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no, dinna get me wrong i'm not remotley racist (or bothered) what other god botherers or coloureds get up to.


BUT,.... what i dinna get is the jews.


listening to talksport now they are going on about a massive worldwide jewish football tournament going on.

i also know they have a jewish football league in britian.


since when did religion come into sport (dont answer that one)?


but its not just football, its every aspect of life that the jews have a jewish version of.


newspapers - the jewish cronicle (tagline - ''The UK's oldest and most widely-read Jewish newspaper, covering news, sport, lifestyle and religious features of interest to Jews worldwide.'' ) - arent jews interested in the same news as i ? ? :dontknow:


humour. anyone ever met a fenian comedian and i dinna mean all the irish funny men, but someone that embodies catholic humour in the way you get jewish humour. what do jews find funny that i dont? :dontknow: you dinna get catholic humour, theres nae such thing. but jewis humour exists, what is it?


things are always described as jewish this and jewish that.

i've never been to a catholic deli.

nor a protestant ghetto area of town.

and i've never seen a buddist football tournament before.


just wondering why they always like to have the jewish adjective infront of anything that is generally in the public domain?

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no, dinna get me wrong i'm not remotley racist (or bothered) what other god botherers or coloureds get up to.


BUT,.... what i dinna get is the jews.


listening to talksport now they are going on about a massive worldwide jewish football tournament going on.

i also know they have a jewish football league in britian.


since when did religion come into sport (dont answer that one)?


but its not just football, its every aspect of life that the jews have a jewish version of.


newspapers - the jewish cronicle (tagline - ''The UK's oldest and most widely-read Jewish newspaper, covering news, sport, lifestyle and religious features of interest to Jews worldwide.'' ) - arent jews interested in the same news as i ? ? :dontknow:


humour. anyone ever met a fenian comedian and i dinna mean all the irish funny men, but someone that embodies catholic humour in the way you get jewish humour. what do jews find funny that i dont?


things are always described as jewish this and jewish that. i've never been to a catholic deli. or a protestant area of town.

and i've never seen a buddist football tournament before.


just wondering why they always like to have the jewish adjective infront of anything that is generally in the public domain?


Christ on a bike. :suicide:


Anyone who starts off with I'm no racist but is exactly that.

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no, dinna get me wrong i'm not remotley racist (or bothered) what other god botherers or coloureds get up to.


BUT,.... what i dinna get is the jews.


listening to talksport now they are going on about a massive worldwide jewish football tournament going on.

i also know they have a jewish football league in britian.


since when did religion come into sport (dont answer that one)?


but its not just football, its every aspect of life that the jews have a jewish version of.


newspapers - the jewish cronicle (tagline - ''The UK's oldest and most widely-read Jewish newspaper, covering news, sport, lifestyle and religious features of interest to Jews worldwide.'' ) - arent jews interested in the same news as i ? ? :dontknow:


humour. anyone ever met a fenian comedian and i dinna mean all the irish funny men, but someone that embodies catholic humour in the way you get jewish humour. what do jews find funny that i dont? :dontknow: you dinna get catholic humour, theres nae such thing. but jewis humour exists, what is it?


things are always described as jewish this and jewish that.

i've never been to a catholic deli.

nor a protestant ghetto area of town.

and i've never seen a buddist football tournament before.


just wondering why they always like to have the jewish adjective infront of anything that is generally in the public domain?



Are Spurs playing in this?

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I agree Bluto, bit like the MOBO awards!


Imagine the outrage if some wags decided to hold a White only festival.


You don't have to be black to win a mobo award. The clue is in the name, music of black origin...


Music of white origin would be a bit too wide a selection for one awards ceremony.

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'Retaining identity'


'Upholding tradition'


Two phrases often used by such groups, and I'm not specifically referring to jews here, but all those who wish to operate a 'culture within' when they are part of a wider society.


Bollocks - it's outright racism, dressed up as cultural heritage.

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I agree Bluto, bit like the MOBO awards!


Imagine the outrage if some wags decided to hold a White only festival.



The MOBO's isn't a 'black only festival', it's music of black origin. The races of the artists is irrelevant, but the music has to be of black roots.

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'Retaining identity'


'Upholding tradition'


Two phrases often used by such groups, and I'm not specifically referring to jews here, but all those who wish to operate a 'culture within' when they are part of a wider society.


Bollocks - it's outright racism, dressed up as cultural heritage.


remind me again how Scots differ from the English?


its outright racism dressed up as cultural heritage

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'Retaining identity'


'Upholding tradition'


Two phrases often used by such groups, and I'm not specifically referring to jews here, but all those who wish to operate a 'culture within' when they are part of a wider society.


Bollocks - it's outright racism, dressed up as cultural heritage.


i kindof agree with you.


'''culture within' when they are part of a wider society.''


that sums it up for me.


the need for a jewish, or any other religious, newspaper for me is hilarious.

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i kindof agree with you.


'''culture within' when they are part of a wider society.''


that sums it up for me.


the need for a jewish, or any other religious, newspaper for me is hilarious.


Why? It is just an other ideology with which newspaper editors will spin the news to reflect. No different to any other newspaper, except most will be based on political ideology. And then there is the Daily Mail...

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Why? It is just an other ideology with which newspaper editors will spin the news to reflect. No different to any other newspaper, except most will be based on political ideology. And then there is the Daily Mail...


Yes but newspapers are perhaps the wrong example to use.


Schools. Banking facilities. Shops.


A culture should be homogenous, division creates division.


And then come accusations of persecution.


However, as to whether a multi-cultural society works, at ground level, the answer according to all known histories of such integrations is a resounding NO to that.

