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Richard Foster

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I'm assuming red-web is the official stat resource. If it is wrong then thats troublesome. Is this a one-off or is it a regular occurrence? Maybe an email to the club would suffice.

Yeh its quite shoddy...one of the home games earlier this season I cant remember which one, Redweb had Megginson in the starting line up instead of Maggenis. BBC had it correct however.

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He's chameleon like.


A leopard never changes his spots.


Foster GTF.


but a chameleon can


he has limitations as a player but I'm not certain he deserves as much vitriol as he is receiving; as to where he'll end up I suspect no one knows for sure; super sally will have her thoughts about him but whether there'll be the cash to follow them up if foster is wanted must be open to debate

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