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Brown Getting His Excuses Ready.............

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I'm willing to give Brown the start of this season to see what he can do. He had a bunchh of pussys in that team last season and severe damage had been done by McGhee. With a budget like ours changes cannot be done overnight Stoney so patience is required.


I think it was clear to most that MCGhee was out his depth.


All I am saying is lets see how this team under Brown and Knox get on before jumping in claiming they are sh*te.


After the team that McGhee inherited? With a budget less than the one brown had and a timescale of less than what brown was asking for - what were you expecting him to do?

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Last season the football we played from Feb - May was the worst under ANY afc manager.


What a bold statement. And sweeping generalisation. And of course total dramatised, unadulterated garbage.


I went to two games in a row under McGhee where we never even had a shot on target, for 180 minutes of f**king football.


You also take no account of circumstance.


Total drama, total hyperbole, total pish.

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I'll give Mr Brown the benefit of the doubt, after all he didn't sign Mackie, Foster, Considine, Fyvie...............and all the rest.


So literally, it isn't his team - I wouldn't read into the statement too much.


Neither Did McGhee


But they are still here.

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After the team that McGhee inherited? With a budget less than the one brown had and a timescale of less than what brown was asking for - what were you expecting him to do?


McGhee's main problem was his inability to lead or inspire which is a big part of the job at AFC as we don;t have the funds to bring in the top players.


I also believe Mcghee wouldn't have been sacked if his team weren't staring relegation in the face.

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Bearing in mind CB says it will take five transfer windows to make it his squad, does that make his position as manager virtually assured for next season? Clearly if we're staring relegation in the face, as we were under McGhee, then CB could face the chop. But say, for example, AFC do nothing of note in the cups and sitting around 8th - 11th in the league in the first quarter of 2012, will the fans back for the remainder of the season and into the next or will they start looking at which other managers are available and could be CB's replacement?

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After the team that McGhee inherited? With a budget less than the one brown had and a timescale of less than what brown was asking for - what were you expecting him to do?


Did McGhee not inherit a team that had qualified for Europe? Did Brown not inherit a team that was heading for relegation.

Yeah.... same thing right enough!!!

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Bearing in mind CB says it will take five transfer windows to make it his squad, does that make his position as manager virtually assured for next season? Clearly if we're staring relegation in the face, as we were under McGhee, then CB could face the chop. But say, for example, AFC do nothing of note in the cups and sitting around 8th - 11th in the league in the first quarter of 2012, will the fans back for the remainder of the season and into the next or will they start looking at which other managers are available and could be CB's replacement?


you can bet your house most of them won't

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Surprising stuff from Brown.


Langfield and possibly Paton apart, the last of the rotten apples would appear to have been removed. While a couple of others might lack ability, at least they've got a bit of desire to at least try and improve.


We have a chance to move forward now.


I'd be amazed if the majority of this squad was still here in five windows time anyway.


lest look at what it is he's actually said here.


"its not my team"


he's made 4 signings so far out of the whole squad. So really it isn't his team. He will know he has to work with what he has and bring in a few new faces to play with whats already there.


This isn;t an excuse, its the truth.

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lest look at what it is he's actually said here.


"its not my team"


he's made 4 signings so far out of the whole squad. So really it isn't his team. He will know he has to work with what he has and bring in a few new faces to play with whats already there.


This isn;t an excuse, its the truth.





Resigned Vujadinovic








How many was Mcghee Allowed to take in?

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Resigned Vujadinovic








How many was Mcghee Allowed to take in?


he was brought to stop relegation - Job number one done


he now has the huge task of moving is forward and up the league table to a much respectable position - the jury is still out.


oh and Brown is talking about his current team - only 4 of the above are here, the rest were not signed by him.

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he was brought to stop relegation - Job number one done


he now has the huge task of moving is forward and up the league table to a much respectable position - the jury is still out.


oh and Brown is talking about his current team - only 4 of the above are here, the rest were not signed by him.


If thats the case, out of the current team how many were signed by McGhee.

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The problem with us, and all clubs outwith the Olf Infirm, is that we can only attract players or afford 1, or at most 2 year contracts.

Stability is impossible.

Players will always be coming to the end of their contracts, or at the "can talk to other clubs stage".

Every season it will be 7 in 7 out........or in our case 6 in 10 out.


And Brown's comments would suggest there are one or two under contract he'd rather not have, and with them gone, he can free up their wages to get someone he wants in.


It's hardly a crime, and is pretty normal.


Negative for negative sake methinks.

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who cares??? we are focusing on what Brown said I thought.


Is what Brown said wrong or not?



Yes it is wrong, if it wasnt ok for the previous manager than its not ok for him.


He has decided this team is good enough for the season ahead.


