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Are You For/against Gayism



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  1. 1. Are you for/against gayism

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Bit pot kettle black with your "not understanding fit i'm saying" bit!


So saying that there would be an outrage if there was a music festival for only white music in the same way there is one for black music makes me a racist? Get a grip.


note - I'm not saying there should be one.


You need to chill out.




50 and 60's America white only signs were everywhere, shops, buses, clubs.....gay men wouldnt dare "come-out" they were treated like animals.....do you undesratnd why now black music and gay parades exist SF....are you really that slow?

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50 and 60's America white only signs were everywhere, shops, buses, clubs.....gay men wouldnt dare "come-out" they were treated like animals.....do you undesratnd why now black music and gay parades exist SF....are you really that slow?

For a start, this isn't America and we're not living in the 50's or 60's anymore. We're living in an equal society where men and women of any race or gender live together. I see no need for these things anymore in the same way I see no need for a single religion school or a single sex school.


You've clearly got some anger issues.

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For a start, this isn't America and we're not living in the 50's or 60's anymore. We're living in an equal society where men and women of any race or gender live together. I see no need for them in the same way I see no need for a single religion school or a single sex school.


you asked about black music and gay marches....you cant understand why they exist.... and the outrage if we had a white music day....


go read history beofre you numb your mind anymore with the pish you read in the daily mail.

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you asked about black music and gay marches....you cant understand why they exist.... and the outrage if we had a white music day....


go read history beofre you numb your mind anymore with the pish you read in the daily mail.

I never said I don't understand why they exist. I know exactly why they exist and I see no point in it now. If you are happy to live in the past then so be it.


I think you need to brush up on your grammar before telling me what to read!

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Murder does happen in homes over the world... are you for real?

Like I said yes murder is an extreme example but less change it to physical abuse. I would be willing to bet that the number of instances of child abuse, sexual abuse, hitting a partner etc, that take place in the UK is at least in the same ball park as the number of gay people in the UK. Just because something exists in high numbers is not reason alone to condone it. Its still a shit argument.


I can't understand anyone giving so much of a fuck about what a group of people that don't affect you choose to do.


The only reason I can think for it is you are masking your own latent tendencies! If you are comfortable in your own sexuality why the hell do you give a fuck that people unconnected to you have a different one?

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Bit pot kettle black with your "not understanding fit i'm saying" bit!


So saying that there would be an outrage if there was a music festival for only white music in the same way there is one for black music makes me a racist? Get a grip.


note - I'm not saying there should be one.


You need to chill out.


Pretty sure I've seen plenty crackers performing at that black music festival...


As for your earlier gay clubs comment, I don't think there are any that are gays only. They are marketed towards gays and ergo, largely attract them. Don't think you have to give the bouncer a bj to get in.

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I can't understand anyone giving so much of a fuck about what a group of people that don't affect you choose to do.


The only reason I can think for it is you are masking your own latent tendencies! If you are comfortable in your own sexuality why the hell do you give a fuck that people unconnected to you have a different one?


welcome to half way through a conversation.


I have yet to venture my opinion on the for or against gayism argument. I was merely ripping apart a flimsy argument put forward by another poster.


My opinion on gayism?


I really don't give a shit. Quite frankly half the mongols who are up in arms about the gays are thick as shite, bigots, racist, pig ignorant lunatics. Not much of a moral high ground to be making your case from.

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welcome to half way through a conversation.


I have yet to venture my opinion on the for or against gayism argument. I was merely ripping apart a flimsy argument put forward by another poster.


My opinion on gayism?


I really don't give a shit. Quite frankly half the mongols who are up in arms about the gays are thick as shite, bigots, racist, pig ignorant lunatics. Not much of a moral high ground to be making your case from.


No moral high ground from me, again I don't find myself getting stressed about this topic at all. Don't understand those who get all wound up about it.

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you cant deny that gay men and women exist, and regardless of the religious argument that " thou shalt not be gay" well...thou shall.


I totally accept that religious orders should stand by their own beliefs and that if they do not want gay preachers etc then I support their belief's as a religion....gay people should stay well clear of these orders if they do not see them as equals.


to outlaw something that exists in home's all over the world is stupid, to pretend otherwise is folly, and the argument shouldnt be are we for or against, of course we should be it exists,


people are to fecken mock-offended and have opinions on shit they know nothing about

LMFAO. Mock offended? The mock offended are all these guys on here masquerading as caring poofter friendly sorts. Can;t say I come across many in reral life, other than poofter sorts themselves, so maybe that's saying something about the make-up of the forum

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LMFAO. Mock offended? The mock offended are all these guys on here masquerading as caring poofter friendly sorts. Can;t say I come across many in reral life, other than poofter sorts themselves, so maybe that's saying something about the make-up of the forum


There's a gay bloke drinks in my local the Four Mile, I've known him since he was a kid and played in the same school football teams as him, do you suggest I treat him differently to all the other people I also know in the pub? He's not exactly a friend but I know him well enough to have a quick chat and say hello to.


It isn't "caring poofter friendly sorts", it's basic humanity to treat others with respect, do you suggest I blacklist him in the future and ignore him because he's gay?

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