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Sevco Thread

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Re the buns summer spending:


These recent articles below claim that the £9.7 million spent was money the huns didn't have and in fact it was actually a Qatari organisation which bought the players and is leasing them back to the huns.


This info has been confirmed by 3 sources apparently. it is also speculated that it was Pedro who set-up this deal - and his ability to access Qatari finance for players was a factor in why he was originally given the job.






PMG doesnt mention Qatar, but his latest offering does says that Pedros ability to source finance for players was a factor in him getting the job.




(I am aware some ppl do not put any stock in independent bloggers - that is fair enough and they should just ignore these links, rather than embarking on another major rant about football bloggers.)


For the record I think JJ seems well connected and that PMG is just churnalism these days (albeit I till enjoy reading his hun baiting). There seems no love lost between them, with JJ accusing PMG of making things up.


Edit - all sources will be wrong at times, but I would believe these sources on football, before the SMSM.

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I don't know the ins and outs but I thought this companies owning footballers contracts and leasing them to clubs had all been stopped after the whole Tevez nonsense. I don't know. Anyway, guess I'm asking if that set up is allowed? I know Rangers aren't always too bothered by "the rules" but you'd think they want to avoid that kind of stuff for a while after the tax cases.

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Whoever goes there is an a lose-lose scenario. Realistically, how much money and time is going to take for Sevco to catch up with Celtic? And those are the two things that the club and fans don’t want to spend.


Celtic are unstoppable and in the same way that the Scottish game changed to a complete duopoly in late 80’s/90s, it has now evolved into a complete monopoly for Celtic, and the huns, along with everyone else have been left behind. The difference is of course we are used to this in a way, whereas the huns aren’t. As shite as they are just now, they wont even accept 2nd in the league every season or being the runners up in the cups, therefore any poor sod that takes that job isn’t going to be in it very long, because he wont likely win any trophies.


The expectations far exceed the required time and money that it would take to turn them around quickly and to meet the fans requirements. They appointed a ‘grade A’ dud in Pedro, panic bought dross in the summer and they are fucked for the rest of the season. Taking that job now is not going to work, purely because any chance of real success has gone and the fans want it instantly. I cant seem them writing the season off and still packing out the bastard garden next season. If the new manager can get wins against Celtic, that will keep them happy to an extent, but if they are on the end of any sort of hammering to them, the new manager will be gone before start of next season.

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The odious pricks were photographed behind Rod Stewart in the main stand, along with Paul Hartley


I found that strange. Why would them 3 be at a Dons Sellic game?

I don't know. Maybe because it was the biggest game in the Scottish league calander?


Which is sad I suppose, when you think of it. Game 10, biggest game of the season and also the last meaningful one. Apart from maybe one last ditch attempt from the bottom club to escape relegation at the end of the season, that is it. League positions will barely change from now till last game.

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"everyone who rejoiced at the demise of Rangers, I hope they can see how they are being proven wrong now" - or something to that effect.


Every time I hear that quote from Souness I piss myself.


Utter utter shite.


Alex Rae just on Radio Scotland agreeing with it saying fans in Scotland not understanding why its so important.


I think the problem these huns have, is that fans couldn't give a fuck if Sky viewing figures drop or we get less TV money. Rangers being competitive with Celtic doesn't make Scottish Football better at all, the only thing that would improve it is if all the top teams were competitive.


Having Rangers and Celtic win it for 20 years in a row isn't better than Celtic winning it for 20 years, its still shite and completely uncompetitive.


Alex Rae "let me gie you the example, if Celtic win it for the next 10 years, who will be interested in watching it"


What a fucking retard.


So basically what every hun in the country, including the ones who work in the media, and the ones who run the national game basically all the other teams can fuck off and never expect to win anything, all we need is Rangers winning, fuck the rest.

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Whoever goes there is an a lose-lose scenario. Realistically, how much money and time is going to take for Sevco to catch up with Celtic? And those are the two things that the club and fans dont want to spend.


Celtic are unstoppable and in the same way that the Scottish game changed to a complete duopoly in late 80s/90s, it has now evolved into a complete monopoly for Celtic, and the huns, along with everyone else have been left behind. The difference is of course we are used to this in a way, whereas the huns arent. As shite as they are just now, they wont even accept 2nd in the league every season or being the runners up in the cups, therefore any poor sod that takes that job isnt going to be in it very long, because he wont likely win any trophies.


The expectations far exceed the required time and money that it would take to turn them around quickly and to meet the fans requirements. They appointed a grade A dud in Pedro, panic bought dross in the summer and they are fucked for the rest of the season. Taking that job now is not going to work, purely because any chance of real success has gone and the fans want it instantly. I cant seem them writing the season off and still packing out the bastard garden next season. If the new manager can get wins against Celtic, that will keep them happy to an extent, but if they are on the end of any sort of hammering to them, the new manager will be gone before start of next season.

Outstanding post sir. Only thing to add would be that all clubs including ourselves need to adopt Motherwells approach to games with them. No surrender n'that? Aye well nae fucking nose son. Bosh!

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What was Willie's retort?

He said he absolutely loved getting booed as a player etc etc and how we've every right to. It's what football is all about. He went to a rival club and was a disrespectful spotty faced cunt on his departure.


I added in the last bit but they were arguing about it for ages. Liam Macleoud had to intervene.

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