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Brown Getting His Excuses Ready.............

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I Didnt support Mcghee i just dont think he was given the full backing of the board. I see no differance in the first 10 games under mcghee to the last 10 under brown, Apart from us being a little worse in the last 10 games.


McGhee's first 10 games (don't know why we don't extend it to however many he actually had, 16?) were with the squad he built last year and took to our worst ever defeat and to equal bottom of the league. Brown's last 10 games were a winding down after avoiding relegation. Disappointing that he couldn't get better perfomances out of the team, and he did make some tactical errors, but with players already deciding they were going and as I already said, safety secured, I don't think it was comparable to McGhee's first 10-16 games...


Obviously it is all guesswork on how the team will shape up this summer and the easiest way to base your guess may be on the end of last season, but I think the players coming in will be hungrier and I think the squad will be better shaped than last year. My guess is therefore that we will be considerably better than we were in the first 16 games or last 10 games last year.

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Here's one.


The first 10 games under McGhee were the beginning of a supposed new era of all out attacking football by the swashbuckling and charismatic McGhee.


Reality? It was clear, immediately, that he was way out of his comfort zone. Capitulations left, right and centre, tactically inept, fell out with everyone, and wanted to manage Celtic but made do with us.


Brown, last 10 games :blahblah1: .These games did not matter. Nothing games. Maybe for a bit of actual comparison you could look at his first ten games, and compare his record to McGhee on that basis, which will further highlight the complete rubbish you are spouting off constantly about our manager.


McGhee never got any money because it was clear he was a clown who had his head up his arse. No wonder you seem to like him.


A whole post of utter lies, much the same as everything else you write.

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McGhee's first 10 games (don't know why we don't extend it to however many he actually had, 16?) were with the squad he built last year and took to our worst ever defeat and to equal bottom of the league. Brown's last 10 games were a winding down after avoiding relegation. Disappointing that he couldn't get better perfomances out of the team, and he did make some tactical errors, but with players already deciding they were going and as I already said, safety secured, I don't think it was comparable to McGhee's first 10-16 games...


Obviously it is all guesswork on how the team will shape up this summer and the easiest way to base your guess may be on the end of last season, but I think the players coming in will be hungrier and I think the squad will be better shaped than last year. My guess is therefore that we will be considerably better than we were in the first 16 games or last 10 games last year.


Right, correct me if im wrong.....................


Last summer we signed! Magennis, Mccardle, Vernon, Hartley, Howard and Vujadinovic! 6 players. That was enough time for him to build "his" squad.


Brown has signed 3 so far, and will assume that he gets the three more he is after.............So also 6 players.


So they sign they same amount of players in the same time frame, but Mcghee was given a year and a half brown says it will take 3 years.................


Like i said. This transfer window is a carbon copy of the last - While some of you adopt the blind faith approach i'll adopt the realistic approach. This season will be worse than last.

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A whole post of utter lies, much the same as everything else you write.




I dinna think so :blahblah1:


You should be banned from Pittodrie such is your atrocious attitude towards anything the football club does.


With fans like these etc.


Maybe you could try a counter argument, instead of ceaseless negativity which, when challenged, turns to infantile jibes.


i.e. you're talking pish, making ludicrous and unfair comparisons between the chalk of Brown and the cheese of McGhee.

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No i'm not . See Tups post above , the 10 games you have cherrypicked from Browns era happen to be the 10 that didnt matter .


Which is evidence as if needed that there are those who will leave no stone unturned in order to harangue the manager.


Brown has done very little wrong so far under the circumstances he found himself in.

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Right, correct me if im wrong.....................


Last summer we signed! Magennis, Mccardle, Vernon, Hartley, Howard and Vujadinovic! 6 players. That was enough time for him to build "his" squad.


Brown has signed 3 so far, and will assume that he gets the three more he is after.............So also 6 players.


So they sign they same amount of players in the same time frame, but Mcghee was given a year and a half brown says it will take 3 years.................


Like i said. This transfer window is a carbon copy of the last - While some of you adopt the blind faith approach i'll adopt the realistic approach. This season will be worse than last.


Learn to count.


Last season we also signed Velicka. So 7 players.


This summer, we have signed 4 players, Mawene, Clark, Osbourne and Gonzalez. I will bet that we will sign at least 4 for more players.


Brown is saying another 2 years till his team would be in place. That doesn't mean he doesn't expect he team he has made this season not to perform. That, as I say, is the way that someone who has decided next season is going to be terrible would view it, twisting everything said to share their view.


The transfer window isn't yet a carbon copy of the last one yet, as you don't know how it will finish. Again, you are guessing.


Call what I have blind faith if you want. I wouldn't, hence why I haven't got my season ticket yet. I am still biding my time, unsure, might even wait a game or 2 in. I just don't have 100% negativity on absolutely everything in or around the club just now.

