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Aberdeen V Celtic Semi


111 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you going to the semi?

    • Yes. I can't wait for it.
    • Yes. I'm going as I feel obliged to.
    • No. I am choosing not to go.
    • No, I can't make it anyways.
    • Yes, nowt else to do on a Sunday (VDA)

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Having read Centraldon's comments on the Motherwell thread and my own discussions with mates thus far, was wondering who will be going to the semi-final.


I went down to the last one with 5 mates. Out of them, only 1 is likely to go and that is due to the fact that his sister lives down there and he will be there for the weekend.


Another mate, a season ticket holder for 12 years, who I quite often go to away games with "can't be arsed with it, especially on a Sunday lunchtime."


So currently, I don't think I will bother either. I was thinking that we might drop by a couple of thousand this time, but the tv kick off and general apathy just now has me thinking it could be a good bit worse.

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Having read Centraldon's comments on the Motherwell thread and my own discussions with mates thus far, was wondering who will be going to the semi-final.


I went down to the last one with 5 mates. Out of them, only 1 is likely to go and that is due to the fact that his sister lives down there and he will be there for the weekend.


Another mate, a season ticket holder for 12 years, who I quite often go to away games with "can't be arsed with it, especially on a Sunday lunchtime."


So currently, I don't think I will bother either. I was thinking that we might drop by a couple of thousand this time, but the tv kick off and general apathy just now has me thinking it could be a good bit worse.

I feel obliged to go to be honest have no faith at all that this team will pull of a shock.if they cant raise themselves for a game against motherwell for a place in top 6 theres no chance it will happen in glasgow in a semi final.i hear the bottle crashing as i type this.brother in laws driving down so im going for a swally and a good laugh(sound like a tartan army member haha)

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Despite our current performance level it remains a one-off match and a semi-final. Whilst not optimistic I recognise that we can win this and we have done well this season to reach two semi-finals with our current crop of players. If the tims win no one will be surprised and if we win then everyone will be happy... and if omens are to be believed we're a sure fire win as I've landed work on cup final day.

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I'm going because I have nothing else to do on a Sunday. so I didn't pick any of the above options as I don't feel obliged to go and I'm not that excited about it.


Quick question for any statos out there, has there ever been a bottom 6 team thats won the scottish or even the league cup?

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Never thought i would miss a semi but after spending a ton to watch 20 mins of the last one combined with a stupid kick off time i'd rather take my chances and see if i can find somone to watch it in town with, My mates have caught me a few times when i have been boozy and i have changed my mind but after sobering up i come to my senses again.


Fair play to those travelling, im not going to rain on your optimism.

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I'm going because I have nothing else to do on a Sunday. so I didn't pick any of the above options as I don't feel obliged to go and I'm not that excited about it.


Quick question for any statos out there, has there ever been a bottom 6 team thats won the scottish or even the league cup?


Added one for you. :laughing: I used obligation as I guess you'd either be looking forward to it, or going out of an obligation to support the team whatever (otherwise there will be a Sunday league game or something equally ridiculous). When I tried to think of reasons to convince people to go, I couldn't think of anything other than imagine how good it would be if we beat them (combatted by remember how bad it can be last time) and would you not feel a bit off going to a final if we did beat them after effectively writing off their chances of getting there and not backing them (combatted by no, we'd be in the final).


As for your second question. Hearts, Dundee United, Livingston and Hibs are the non-OF cup winners since the split. I think all were top 6 at the time...

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Added one for you. :laughing: I used obligation as I guess you'd either be looking forward to it, or going out of an obligation to support the team whatever (otherwise there will be a Sunday league game or something equally ridiculous). When I tried to think of reasons to convince people to go, I couldn't think of anything other than imagine how good it would be if we beat them (combatted by remember how bad it can be last time) and would you not feel a bit off going to a final if we did beat them after effectively writing off their chances of getting there and not backing them (combatted by no, we'd be in the final).


As for your second question. Hearts, Dundee United, Livingston and Hibs are the non-OF cup winners since the split. I think all were top 6 at the time...





Actually, Livingston were 9th the season they won the League Cup.


so there is a glimmer of hope for us, out of the sides left in the competition I'd say we are probably the worst at this point in time.


I'm sure I'll be totally optimistic by the time the game comes along and if we are let down I'll be even more pissed off.

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im nae gan spent to much at the last semi final and really only watched five minutes of the game . plus have a baby coming any day now as he is 10 days late rather spend the money on him then them bottlers


You should give an interview to the P&J min, headline screams:


'Dons fan would rather spend money on bottles than bottlers' complete with newborn.

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It's a semi final at Hampden so I'm looking forward to it and me and the family are flying up from Bristol on the Friday.


A win isn't likely but you never know . . . . and I'd rather be there in the unlikely event we do than bounce around my living room or the pub.



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After being at every cup balls up over the last good few years (eg Queen of the South etc etc) in my case I must admit I'm going along more in hope than expectatation and after sitting through all the previous sh*te would be really pissed off if we did pull off a victory and I wasn't there to see it live.


I'm lucky to have witnessed all the semis/finals (wins and losses) throughout the 80's and 90's and can remember (just!!) what a buzz it is to stuff one of the Old Firm (or any team for that matter)at Hampden and live in hope that my kids will witness that soon so they're coming along again.


Maybe it's the innocence of childhood or that they're an age that they've never seen us win anything but they have a much more positive attitude than me.They're genuinely excited about going back to Hampden even after witnessing the last humping. :scarf:


Maybe some of the more jaded/cynical on here need to recapture their childhood innocence rather than spouting the doom and gloom.Plenty of time to do that afterwards

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Imagine we actually turn up & give the tic a game & somehow sneak a win.


Could we go one better & lift the cup?


Yes, we would win the cup, if we have the belief to beat Celtic.


Our whole season, and a big part of our future prospects, hinges on this one game. It's massive.


The other two teams are beatable, and with a huge crowd behind us, I'm certain we would.


As I've said before, our only hope is stuttering league form from Celtic, which would make this game hugely pressured for them, but the hun seem to be doing just that now.


If Celtic are relaxed enough about it, they'll hammer us.

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Take away the invididual retarded mistake-laden defending of the 1st half last time - we grew into the game, and as Mr B pointed out we won the second half. The game could have finished 4-3 to Rasellick.


Its all about having a good solid start, simple as that - our minimum target shoud be 0v0 by half time.


That said starting 532 again isn't an option-! :laughing:

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I want Celtic to think they are going to walk this game and hammer us. That is the kind of mentality we need from them.


Going into the game thinking it's won before a ball is kicked.


They will get too confident and cocky then bang - DANDIES GO TO THE FINAL!


Fair shout. The gulf between us just now is as much as it's been for a while. Hopefully they get complacent and we come flying out the traps and give them a right good game. Anything can happen in a one off game (we know that through our own failings in recent seasons if nothing else) so I'm going there with belief that we can pull this off but we're gonna need some luck along the way.

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Imagine we actually turn up & give the tic a game & somehow sneak a win.


Could we go one better & lift the cup?


I'd hope so against Motherwell or St Johnstone, but on showings this season against both clubs and remembering the last time we beat Celtic in a cup and what happened thereafter, I would not be overly confident about it.

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I'd hope so against Motherwell or St Johnstone, but on showings this season against both clubs and remembering the last time we beat Celtic in a cup and what happened thereafter, I would not be overly confident about it.


I'd be very concerned about our players bottle to handle the pressure of a cup final

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