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Israel/gaza Thread


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Great find.


A Malaysian plane shot out of the Ukrainian sky diverts attention from the US-supported Israel rogue state and their genocide in Gaza.


The US NEEDS war. They need one right now. They are trying desperately to indict Putin.


Whilst their evil is patent, it's the compliance of Europe that may kill us all.


When the fuck will the world wake up, and who is going to be the first to break ranks with US hegemony?

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Obama thinks Putin should use his influence to end the ukraine situation, how about you o the same with that fucking mess in the middle east then ye fucking tube!!!!!


John Kerry also think Israel is under siege, another fucking clown


UK Government reaction ------------> http://www.itv.com/news/update/2014-07-09/prime-minister-uk-staunchly-supports-israel/


Scottish Government -----------> http://news.scotland.gov.uk/News/Scotland-prepared-to-accept-Palestinian-refugees-ed5.aspx




This is some seriously fucked up shit

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Ok it's a little left field but they both recognised the Jewish people as the enemy, the latter took things too far but to see the crimes against humanity that they're doing now suggests these are people with an evil streak running through them (not them all but many of them), the news showed a hilltop in Israel the other night and loads of them have brought old sofas to it so they can watch the bombardment, this isn't targeted shooting to take out those they deem as terrorists it's indiscriminate shelling of a nation, women and children are dying in their hundreds. What right thinking nation does that? and as said many of them obviously see it as spectator sport, would you be happy sitting on a hilltop watching families die?


They've taken out the only power station there today as well, how are the hospitals treating all the injured meant to function?


I suspect this is leading up to Gaza being wiped off the map, meanwhile our leaders are turning the other cheek.

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The palestinians have been in an open air prison for over 40 years, they can't travel, trade or live the basic life that so many take for granted . the likes of the US call it terrorism when they have no other options but to fight back against an oppressive organisation.


What else can they do but fight back with what little weapons they have?

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Ok it's a little left field but they both recognised the Jewish people as the enemy, the latter took things too far but to see the crimes against humanity that they're doing now suggests these are people with an evil streak running through them (not them all but many of them), the news showed a hilltop in Israel the other night and loads of them have brought old sofas to it so they can watch the bombardment, this isn't targeted shooting to take out those they deem as terrorists it's indiscriminate shelling of a nation, women and children are dying in their hundreds. What right thinking nation does that? and as said many of them obviously see it as spectator sport, would you be happy sitting on a hilltop watching families die?


They've taken out the only power station there today as well, how are the hospitals treating all the injured meant to function?


I suspect this is leading up to Gaza being wiped off the map, meanwhile our leaders are turning the other cheek.



Israel is one of the most evil, brutal, barbaric regimes on the face of the planet.


Psychologically there is something far wrong with their mindset, but the western media portrays the Israeli expansion, creation of a concentration camp/ghetto as some kind of balanced and 'both sides are to blame' scenario at best.


In America the media is heavily skewed towards the Israeli position, that being that Israel is the victim... as Israel bombards aforementioned concentration camp, killing and maiming hundreds, perhaps thousands, of inmates.


This is because the media is largely run by Jewish, pro-Israeli corporations.


The American government is heavily influenced by the Israeli and Jewish lobbies. For a government official to ignore the wishes of the pro-Israel lobby is to commit career suicide. Because if a US Senator or Congressman were to tell the pro-Israeli lobby to go fuck itself that Senator or Congressman would find himself vilified in the media, and as an extension out of a job in politics.


There is even a department within the Israeli government that is dedicated to disseminating pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian 'news'. This is the equivalent of Germany's 'Reich Ministry of Propaganda'. I'm not exaggerating here. The parallel between how the RMoP is mirrored by the Israeli 'Hasbara' is sometimes frightening.


During the war, when the Germans were concentrating Jews, Intellectuals, and other various 'unwanted' groups, the NAZIs built Theresienstadt... a picturesque village where Jews were sent to 'expire' at their own rate. This was held up as the typical concentration camp, and the world's press was allowed to see the Jews in their little picturesque village. The truth was, of course, that the Jews were being exterminated under horrifying conditions.


The Israeli Hasbara shows Gaza as some kind of picturesque village, where Palestinians frolic through markets full of produce and technology, "So why are they complaining? It's lovely there"


When the reality is nothing of the sort.


This is how the Hasbara portrays Gaza






This is the real Gaza







What's happening there is a crime against humanity, perpetrated by people who should know better.


Maybe they do, but they just don't care. Clearly they don't care.


Europe needs to do something about it, because America is basically an Israeli puppet state, dancing on Israel's strings.


Europe won't do shit though... they won't even do anything about Russia on their own doorstep, so like fuck they'll do anything about the State of Israel.


I'd a mate who worked for the MOD, and he told me some interesting stuff about Israel's plans if they find themselves in a tricky situation. That may partially explain European reluctance, but I think it's primarily simply because Europe just doesn't give a fuck.

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Obama headline news, first up. Giving threats about sanctions on Russia.


Could this all be a ruse, I mean wtf, the real massacre is happening in Gaza, how many deaths have we heard about in Ukraine outside the crash?


I wouldn't rule out the west being behind the plane crash, it just seems madness that this is taking Gaza off the front page.

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Israel are committing what will be looked back upon as genocide.


It's a long standing dispute* that can never be resolved with the land disagreement. Israel are helping themselves to land, moving 'fences' that they've barricaded the Palestinians in with. That unfunny political comedian wrote a good book about walking the fence, can't remember his name. The futility of the fight for the Palestinians is there for everyone to see, but they are at least standing their ground - or trying to.






* not unlike the 'hat v mad.

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Aye, that's the bloke. I read the one on arms trading too. I think he'd be quite a good journalist / author if he stopped trying to be funny.

Maybe if he traded arms with a better author he'd write better books or are the ideas all just in the head and it doesn't matter who actually writes them down?

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why do you think GG is against the Yes vote RS?

Dunno why you're asking me specifically. I've not discussed him in relation to independence.


Unless you did not see the Sillars GG debate, you know the answer to the question. Galloway spelt it out.


He has survived on the English vote for the majority of his life so there will be obvious personal issues underpinning it but this "kinship" he talks about between the working class people in England and what they have in common with the working class people in Scotland is a load of shite in my opinion.


For a start, class distinctions like working v. middle are as good as obsolete. Galloway, like all folk, has strengths and weaknesses. As an outsider, his sense of "kinship" and community is particularly heightened.

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