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Learn to count.


Last season we also signed Velicka. So 7 players.


This summer, we have signed 4 players, Mawene, Clark, Osbourne and Gonzalez. I will bet that we will sign at least 4 for more players.


Brown is saying another 2 years till his team would be in place. That doesn't mean he doesn't expect he team he has made this season not to perform. That, as I say, is the way that someone who has decided next season is going to be terrible would view it, twisting everything said to share their view.


The transfer window isn't yet a carbon copy of the last one yet, as you don't know how it will finish. Again, you are guessing.


Call what I have blind faith if you want. I wouldn't, hence why I haven't got my season ticket yet. I am still biding my time, unsure, might even wait a game or 2 in. I just don't have 100% negativity on absolutely everything in or around the club just now.


Velicka was swapped for Foster, to allow foster to gain experiance. something you have been wanking over all week.


How many more signings do you thing we are going to make? How many do you think we need?

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Learn to count.


Last season we also signed Velicka. So 7 players.


This summer, we have signed 4 players, Mawene, Clark, Osbourne and Gonzalez. I will bet that we will sign at least 4 for more players.

Plus Milsom - 5 - learn to count :thumbup1:

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Velicka was swapped for Foster, to allow foster to gain experiance. something you have been wanking over all week.


How many more signings do you thing we are going to make? How many do you think we need?


I think we will need 5-6 and that we will get at least 4.


We will get a reserve keeper definite.


Other 3 signings would be a left back, winger (preferably left sided) and a striker.


Beyond that, not too sure, probably some versatile cover...

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If you're putting forward a sin bin idea noddy, be careful what you wish for - you'd be constantly in it.




By all means you can fire into me, but repeating the same thing over and over again is childish, obviously.


And the issue with SoTR has been all but dealt with, not exactly to my satisfaction or peace of mind, but dealt with all the same, in an adult manner.


I'm not going to get involved in primary school style stuff with you and Stoney because of it.


Try thinking of something that is your own idea, thought up by you, exclusively.


And lay off Craig Brown the pair of you.

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By all means you can fire into me, but repeating the same thing over and over again is childish, obviously.


And the issue with SoTR has been all but dealt with, not exactly to my satisfaction or peace of mind, but dealt with all the same, in an adult manner.


I'm not going to get involved in primary school style stuff with you and Stoney because of it.


Try thinking of something that is your own idea, thought up by you, exclusively.


And lay off Craig Brown the pair of you.



Exactly - Let brown get on with his job. It's like slating a runner for finishing a marathon in a poor time even though he still has 13 miles to run! Wait and see what else transpires in the transfer market for us and who knows there may still be a surprise or 2 to come.

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Pfft, you said you would prefer to watch Liverpool, that's as good as writing him off without a chance being afforded.


So far we have:


1. He's making excuses for himself.

2. He's too old, hope the club are aware of that.

3. He's getting more rope than the hapless McGhee.

4. His team were crap in the meaningless games at the end of last season.

5. He's trying to buy midfielders when it's crystal clear to supporters in the stand who've never managed a team in their lives that this is not what we require.



Feel free to add more gentlemen. It's time to isolate this constant hot air and show it up for it's complete pointlessness.

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I think the fact that Brown has gotten rid of Derek Young and Diamond has already said enough about his eye for "talent"!


I trust Brown to do a minimum of putting us back into the top 6 and make us difficult to beat again. I don't forsee him having the same degree of "success" in the league as Calderwood had, not in such a short space of time anyways.



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I think the fact that Brown has gotten rid of Derek Young and Diamond has already said enough about his eye for "talent"!


I trust Brown to do a minimum of putting us back into the top 6 and make us difficult to beat again. I don't forsee him having the same degree of "success" in the league as Calderwood had, not in such a short space of time anyways.




I disagree. I think he can be every bit as "successful" as Calderwood. You only have to look at where he left Motherwell when he joined us.

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If our own fans underestimate the ability of our manager, that's fine by me, understated is the best way.


Come Christmas none of you will be in any doubt about the difference between having a good manager, and a sh*t one.


Last December was about as low as it gets for fans of Aberdeen. That will not happen this year.

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I disagree. I think he can be every bit as "successful" as Calderwood. You only have to look at where he left Motherwell when he joined us.

I don't doubt he could be, but don't see it being an overnight fix. I think 4th place isn't inconceivable, i'm just not sure if we're quite there yet to sustain a challenge at the top end (4th place challenge not for the league!!)



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I don't doubt he could be, but don't see it being an overnight fix. I think 4th place isn't inconceivable, i'm just not sure if we're quite there yet to sustain a challenge at the top end (4th place challenge not for the league!!)




