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Richard Foster

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Now that Ricky has made another class howler for the Huns and blown it, they won't be wanting his services come summer.


I made up my mind that I don't want him back months ago but Mr Brown keeps metioning his return so clearly he thinks he's of some use.


I can't see many teams wanting to ffer us anything worth taking, I.E. over £200'000 so its more likely he will infact be in the picture come next season as he has two years to run?



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Utter sh*te. I've never worried about us having ex Huns playing for us, so i don't understand the problem with Foster coming back here. McGhee never wanted him in the team and quite frankly what was Foster going to do, rot in the reserves? He was given a chance to play in European competition and play at a higher level and he took it. Can't blame him at all.


I'll welcome him back and hopefully he can improve his game.

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Utter sh*te. I've never worried about us having ex Huns playing for us, so i don't understand the problem with Foster coming back here. McGhee never wanted him in the team and quite frankly what was Foster going to do, rot in the reserves? He was given a chance to play in European competition and play at a higher level and he took it. Can't blame him at all.


I'll welcome him back and hopefully he can improve his game.


I've no problem with ex huns either, none at all.


I do have a problem with Foster though, he's of the David Robertson variety, he's become a hun, and he canna just come straight back in chameleon style as if nothing's happened.


He's a goner, sooner the better, and hopefully we'll get some cash for him, I dinna want to see him playing for Aberdeen again.

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I've no problem with ex huns either, none at all.


I do have a problem with Foster though, he's of the David Robertson variety, he's become a hun, and he canna just come straight back in chameleon style as if nothing's happened.


He's a goner, sooner the better, and hopefully we'll get some cash for him, I dinna want to see him playing for Aberdeen again.


I'm with you on this one, the logical thing is to want the player back, given we can't afford to be fussy, but football supporting isn't about logic, he can feck off.

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Its obvious from what he's said in the papers he doesnt want to come back, he's burned his own bridges. Not sure if he's still thinking the same now McGhee has gone but the boy is trouble anyway. Fell out with JC and MM...


With a bit of luck they offer us 1m for him, we bite their hands off and use it to buy Smith, sign up McNamee and either a back up for Aluko or a replacement if he decides his future is elsewhere.


He's worth more to the team sold that he is in it IMO

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But it's not up to you fuds if he comes back or not.... it's up to Paw Broon and Erchie....


So if they want him back.... he's coming back reagrdless of what all you bleedin' hearts think...


It really does amaze me how small minded some people are on here... it would seem if a player even mentions the Old Firm never mind plays for them, then he should be flogged or stoned to death...



Jim Bett

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Hopefully he does come back after his loans up, MacNamee's decent enough but very injury prone so I would rather have ricky at rb.


Can't blame ricky for wanting to go to Rangers, he's playing for a much bigger club which demands success every week, where he has a genuine chance of winning some silverware, and where he has a chance to play at the highest level in Europe. Plus you can't really blame him for wanting to get away from that Fat incompetent Tim McGhee and his arrogant sidekick Leitch.

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I really hope we get him back. Failing that, we shouldn't let him go for less than a mill. No I'm not kidding. The guy has played in champs league fitba and tonight set up two goals in Europe for the scum and has played for them.


So either back in the team (which I'd be happy at) or sold but not for chickenfeed.


And being at Rangers, yeah whatever.

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Not true. The fact he is playing for the huns means he is better than the players we have at Aberdeen. I will welcome him back with open arms.


I agree he's a good player, one of the best we had in fact.


To compare this to Bett or Ferguson is wrong. They wanted to come to Aberdeen, their scenarios were markedly different.


Foster wanted to leave Aberdeen. This was no personality clash with McGhee. He sulked like f**k with Calderwood as well.


Then he goes to where else but the f**king Death Star, and appears with a massive cheesy grin on his face in the media. He knew full well he couldna come out and say what he was thinking, but let there be no doubt he disna give a f**k about our club and this was a surreptitious two fingers up to us. He's just like Robertson, canna help himself but to give it the 'who are ya' to us almost as soon as he left the building.