We need 6 or 7 players - he has been quoted in the press twice on the past fortnight saying 2 maybe 3. Its his decision to go with this team.

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Yes it is wrong, if it wasnt ok for the previous manager than its not ok for him.


He has decided this team is good enough for the season ahead.


We need 6 or 7 players - he has been quoted in the press twice on the past fortnight saying 2 maybe 3. Its his decision to go with this team.



he hasn;t decided anything yet.


is your point simply that this comment from Brown is not ok?

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Well it turned out McGhee was sh*te. His hands may have been tied by the baord, as I suspect Browns will be too but no manager should have survived 0-9 and 0-5. We were beat 7 league games in a row.


It was only 6 dude.


And 2 of those were the old firm away


Brown lost 7 out of the last 10 league games. And one of those 3 was a 1-1 draw at hamilton :suicide:

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It was only 6 dude.


And 2 of those were the old firm away


Brown lost 7 out of the last 10 league games. And one of those 3 was a 1-1 draw at hamilton :suicide:


the end of the season was sh*te but for me a lot of players were simply plodding along knowing there was nothing to aim for in the league since relegation was close to impossible.


its fresh start for all in our team with new faces added to it. We got rid of Diamond and Maguire and Clangers is being replaced.


new season so lets just see where it goes.

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It was only 6 dude.


And 2 of those were the old firm away


Brown lost 7 out of the last 10 league games. And one of those 3 was a 1-1 draw at hamilton :suicide:



Dramatic improvements are required. St Johnstone at home and St Mirren away first 2 games will be a good judge as to where we're at. No excuses for failing to get 6 points.


Brown needs to get 3 in before the season (first 11). Left back, right/left sided midfeidler and a striker. Tehn concentrate in filling other gaps with loan players. I don't think that't too unrealistic to expect.

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Brown's in charge, it's his team and i expect a marked improvement on the dross of last season from day one.Not sure why he's said this coz it wont encourage those he didnt sign.

Brown was in paper BEFORE any new faces came in claiming the squad he had left was already capable of top 6.

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Yeah exactly, Also claiming that he is hoping to sign at least 2 more players before the start of the season! Can only assume that he is after a wing back and a left sided midfielder - meaning he's happy to go the season with Vernon / Mackie up front (which i guess is ok but leaves maggenis to cover) and is expecting Pawlett / Fyvie to remain injury free (which given past records is extremely worrying.


Still think we need at least 5 or 6 players and a bit worried that the season starts in less than three weeks.


4 wide players (2 defenders, 2 midfielders), perment number 2 keeper, and a striker

If only 2 more players coming in then Brown will need excuse book at the ready as we will struggle badly.

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Dramatic improvements are required. St Johnstone at home and St Mirren away first 2 games will be a good judge as to where we're at. No excuses for failing to get 6 points.


Brown needs to get 3 in before the season (first 11). Left back, right/left sided midfeidler and a striker. Tehn concentrate in filling other gaps with loan players. I don't think that't too unrealistic to expect.











Fyvie / Osbourne

Clark / Pawell





that team is not going to finish top 6.

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3 games last season Stoney. I make no apology for it. Lets get this over with before we have the pathetic "I go more than you" argument. the likes of you and mini for example are exactly where I was a few years ago.


You could't keep me away from pittodrie a while back but gradually the lack of effort both on and off the park has drained my enthusiasm for AFC. You seem to be going the same way and sighting the QOS match as a reason for it which is fair game as far as I'm concerned. The game at home in Europe last season practically finished me for the whole of last season and the total games I attended was the lowest for 25 years.


I found something better to do with my time on Saturdays now as I'm sure you do, my comment about you supporting a successful side was just a joke stoney as I completely agree with your reasons for not going. If we get off to a decent start and we some effort from the players on the park then I'll be going more than last season once my own season ends. What I don't agree with is the negativity you constantly spout, McGhee and Brown are search9ing in the same transfer market but looking at different players who we know very little about.


McGhee was a dour man who struggled inspire anyone but I don;t think this will be the same with Brown and Knox.

Maybe he isn't just turning his back on the club yet wants more from the club and the team on the park. I will still be going to Pittodrie next season but am predicting another battle at wrong end of the table. But i am not in position to do anything about it - Brown however is.

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I'm willing to give Brown the start of this season to see what he can do. He had a bunchh of pussys in that team last season and severe damage had been done by McGhee. With a budget like ours changes cannot be done overnight Stoney so patience is required.


I think it was clear to most that MCGhee was out his depth.


All I am saying is lets see how this team under Brown and Knox get on before jumping in claiming they are sh*te.

You keep pedalling this budget line time and time again but our budget is still much higher than 75% of the league.

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