really swinging it better putting slightly better confidence has came back



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