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Spl Vote On Voting Restructure.

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So would you prefer a socialist approach where everyone gets an equal share irrespective of performance?


Not necessarily, but it if it came to a choice between that and the current situation, the commie approach would get my vote (not that I'd get one)


League -noun, "An association of states, organisations, or individuals for common action; an alliance"


As Pudgie correctly says, it takes 2 teams to make a match and it takes several teams to make a league - and the league is only as strong as it weakest member.


Self interest has brought us to this pass, simply changing the selves involved will not result in a better outcome.


Fairer - or more equitable - distribution of the revenues generated by the league should be a given, not something that should have to be fought for tooth and nail.

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Perhaps SM is seeing the short term gain - he maybe thinks there is potential to finish 2nd this season, so prize money would be good if it stayed the same. He maybe plans to invest in January to make sure this happens, with a Champions League campaign netting 10 million next season?



Then he's a fud.


The vote would not be about revenue distribution this season, but about how decisions are made moving forward - and there is no guarantee we'll even finish in the top half of the table, let alone higher than 3rd.


A separate vote would then be required to change prize money distribution.


In any event, it is precisely that kind of self-interest that has got the game in this country to where it is now...


Never mind that.


2nd place doesn't get Champion's League entry next season.

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That's an assumption.


It was assumed the SPL would be a new dawn for Scottish football. It's turned out to be a complete disaster.We need to get back to promoting competition not worrying about losing some gate receipts. Crowds are falling. That is a fact. If competition improves the players should improve ans the crowds should follow.


We also need to look at promoting Scottish players by limiting the amount of foreigners you can play on a match day. It should be a minimum of 6 Scottish players to 5 foreign players on the field at least. You can sign as many as you want but you could only play 5 on the day.

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Perhaps SM is seeing the short term gain - he maybe thinks there is potential to finish 2nd this season, so prize money would be good if it stayed the same. He maybe plans to invest in January to make sure this happens, with a Champions League campaign netting 10 million next season?


Only 1 CL spot next season I believe.

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Can anyone tell me how Doncaster and Regan are still in their jobs?


What happened to the votes of no confidence that we were all told were imminent?

Again it's all been forgotten about,swept under the carpet, call it what you like. Normal business will resume, nothing will happen and Rangers, Sevco or whatever you like to call them will still be calling the shots from Division 3. Crisis? What Crisis?

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Only 1 CL spot next season I believe.


Correct, we are just outside, we actually need celtic to win a few more games this year to have any chance of getting 2 places back for 2014/2015 season as it's based on the last 5 years and 5 years ago I think rangers reached the final of the europa league, abelit with a lot of draws which don't accrue you points.

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Correct, we are just outside, we actually need celtic to win a few more games this year to have any chance of getting 2 places back for 2014/2015 season as it's based on the last 5 years and 5 years ago I think rangers reached the final of the europa league, abelit with a lot of draws which don't accrue you points.

We were just outside it but have plummetted big time 15th to 18th to 26th now

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The one I seen was 18th so that is pretty awful news.

On 5 year rolling basis and we now lost points for Rangers run to Europa final and points for our Euro run.


Latest table


Means for some teams who will qualify for Europe from Scotland (4 teams in total now instead of previous 5) will be starting their season in June next year!!

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As circumstances would have it, we and others are in a position to take advantage of the Old Firm stranglehold over recent years in the form of a decent pot of cash for finishing 2nd.


If and when the rangers look like making their first ever entry into the SPL, then let's push change through.


Peanuts in the overall scheme of things.


It was the potential of Champions League football and the cash associated that would have made a difference.


Now that the 2nd place is gone, I hope that in future years all Scottish teams that qualify for Europe continue to do their best to get knocked out in the earliest round available to them solely to fuck up the last remaining place for Celtic.

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Not necessarily, but it if it came to a choice between that and the current situation, the commie approach would get my vote (not that I'd get one)


League -noun, "An association of states, organisations, or individuals for common action; an alliance"


As Pudgie correctly says, it takes 2 teams to make a match and it takes several teams to make a league - and the league is only as strong as it weakest member.


Self interest has brought us to this pass, simply changing the selves involved will not result in a better outcome.


Fairer - or more equitable - distribution of the revenues generated by the league should be a given, not something that should have to be fought for tooth and nail.


I don't see why they shgould get all of our supporters gate receipts when we visit them.


Fair enough divide the TV money equally but I'm fed up of three away fans pitching up to Pittodrie and our thousands subsidising the wee teams.

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I don't see why they shgould get all of our supporters gate receipts when we visit them.


Fair enough divide the TV money equally but I'm fed up of three away fans pitching up to Pittodrie and our thousands subsidising the wee teams.



That sounds exactly like any hun or tim down the pub. :dontknow: except the tv money bit :dontknow:


Are we just trying to take over the huns berth whilst they're away?