I hear what your saying but i will also put this to you. Take a look around us and at the other teams ie Hearts, Hibs, united etc. Hearts are the only team i would say have strengthened, the rest look slightly weaker to me.

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I hear what your saying but i will also put this to you. Take a look around us and at the other teams ie Hearts, Hibs, united etc. Hearts are the only team i would say have strengthened, the rest look slightly weaker to me.

Yeah I have been thinking that myself. We shall see, I'd not be disappointed if we made 5th place this season but would be delighted if we managed to get into 4th or even 3rd place!

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Erm that we havnt replaced half of the above yet...........................But thanks for re-inforcing my point


This for me sums up the situation in a nutshell - and why you are guaranteed not to be happy with the number of players Brown signs.


We have no need to replace half those players.


Quarter of them were clearly not up to the task and another quarter were squad-fillers at best and their position in the squad will be taken by promoting youngsters - or by taking in a loanee or two, or picking up one of the trialists towards the end of the window. A few more on your list were players brought in to cover gaps in the squad due to an exceptional long-term injury list, and also now do not need replaced.


That leaves maybe 6 or 7 players to find.


We have already signed 4- replacing the key positions one at a time.


Brown wants at least another 2, of which one will be a badly-needed striker


We'll have a squad of either 22 or 23 by the end of August, with 20-21 in place by the time the season kicks off.






The way I see it, the issue is not the quantity of signings we are currently bring in - it's their quality - and so far, I'm content with the pedigree at least.


The proof of the signing policy will only be known when we have played 13-14 games.

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This for me sums up the situation in a nutshell - and why you are guaranteed not to be happy with the number of players Brown signs.


We have no need to replace half those players.


Quarter of them were clearly not up to the task and another quarter were squad-fillers at best and their position in the squad will be taken by promoting youngsters - or by taking in a loanee or two, or picking up one of the trialists towards the end of the window. A few more on your list were players brought in to cover gaps in the squad due to an exceptional long-term injury list, and also now do not need replaced.


That leaves maybe 6 or 7 players to find.


We have already signed 4- replacing the key positions one at a time.


Brown wants at least another 2, of which one will be a badly-needed striker


We'll have a squad of either 22 or 23 by the end of August, with 20-21 in place by the time the season kicks off.






The way I see it, the issue is not the quantity of signings we are currently bring in - it's their quality - and so far, I'm content with the pedigree at least.


The proof of the signing policy will only be known when we have played 13-14 games.


You say that but the players you have said we dont need to replace all played a massive part in the first team last year most of them playing 20+ games, they need to be replaced, either by squad players or players brown is going to be starting with.


To say we are going to get by - by only signing 4 or 5 players is crazy talk.

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You say that but the players you have said we dont need to replace all played a massive part in the first team last year most of them playing 20+ games, they need to be replaced, either by squad players or players brown is going to be starting with.


To say we are going to get by - by only signing 4 or 5 players is crazy talk.


Stoney min. Read the guys post again he couldn't make it any clearer if he tried why we don't need the amount of players you are alluding to.


If Afc are to have any sort of quality within the squad then there is only room financially for 22 or 23 players. Don't you get this?

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Stoney min. Read the guys post again he couldn't make it any clearer if he tried why we don't need the amount of players you are alluding to.


If Afc are to have any sort of quality within the squad then there is only room financially for 22 or 23 players. Don't you get this?



Last season we used 35 differant players during the course of the season.


You say we only have room financially for 22-23 players.


How many first team players do we have now?


Langfield, Gonazales

Foster, Mawene, Considine, Mccardle, Robertson

Clark, Fyvie, Pawlett, Milsom, Folly, Osbourn, Shaunessey, jack

Paton, Mackie, Vernon, Magennis


Thats only 19 players, Thats including Robertson, Shaunessey, Jack who the jury is still very much out on. They are way too young to be relying on to be playing 20 times in a season, If we only add three players this will be what we are expecting them to do.

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Last season we used 35 differant players during the course of the season.


You say we only have room financially for 22-23 players.


How many first team players do we have now?


Langfield, Gonazales

Foster, Mawene, Considine, Mccardle, Robertson

Clark, Fyvie, Pawlett, Milsom, Folly, Osbourn, Shaunessey, jack

Paton, Mackie, Vernon, Magennis


Thats only 19 players, Thats including Robertson, Shaunessey, Jack who the jury is still very much out on. They are way too young to be relying on to be playing 20 times in a season, If we only add three players this will be what we are expecting them to do.

I'm afraid that is just the way the SPL is going nowadays. I'm fairly certain most teams outside of the Old Firm and Hearts are in the same predicament.


We can't afford to have 20+ decent players without filling 25-40% with good youngstars*, which is what we've done.


* - Just for you Millertime!

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