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Spl Vote On Voting Restructure.

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In my opinion the sooner we ditch 11-1 the better , it keeps Scottish football at the beck and call of too small a clique who then bias everything else in their favour.


As for split gates - all for it - 60/40 would do nicely; we may well lose over it but the game will be better for it. With unsplit gates what have we won in the last 10 years? We need to fix the system so it doesn't just work for two teams.

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I'm saying we should be very very careful what we wish for - if clubs are going into to remove a 11-1 voting structure then that is fine and no problem - if clubs are going into it for self motiovated aims of gaining financial income at the expense of other clubs (and we are a club that would be on the losing end) then its a completely shit idea.


It doesn't matter what anyone's aims are. It's an unfair voting system. After we have a fair voting system we will have to deal with each issue one by one. Everyone will act in their own interests but a democratic system is the best way. It's up to the other clubs to communicate better in order to stop one or two clubs only considering what's best for them. Just because it might disadvantage us in the short term doesn't mean it's wrong. It's hun mentality to say lets keep a shit system because otherwise we'll get less money.

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A lot here are starting to have the of mentality regards cash split on gates but it's simply wrong to have the current voting system as is.

We need the voting system sorted now whilst we have chance.

As for my opinion on split gates, well why not have it that season ticket sales don't count & only pay at gates get split

That way it encourages more season ticket sales rather than pay at gates. Yeah we may lose a little from of fans at our ground but we would recoup more back from half cash from our own big travelling support.

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I'm saying we should be very very careful what we wish for - if clubs are going into to remove a 11-1 voting structure then that is fine and no problem - if clubs are going into it for self motiovated aims of gaining financial income at the expense of other clubs (and we are a club that would be on the losing end) then its a completely shit idea.


I don't understand your point. Yeas we may lose on some gate money but if it improves the game a a whole we will benefit as our players would improve and we could sell them on for more. You are taking a very short term view of things. Try looking at the bigger picture. It's not as if our crowds are increasing either. If the game continues as it is our gates will be tiny anyway.

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I'm saying we should be very very careful what we wish for - if clubs are going into to remove a 11-1 voting structure then that is fine and no problem - if clubs are going into it for self motiovated aims of gaining financial income at the expense of other clubs (and we are a club that would be on the losing end) then its a completely shit idea.

You seem to be confusing the "1" vote, ie. two teams vote toger and something is vetoed, with a positive vote that would be required to change things.


You're running scared of a minority of clubs who might wish to propose splitting gate money. How are they going to get that through exactly? Even if it were down to a simple majority, it would require 7 of 12 to vote for it, that would never happen, unless most clubs think it would be for the good of the game.


Personally, I look at the NFL for all things right with team sports, so if we were to become the first split gate receipt football league in the wordl, bring it the fuck on, competitiveness, not guff fitba pre-determined shite is what we want.

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Have the people arguing against split gates considered that with one of the strongest travelling supports we can expect to finally get some money in from all our fans going to those away games?


Have any of you done the maths and worked out what that's worth before deciding we'd be a net loser?


I haven't worked it out myself because I can't possibly see gates bring split anyway, but it's something to keep in mind.

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Have the people arguing against split gates considered that with one of the strongest travelling supports we can expect to finally get some money in from all our fans going to those away games?


Have any of you done the maths and worked out what that's worth before deciding we'd be a net loser?


I haven't worked it out myself because I can't possibly see gates bring split anyway, but it's something to keep in mind.

Was thinking that myself.


Not hard to do for those with the info/stats at hand.

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Ironic that they will have to vote at least 11-1 in order to change voting structure. Considering it was voted in 12-0 by the imbeciles that run our clubs pretty safe to predict the motion will fail!!


Aye, celtic will just throw a club a wee bung to vote in their favour, or the huns will try it so that normal services resume when they return.

I expect that the kille chairman for example will happily drop his breeks again for them.

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The clubs must keep up the momentum & vote to change this utterly ridiculous voting rule. What's the point in all standing together (& for what's 100% right & just) to make sure the huns get the deserved punishment, in that they weren't allowed to remain in the SPL as a newco, if we are now going to allow this stupid rule to remain where an 11-1 vote is required to make changes in our league? a rule that was basically created by the OF & allowed them to railroad all things in their direction.


Any club that sides with this rule should be berated by all other clubs fans at every match & that goes for Aberdeen also.


It's a disgusting rule made up by disgusting people only for the benefit of disgusting & corrupt people.


The voting system should be just a majority vote of 7-5, or if it worries them that much then make it a little more, like 8-4 but anything is better than fkn 11-1 or 10-2.

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I cannae find so much as a jot of news about this vote,on the SPL site or BBC Scotland.

Mind you I'm a thick cunt so if anybody has any news,you ken whit tae dae.


At the bottom of another article:


SPL clubs were expected to consider a proposal to change the league's voting structure , but no decision has been reached on that topic.


An 11-1 majority is required for major changes, such as redistribution of wealth, and some clubs are pushing for all votes to be decided by a 9-3 majority.




As someone else said no one seems to give a toss. The continuation of all the problems in Scottish Football is on some part due to the press and media coverage. If this decision was in some small way affecting Rangers or Sevco all of the press pack would be demading a quick decision and decrying all of the SPL board for delaying it again.