He canna come back, he can get to f**k, and if he ever appears in red again he'll have my abuse ringing in his hun ears.

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But it's not up to you fuds if he comes back or not.... it's up to Paw Broon and Erchie....


So if they want him back.... he's coming back reagrdless of what all you bleedin' hearts think...


It really does amaze me how small minded some people are on here... it would seem if a player even mentions the Old Firm never mind plays for them, then he should be flogged or stoned to death...


Jim Bett




I agree he's a good player, one of the best we had in fact.


To compare this to Bett or Ferguson is wrong. They wanted to come to Aberdeen, their scenarios were markedly different.


Foster wanted to leave Aberdeen. This was no personality clash with McGhee. He sulked like f**k with Calderwood as well.


Then he goes to where else but the f**king Death Star, and appears with a massive cheesy grin on his face in the media. He knew full well he couldna come out and say what he was thinking, but let there be no doubt he disna give a f**k about our club and this was a surreptitious two fingers up to us. He's just like Robertson, canna help himself but to give it the 'who are ya' to us almost as soon as he left the building.


He canna come back, he can get to f**k, and if he ever appears in red again he'll have my abuse ringing in his hun ears.



Seems we have another candidate who is on the verge of trotting out the "you hate Rangers more than you support Aberdeen" bollocks.

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I agree he's a good player, one of the best we had in fact.


To compare this to Bett or Ferguson is wrong. They wanted to come to Aberdeen, their scenarios were markedly different.


Foster wanted to leave Aberdeen. This was no personality clash with McGhee. He sulked like f**k with Calderwood as well.


Then he goes to where else but the f**king Death Star, and appears with a massive cheesy grin on his face in the media. He knew full well he couldna come out and say what he was thinking, but let there be no doubt he disna give a f**k about our club and this was a surreptitious two fingers up to us. He's just like Robertson, canna help himself but to give it the 'who are ya' to us almost as soon as he left the building.


He canna come back, he can get to f**k, and if he ever appears in red again he'll have my abuse ringing in his hun ears.


Pish and more pish. There has never been anything official out of the mouthes of anyone that he wanted to leave Aberdeen (especially so soon after signing a long term contract). In fact from both player and manager it was openly said that it was Aberdeen who wanted this deal to go through to bring in a more experienced striker.


Knowing that Foster was in fact a Rangers supporter growing up, it doesn't surprise me that when offered the deal in front of him, he chose to go. Nothing that he has said has disrespected Aberdeen in any way since. He got put in an uncomfortable position when he was questioned on our form at about the time McGhee was sacked and he gave an honest and articulate assessment which still had people frothing at the mouth on here and other places.


If Brown and Knox want him back as they think he will offer plenty to the club going forward, I will happily support that decision. If they get a good offer on the table and accept it, I will support that decision. If he comes back and sulks as he thinks we are too small for him now, then I hope they give him a kick up the arse...

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Nothing that he has said has disrespected Aberdeen in any way since...


Aye because he's been extremely careful, no doubt with Robertson in mind, and a friendly hun media has provided us, the fans of Aberdeen, the supporters they despise, with a diplomatic response.


He's not coming back, he disna want to be here, and I cannot accept him playing for us again.


In any case it's irrelevant as he won't be playing for Aberdeen next season.

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Now that Ricky has made another class howler for the Huns and blown it, they won't be wanting his services come summer.


I made up my mind that I don't want him back months ago but Mr Brown keeps metioning his return so clearly he thinks he's of some use.


I can't see many teams wanting to ffer us anything worth taking, I.E. over

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Rangers are skint.....they wont offer the cash that hes worth, so unless we are willing to take a miserly offer then he wont be there next season.


I think Broon wants him back so I think he will be back


I don't see rangers forking out for him cause of there money problems and there's so many players you can get for free these days i don't see them wanting to pay any money for foster when they can possibly get better for free.


The problem is that foster doesn't want to come back, could he possible be loaned out to rangers again? What's the limit on loan signings to the same team, i'm thinking it's two seasons but could be wrong.


I'll support whatever decision brown and knox make cause you know it'll be what is best for afc

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