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Spl Vote On Voting Restructure.

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I'm not adopting anything, I always thought that we should get money for our away support. More than happy to give other clubs a cut of the Pittodrie gate relating to the fans they bring. Had enough of being a subsidy junkie for other clubs. Hearts are supposed to be bigger than us yet we take three times the support to Tynecastle than they take to Pittodrie. Same with Hibs.



But AFC are a business and as such should be doing as much as they can to generate


I see nothing wrong with the away team getting a share of what their fans are paying

the home team.


All that would happen if the away gates were split is teams like Hibs, Hearts, & maybe even Utd would half the allocation that they now give us.

The Wee teams would likely keep giving us the same but the decent away games that we enjoy so much would be ruined for us slightly by us getting a smaller crowd for them

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All that would happen if the away gates were split is teams like Hibs, Hearts, & maybe even Utd would half the allocation that they now give us.

The Wee teams would likely keep giving us the same but the decent away games that we enjoy so much would be ruined for us slightly by us getting a smaller crowd for them

Why? Nowhere fills their stadium if we don't fill our end.

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All that would happen if the away gates were split is teams like Hibs, Hearts, & maybe even Utd would half the allocation that they now give us.

The Wee teams would likely keep giving us the same but the decent away games that we enjoy so much would be ruined for us slightly by us getting a smaller crowd for them



I was with you until you started the post. ;)

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All that would happen if the away gates were split is teams like Hibs, Hearts, & maybe even Utd would half the allocation that they now give us.

The Wee teams would likely keep giving us the same but the decent away games that we enjoy so much would be ruined for us slightly by us getting a smaller crowd for them


I think if this happened it would herald a new level in ludicrous thinking, even by our standards.


Half of nothing is nothing.


Half of something is something.


There's your answer to that nonsensical theory.

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It's a fair point, however it would be negated absolutely with a gate sharing arrangement.


Some clubs are simply bigger than others, and they have a natural advantage because of that. No dispute on that.


To give them both that natural advantage, and a further financial leverage, is simply madness, and is cast iron guaranteed to ruin your competition by making it all but impossible for the smaller clubs to compete.


Football is all about the sporting chance, without it, football is nothing.


My argument is aimed at the wee clubs who I understand want to change the voting structure so that they can then force through a change where gate receipts are split down the middle as they were in the 70's and before.


My counter argument is OK we'll give you a split but only on what your fans take to the away ground.


They want to change the structure to suit them, if there is a change I advocate something which will absolutely help my club and as a bonus negate the argument that Celtic are subsidising us.

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fair enough RTYD


It doesn't bother me in in the slightest that we have a bigger travelling support than the rest. Perhaps the club should be looking to increase our poor home record rather than worrying about our travelling numbers :dontknow:


you are getting your point across, we just don't agree with you


As long as you understand my point that is fine, I don't need you to agree with me.


You might agree with this though; our poor home attendances have more than a little to do with the pish away supports we get at Pittodrie.

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Surprised at the stick RTYD is getting on here, I to have always said that the away team should get the money relating to their own fans, we would benefit enormously fom this, and how can it not be fair that teams get whet their fans pay to watch them.

If the arguement is, that this would benefit us, at the expense of some of the smaller teams, yes, it would, why is that wrong, have a look at our balance sheet, have a look at the "smaller teams" Balance sheets, how many have debts of circa

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Maybe what we should do is charge the other clubs a percentage of the ticket costs for any tickets that our fans buy - we are providing them with a service and an income after all.


Not sure what a fair percentage would be, but maybe 5% would be OK?




I thought that is what I said?


Anyway, everyone have one of these, that's me said all I want to on the subject.beer.gif

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Surprised at the stick RTYD is getting on here, I to have always said that the away team should get the money relating to their own fans, we would benefit enormously fom this, and how can it not be fair that teams get whet their fans pay to watch them.

If the arguement is, that this would benefit us, at the expense of some of the smaller teams, yes, it would, why is that wrong, have a look at our balance sheet, have a look at the "smaller teams" Balance sheets, how many have debts of circa

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As long as you understand my point that is fine, I don't need you to agree with me.


You might agree with this though; our poor home attendances have more than a little to do with the pish away supports we get at Pittodrie.



Still many thousands of Aberdeen fans who don't go. Those that can that is.

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The point is that there would be no league at all without the 'smaller clubs' who 'deserve nothing'.


Teams keep money they generate themselves.


The income derived directly from the football on the park gets shared equally.