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At the bottom of another article:


SPL clubs were expected to consider a proposal to change the league's voting structure , but no decision has been reached on that topic.


An 11-1 majority is required for major changes, such as redistribution of wealth, and some clubs are pushing for all votes to be decided by a 9-3 majority.




As someone else said no one seems to give a toss. The continuation of all the problems in Scottish Football is on some part due to the press and media coverage. If this decision was in some small way affecting Rangers or Sevco all of the press pack would be demading a quick decision and decrying all of the SPL board for delaying it again.

Thanks for that Vendetta,the red tops today were full of how shellic are going to give Barca a good game,sefco have turned the corner and poor old chuck the snake oil salesman used to sell coal from a pram.Just another good old,OF fucking love in.Third division the rangers getting a center page write up in one weegie arsewipe of a paper and Chuckie on the front page of the other.Not a peep about the vote that I could see.

Speaking to people at the game yesterday and all agreed change is needed in the voting structure but with differing splits.

For me going to the games is becoming a duty rather than for enjoyment to be honest,with all the shit that seems to be happening or more importantly for me,not fucking happening.

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Fucking joke. It's as if nothing is happening here. We've begged and begged and begged for change, even just a few weeks ago with how shite Scotland were, yet when the chance for it comes, nobody gives a toss. This thread should be on a good few pages by now. Soo fucking apathetic. In fact, you might want to take the "a" off of that last word!

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Fucking joke. It's as if nothing is happening here. We've begged and begged and begged for change, even just a few weeks ago with how shite Scotland were, yet when the chance for it comes, nobody gives a toss. This thread should be on a good few pages by now. Soo fucking apathetic. In fact, you might want to take the "a" off of that last word!



Says the man posting his second post in the thread :laughing:

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SPL talks set to continue

SPL clubs will continue talks over potential changes to the competition's voting structure after failing to reach a decision on Monday.




Clubs discussed the idea of moving to a 9-3 majority system across the board rather than the status quo, which sees different majorities needed for certain issues.


Major change currently requires an 11-1 majority but the loss of Rangers has not sparked the expected end to what had been termed by some as the 'Old Firm veto'.


After a meeting of all 12 clubs and a subsequent board meeting, SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster said: "The debate around voting structure rumbles on and that will be reconsidered by clubs on November 19."


When asked whether there would be a vote next month, Doncaster said: "Who can say? We expected potentially a vote today. The clubs agreed it should be put back to November for further discussions, so let's wait and see.


"I think making any predictions on timescales, whether it's voting change or reconstruction, whatever it may be, is always flawed.


"We have to give these discussions time and we will see whether they will bear fruit."


League reconstruction was the other major topic of discussion but no concrete proposals emerged and talks will continue with the Scottish Football League and the governing body.


"There is a real desire for change within the game," Doncaster said.


"There is a public appetite for change, and that is matched by clubs as well.


"So hopefully we can work together to come up with a set of proposals on which we will get a consensus.


"Different clubs have different views about what the ideal format is. I think it's important on any change that you form a consensus.


"So we'll be working with all parties within Scottish football, our clubs and obviously the SFA and SFL, to see if we can agree exactly what that consensus should be."


SPL clubs are up to date with early season revenue from commercial partners and Doncaster is pleased with the way the league is coping without Rangers.


"That's for other people to judge but certainly we are delighted to be back playing football," he said.


"Crowds have held up very well, commercial income is holding up pretty well in terms of central revenues.


"But we are delighted that the focus is once again on the football, which is where it should be."



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This is why the SPL needs to be disbanded. They cannot make any decisions for the good of the game whatsoever. Lets face it, he only reason they voted against Sevco is because the fans were furious and let it be known. It wasn't through choice. Now its back to business as usual, fuck the fans we know best attitude. What is there to discuss? The voting structure is a joke. I'd like to know who is delaying things and if AFC is complicit in it Milne should hang his head in shame.


Changing from 11-1 to 9-3 is a token gesture and will achieve nothing. Basically the OF would only have to convince one of their allies i.e. Killie to get their way. Total joke.





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This is why the SPL needs to be disbanded. They cannot make any decisions for the good of the game whatsoever. Lets face it, he only reason they voted against Sevco is because the fans were furious and let it be known. It wasn't through choice. Now its back to business as usual, fuck the fans we know best attitude. What is there to discuss? The voting structure is a joke. I'd like to know who is delaying things and if AFC is complicit in it Milne should hang his head in shame.


Changing from 11-1 to 9-3 is a token gesture and will achieve nothing. Basically the OF would only have to convince one of their allies i.e. Killie to get their way. Total joke.

Agree...but if it was 9-3 they'd need 4 votes to block shit.

9 would carry. Aye?

Like 11 does now. Wi' 2 required to block.

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Perhaps SM is seeing the short term gain - he maybe thinks there is potential to finish 2nd this season, so prize money would be good if it stayed the same. He maybe plans to invest in January to make sure this happens, with a Champions League campaign netting 10 million next season?


Then he's a fud.


The vote would not be about revenue distribution this season, but about how decisions are made moving forward - and there is no guarantee we'll even finish in the top half of the table, let alone higher than 3rd.


A separate vote would then be required to change prize money distribution.


In any event, it is precisely that kind of self-interest that has got the game in this country to where it is now...

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