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I don't see why they shgould get all of our supporters gate receipts when we visit them.


Fair enough divide the TV money equally but I'm fed up of three away fans pitching up to Pittodrie and our thousands subsidising the wee teams.


in all honesty and you won;t like this but thats the type of talk we heard all summer from the now deceased huns

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I wrote of a conversation I had with a Well fan and old pal at our game recently on the Hun thread. Essence was Well fan only realised just how corrupt the old system was when having been pumped out the CL they promptly got a second crack at the UEFA instead. Notice at no point in the story did he, nor I, have any beef with fucking gate receipts, not whilst the entire SPL set up was legally going on its merry way supporting the gravy train of the top two and to fuck with the rest of us, and certainly not while one of the top two was illegally spending MY fucking taxes just to get one over on a bunch of tattie howkers - no offence intended.


Rant over.

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I'd like not to believe that AFC are going to side with Celtic to keep the status quo, but given the propensity for ludicrous decision making in Scotland (in our society as well as our fitba) then I'd say it's pretty much nailed on that this is indeed the case.


Naked greed about sums it up.

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I'm trying to be positive about it Tup - Id like to think that AFC are acting in the interests of maintaining the financial return to the top teams if that is possible, sod this socialism bollox - I'd equally like to think they are not acting with the explicit intention of getting themselves to the top and then expect the remaining ten teams to scoff, bow and be otherwise over the fucking moon at them being there. A fine distinction I'm sure you will agree.


Like you though I feel the board are treading a fine line again. My support is massive. It is not unconditional.

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We have to start acting for the greater good, it was the antithesis of that policy that has seen us reach this nadir.


It's really common sense we are asking for, which is in short supply.




We have been weakened by the current arrangements - and by extension - so had the huns and the tims.


Further weakening of the rest of the league will weaken us further.

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I'd like not to believe that AFC are going to side with Celtic to keep the status quo, but given the propensity for ludicrous decision making in Scotland (in our society as well as our fitba) then I'd say it's pretty much nailed on that this is indeed the case.


Naked greed about sums it up.



Correct. Postponement of the vote means a quick assertion of all opinions made it clear enough teams intended to block it that the vote wasn't taken.


So someone is siding with Celtic. I'd not be surprised if it was us.


If Afc seriously think they can take advantage of the approx. 2 years Rangers are not in the league and they think screwing everyone else then expecting to just change it all in 2 years time is a good way to go about this I really do worry what sort of idiots we have in charge.


Firstly they are not running the club in such a way to take advantage of the situation in the short term.

Secondly even if they did all they can do is make enemies in this period and then when the authorites manage to showhorn whatever club replaces Sevco back into the top league we will be roundly told to fuck off by the other clubs.


In short, it seems insanely stupid.

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I'll add one caveat to that though.


If there is the slightest whiff of something stupid within the SPL like say for example changing the league structure to accomodate a team of unrepentant cheats then I would whole heartedly support Afc NOT changing the voting structure.


The hope being that they can have the common sense to block any such nonsense using that same voting structure.


But we don't have any reason to believe such crass stupidity is bring thought of within the SPL do we?

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that would be my fear with a 7-5 structure that seven teams could want to make a new league structure and invite a team in.


obviously with 11-1 it only needs 2 teams to veto the huns being invited in.


obviously would be hoping a 9-3 could be used and hopefully there are at least 4 teams that dont want to actively help sevco3000

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That sounds exactly like any hun or tim down the pub. :dontknow: except the tv money bit :dontknow:


Are we just trying to take over the huns berth whilst they're away?


Not at all.


Why should we put money into the coffers of clubs who do not reciprocate?

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in all honesty and you won;t like this but thats the type of talk we heard all summer from the now deceased huns


Think what you like, but I can't say I was overly impressed that we pour yet more thousands into the pockets of Dundee Utd yet when they come to visit us we get next to fuck all. We also had insult added to injury over the years with them being able to outspend us on players. A joke.

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Think what you like, but I can't say I was overly impressed that we pour yet more thousands into the pockets of Dundee Utd yet when they come to visit us we get next to fuck all. We also had insult added to injury over the years with them being able to outspend us on players. A joke.


as I said its the attitude of the huns and tims that you seem to have adopted. They have long since thought that since they have more fans than other that they deserve more than the rest.


I assume you are happy with the status quo and you will be happy if/when sevco get in to the SPL that they get more than us?


A league is more than one or two teams, it needs all of the clubs to prosper regardless of its fan base

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For the greater good.




We want competition, not some loaded crap where you know the outcome before it starts.




The size of our away support and the general standing we have in Scottish Football is something we should be proud of.


It shouldn't be used as a stick to beat smaller Clubs with.


That is a very hun like thing to do.

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