Very simple, and would make for a very competitive league, where the big teams would still be the big teams, but the smaller ones would have a chance to compete with them.

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My argument is aimed at the wee clubs who I understand want to change the voting structure so that they can then force through a change where gate receipts are split down the middle as they were in the 70's and before.


My counter argument is OK we'll give you a split but only on what your fans take to the away ground.


They want to change the structure to suit them, if there is a change I advocate something which will absolutely help my club and as a bonus negate the argument that Celtic are subsidising us.


We are a wee club. The sooner folk start realising this the better.


Gates should be split 60/40. We would lose on some matches but gain on others.

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The point is that there would be no league at all without the 'smaller clubs' who 'deserve nothing'.


Teams keep money they generate themselves.


The income derived directly from the football on the park gets shared equally.


Very simple, and would make for a very competitive league, where the big teams would still be the big teams, but the smaller ones would have a chance to compete with them.


Is this on the basis of splitting all gates 50/50?


If you quickly do rough sums on this, we would still be better off, although I may be missing something.

This would mean we were handing over revenue of half of 9,000 x 18, so, for 81,000 fans, at say

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So essentially we are where we are because we all want a stronger league but do not wish to sacrifice anything to achieve it?


Which therefore makes the notion an impossibility.


We're talking about joined up thinking here, making allowances on our own behalf in order to make the collective stronger.


But nobody wants a stronger collective, they only wish to base their opinions on base one-upmanship.


If all the teams in the league get stronger, the league itself gets stronger.


If only the top one or two get stronger, the league itself gets much, much weaker.

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It's a case of saying, do we wish to get 2nd place every year for now before returning to a Celtic/sevco status quo in 3 to 4 years, or do we wish to be party to a sea change in mentality which sees us possibly sacrifice those short-term 2nd place finishes for something which offers far more long-term benefit?


Short term pain versus long term gain.


The choice is blatantly obvious to all but the most cynical of minds.

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50/50 gate splits.


Where do we stop? Is it just the top league creating an elitest league exactly the same as what is being claimed happens now with bigger teams taking all the money?


Do we include all 4 leagues meaning East Stirling and Elgin get their share of the cash as we try to create a level playing field across the board.

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Yes of course celtic fans will hate the idea but thats because the entire system is set up to benefit them currently.

So what we're talking about is something that will benefit the other 11 clubs. ie disregard celtic and their opinion on this as its irrelevant.


And you're also forgetting that your sums above don't take into account the future impact. If celtic are down

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We stop when the league becomes fair and competitive.


What we have now is utter shite for all but the deluded few.

So just the top league then? Til we have situation exactly same with top league hoovering the lot giving nobody else a chance the same as is claimed the Old Firm have been doing for years?

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What about a proposal that PATG fans are split 50/50 but the home teams keep all season ticket revenue. League sponsorship and tv deals are distributed equally. The 'prize' for winning the league is a place in the champions league. The 'prize' for not finishing bottom is not being relegated. SIMPLES

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So just the top league then? Til we have situation exactly same with top league hoovering the lot giving nobody else a chance the same as is claimed the Old Firm have been doing for years?


The problem is polarised in the top league.


Most of the other leagues are competitive, precisely because the gap between the haves and the have nots never has been and never will be huge.


They therefore retain the competitive element.


By making this gap in the top league, through this incessant requirement to maximise revenue for those clubs expected to compete at European level, we have created a competition which is essentially a procession where only 2 can win.


That's what has to change, not football across the board.

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Its a sport - part of the thrill is winning and having a chance to win - this will involve leveling the playing field - ie money - tup is correct on this. We have to accept that although in scottish terms we are in the top 6 (ie the top half) in terms of money and support there is such a huge gulf between the two glasgow teams and the rest that there is effectively no sport - we surely cannot be so silly as to be saying that the best option is to replace the huns with one or two sides and then watch the system fail for everyone else because it is a game and unless you are a child you have to recognise that it is better when everyone feels involved and that they have a sporting chance.


If we want a healthy league we need to accept that there will be seasons when our team, well supported though it might be will not do well but that the inherent health of the league is such that if Aberdeen FC is well run and supported then it will prosper and have good chances of winning things; something we have singularly failed at this century.


We have a sick, dying league - football is a competitive sport - if you want to support a winner every year be an infirm supporter in our current set up or support any of the top two or three sides in most continental leagues - you'll never walk alone - glory hunters seldom do but you won't savour victory the way that real fans do either. We need a structure that supports competition and accept that means we have a structure that will let us fail provided it also lets us and sport win - at present we only have the former.

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