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Why? It is just an other ideology with which newspaper editors will spin the news to reflect. No different to any other newspaper, except most will be based on political ideology. And then there is the Daily Mail...



it was just one example.


from my experience, reading books watching tv and travelling etc i've heard countless examples of jewish this or jewish that.


but there doesnt seem to be a equaivalnet identity around other religions or these dont self promote themselves in the smae way.


thats my point.

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Dress it up all you like but my argument still stands; would a festival of white peoples music or white peoples inventions go down well with the left and black people??


The MOBO'S are racist, simple as, music of black origin!! what about yellow people etc, why should they be excluded??


Think I'll have a fashion show in Aberdeen, will call it; "Fashion show for clothes made by white people!" would Union Square hire out their plaza too me??

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Yes but newspapers are perhaps the wrong example to use.


Schools. Banking facilities. Shops.


A culture should be homogenous, division creates division.


And then come accusations of persecution.


However, as to whether a multi-cultural society works, at ground level, the answer according to all known histories of such integrations is a resounding NO to that.



did you know that jewish money lenders bankrolled a lot of england back in the day. and i mean 1000 years ago.


i watched this on a tv program.


but why did they have to tell me they were jewish. its surely not relevant, is it?

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Why is jewellery called jewellery?



The word jewellery is derived from the word jewel, which was anglicized from the Old French "jouel" circa the 13th century. Further tracing leads back to the Latin word "jocale", meaning plaything. Jewellery is one of the oldest forms of body adornment; recently-found 100,000-year-old beads made from Nassarius shells are thought to be the oldest known jewellery.

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it was just one example.


from my experience, reading books watching tv and travelling etc i've heard countless examples of jewish this or jewish that.


but there doesnt seem to be a equaivalnet identity around other religions or these dont self promote themselves in the smae way.


thats my point.


At least 2000 years of persecution tends to make you a little twitchy.


Many groups have their own cultural identity, Scots, football fans, tories, gays - some have their own newspapaers, schools, magazines, scoieties and humour - I think the people with the problem are more likely to be those who expect homegeneity and complain about how those others are different. We are all human, just some are more human than others.

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Yes but newspapers are perhaps the wrong example to use.


Schools. Banking facilities. Shops.


A culture should be homogenous, division creates division.


And then come accusations of persecution.


However, as to whether a multi-cultural society works, at ground level, the answer according to all known histories of such integrations is a resounding NO to that.


A culture should perhaps be homogeneous, but it is always too easy to blame the problems within an area on multi-culturalism.


it was just one example.


from my experience, reading books watching tv and travelling etc i've heard countless examples of jewish this or jewish that.


but there doesnt seem to be a equaivalnet identity around other religions or these dont self promote themselves in the smae way.


thats my point.


Probably because you accept Christianity as being standard without even thinking of it.


Dress it up all you like but my argument still stands; would a festival of white peoples music or white peoples inventions go down well with the left and black people??


The MOBO'S are racist, simple as, music of black origin!! what about yellow people etc, why should they be excluded??


Think I'll have a fashion show in Aberdeen, will call it; "Fashion show for clothes made by white people!" would Union Square hire out their plaza too me??


Complete ignorance. Black music is a genre of music, covering R&B and Hip Hop primarily. It is no different to the Kerrang awards for rock and metal music, or the Brits for pop music (called the Brits, but some foreign artists win too!!!!)

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Complete ignorance. Black music is a genre of music, covering R&B and Hip Hop primarily. It is no different to the Kerrang awards for rock and metal music, or the Brits for pop music (called the Brits, but some foreign artists win too!!!!)



No, R&B and hip hop are genres.

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Scotland and England are two different countries. Whether or not different ethnic groups should help identify and cement their identity via various means such as sports and media, what on earth has different countries got to do with the argument?


What next? The French shouldn't speak French?


Because to use your arguments the Jews see their Jewishness as part of the cultural identity and nationhood - much like you can be British, European, Scottish and Aberdonian without one necessarily prejudicing the other - and you could even have a Chinese background and read Chinese newspapers too.

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I know this isn't really relating to Religion.....but Religion is bollocks.


f**k it, i'm going to start a "Atheist Archery Team" but then that would be ridiculous. Almost as bad as Richard Hawkins(sp?) "God PROBABLY doesn't exist..." bus sign. There are two things wrong with that sign, the first is the fact that he doesnt believe God exists, so why is he bothering putting a sign up to say so. He could as well have put a big sign on the back of the bus saying "There PROBABLY isn't a three headed Lion prowling in the back of your garden, so enjoy the rest of your life" and the second is that he used the word PROBABLY! A guy who spends his life trying to disprove God, and then puts a sign saying "probably...".


I think what people forget about Religion is that - We are all the f**king same! We all came from the same planet, came from the same raw material, Come from the same God (unlikely but for arguments sake...).


I dont have an issue with a Jewish peoples football team / league in Scotland, how is this any different from say, an AFC supporters group in Perth Australia?

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At least 2000 years of persecution tends to make you a little twitchy.


Many groups have their own cultural identity, Scots, football fans, tories, gays - some have their own newspapaers, schools, magazines, scoieties and humour - I think the people with the problem are more likely to be those who expect homegeneity and complain about how those others are different. We are all human, just some are more human than others.



its the use of the adjective ''jewish'' which i find needless but its still often used.

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Because to use your arguments the Jews see their Jewishness as part of the cultural identity and nationhood - much like you can be British, European, Scottish and Aberdonian without one necessarily prejudicing the other - and you could even have a Chinese background and read Chinese newspapers too.


It's the separate schooling that is the real issue, and which manifests the adult prejudice in the childrens minds from the very outset.


This is why we have such a massive problem in the central belt with bigotry.

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