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Richard Foster

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"I have to contemplate going back to Aberdeen".


f**k off you c**t. You're lucky we persevered and gave you the chance to have a good five months in a Dons shirt.


c**ts with ideas above their station really piss me off.

My thoughts exactly. This wee dick is lucky to have a football career, completely limited footballer, no touch, no football brain and relies utterly on pace. I hope the huns come up with the cash, if not someone else. Don't want to see him play for us again.

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He would have been best advised when he was at Rangers to shut the f**k up, play football and come back to us however he seems to be constantly in the press or at press conferences subtly putting the knife in, no doubt encouraged by the west coast media and the huns. He's well past the point where he can return.

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I am not going to defend or criticise anything to do with what is said in that article, as it is remarkable how the context that anything may be said in to the journalist can be used when said journalist decids to write their article. Proof in the pudding will be how he communicates to Brown when his future is discussed and if he does come back, how he applies himself on the pitch.

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It seems that the hun fans are liking him now after a bit of a dodgey start, this helps in our hopes of them actually giving us a few bob for him in Summer.

They are saying that he's been good in the European games & his pace has been crucial in defense & going forward & that he's getting stronger all the time with more experience.


All this does is serve us better :dontknow: either we get back a more experienced player or we sell him for even more cash than we'd hoped for.


Personally I think I'd rather we got cash than him but if he does come back, then I'll still support him in red :dontknow:

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I am not going to defend or criticise anything to do with what is said in that article, as it is remarkable how the context that anything may be said in to the journalist can be used when said journalist decids to write their article. Proof in the pudding will be how he communicates to Brown when his future is discussed and if he does come back, how he applies himself on the pitch.

It's a direct quote though. Whether it's taken out of context or not he still said "I have to contemplate going back to Aberdeen".

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It's a direct quote though. Whether it's taken out of context or not he still said "I have to contemplate going back to Aberdeen".


What's wrong in saying I have to think about going back to Aberdeen?

I don't understand how what he said there can be wrong.

He has to think about his life & where he's headed, it seems to me that people are thinking that the word contemplate is a naughty word :laughing:

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Whatever Foster says, he is on a hiding to nothing.


Either some toerag from the Weegia will be looking to put a spin on whatever he says to put the knife into Aberdeen or an element of our fans who dont like the fact he went to play for Der Hun will be looking to put the boot into Ricky because it looks like he is enjoying himself at Castle Greyskull.


I'd rather take a transfer fee from Der Hun rather than take back tainted goods as I'm sure Broon could use the money and Foster's wage and get a better player in than oor Ricky

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I disliked the " I could have been preparing for a scottish cup replay against st mirren, as it stands i'm

preparing for a massive match against psv in the europa leage"


He's contaminated now and can GTF as far as i care.


It would appear he'd be happier with the huns, at least we're still in the Scottish Cup; we'll see tonight if the huns can say that about the Europa league.


We must however be wary about journalists feeding and distorting comments to fit their agenda.

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It would appear he'd be happier with the huns, at least we're still in the Scottish Cup; we'll see tonight if the huns can say that about the Europa league.


We must however be wary about journalists feeding and distorting comments to fit their agenda.



I'd have a wee chuckle if we win the cup and he wins nothing - he's already cup tied in league cup and

doubt he's played enough league games for a winner's medal if they win that.

I'm a vindictive b*stard when it comes to the huns.

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I disliked the " I could have been preparing for a scottish cup replay against st mirren, as it stands i'm

preparing for a massive match against psv in the europa leage"


He's contaminated now and can GTF as far as i care.

He doesn't say that though, the journo does.


I reckon the hun journos will try much more of this to turn Aberdeen fans against Foster meaning it becomes impossible for him to come back here which in turn will mean less likely Rangers will have to fork out for him.

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I don't think he's said anything too bad there to be honest.


It's a poor piece of journalism, pandering to the masses. Whoever wrote that is absolutely desperate to stick the knife into us. He points out Foster's European experience as getting pumped by Sigma, overlooking the fact he scored against Copenhagen and played several times for us in the Uefa Cup that season. Extremely poor article written with an agenda.

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do you really believe that?


that THAT journalist is writing that story, in the hope that aberdeen fans read it, turn against foster making it harder for him to come back here, meaning rangers get him for cheaper?


and we say celtic fans are paranoid?


Ah but the tims are wrong!


but seriously folks, the journo is pandering to the standard line that Scottish football is really only about the bigot brothers and there can be no higher or better place than with them; it's the no one else is worthy stance that many of them take; it could have been any of the other teams; whther the journo is a hun and has a further anti-don agenda is probably not as relevant (though obviously a distinct possibility).

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It's a direct quote though. Whether it's taken out of context or not he still said "I have to contemplate going back to Aberdeen".


Direct quote from him, but no sign of a question from the journalist.


What if the question was "are you contemplating going back to Aberdeen?"


That suggests to me he is led in to saying contemplate as if it would be a difficult thing to do (as that could be interperted.


What if is was "do you want to go back to Aberdeen?"


That would suggest to me that he is wording it carefully and wouldn't really want to come back.


The thing that strikes me is the constant comparions between Aberdeen and Rangers. To me, that doesn't seem a natural way to discuss things in the way he would be at the time. He should be focussed on the PSV game regardless of what we are doing and I think it would be the case for him. It just seems he is led or the journalist is spinning what was said a bit.

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Out of interest, who was the last don to sign for these scumbags in a transfer from us ? Was it Snelders ?


I think so, Stephen Wirght went the season earlier? Disastrous move from his perspective; injured and never achieved full potential - good player for us, netted a nice wee sum from the huns as I recall (though as ever proobably not what he was worth).

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Ricky Foster, or Richard, or Dick for short, if you're reading this, please be assured you are not welcome back at Aberdeen FC, not now or ever again.


We are a proud club and dinna take kindly to derogatory remarks from hun b*stards such as yourself.


Dinna let the door hit your arse on the way out.

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Ricky Foster, or Richard, or Dick for short, if you're reading this, please be assured you are not welcome back at Aberdeen FC, not now or ever again.


We are a proud club and dinna take kindly to derogatory remarks from hun b*stards such as yourself.


Dinna let the door hit your arse on the way out.


While I echo your sentiment if he had actually been wrongfully been derogatory towards us but truth be told all he's basically said is he's been playing in bigger games & gained more experiences from it rather than playing in a team that has broken all sorts of negative long standing records this season :dontknow:

All he's said is truths about what's happened.


He's still a prick though & I'll take

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Whats Foster meant to say "I really want to go back to Aberdeen, i'm sick of playing infront of huge crowds. All these trips into Europe for this diddy Champions League thing is doing my nut in and i'm regretting missing that epic 1-1 draw with St Mirren!" I think he's bright enough to know that he has to be diplomatic about this...right now he's a hun, so he cant very well be all "I wish i was still a Don" and he's not exactly saying "I f**king hated my time in Aberdeen, except for that one bird I nailed while Charlie and Mark whipped their willies together like swords in the other room"


Still....doubt we'll see him in a Dons top ever game, and i'm not particularly bothered about it.

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I want to know what McGhee was thinking when he allowed our only recognised full-back to f**k off on an unrecallable season long loan to the Huns, bolstering their squad and weakening our own.


Personally I think he was tripping balls the entire time he was here.

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As a professional player you want to play for the best teams. Aberdeen are sh*te, Rangers offer European football and winning trophies. Foster says nothing wrong is this interview and is infact a lot more graceful than a lot of professional players.


rangers are scum.

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