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I dont have an issue with a Jewish peoples football team / league in Scotland, how is this any different from say, an AFC supporters group in Perth Australia?



because i think having a jewish football team is a bit less inclusive that a dons supporters team.


you can choose the team you support but not your religion.

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Utter tripe, you get plenty of White R & B and hip hop musicians, why not call it the RBHH awards for r & b/hip hip acts.


To call it Black is racist.


EDIT; Spot on Dynamo.


Or simply call it music of black origin, as that is what it is.


Why call the Brit awards that?

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Because to use your arguments the Jews see their Jewishness as part of the cultural identity and nationhood - much like you can be British, European, Scottish and Aberdonian without one necessarily prejudicing the other - and you could even have a Chinese background and read Chinese newspapers too.




You can go to school in Scotland. You can't go to a school in Jewland. Or blackland. Or cultural diversityland. A country is a geographical boundary - a territory marked out by borders.


I agree in a way though, as there is nothing particularly Scottish about being Scottish if you will. We are all just people. Aul wifies screet on buses the world over.

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You can go to school in Scotland. You can't go to a school in Jewland. Or blackland. Or cultural diversityland. A country is a geographical boundary - a territory marked out by borders.


I agree in a way though, as there is nothing particularly Scottish about being Scottish if you will. We are all just people. Aul wifies screet on buses the world over.


Bonjour T&P.


I hear you have been having some fun on Mad.


White tennis type trainers.


You'd never catch a Jew wearing them.

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I replied to your post, trying to steal my jokes now, eh?


No such thing as an 'an disagreement' it's obviously an 'a disagreement', back to school.


You need to perhaps clear the tattie bogels from your lugs min, and start listening.


What? :laughing:



You asked who Cat Stevens would support then replied to your question yourself by saying Sunderland.


The an disagreement was a simple typo. My apologies.


Jewbag. :tup:

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I've not had much experience with Jews myself, there's not much in Aberdeenshire. They do seem like the cliques of all cliques however.


When i was in New York and went into the massive photography store (B&H), every single employee was a hardcore hisidic jew, with the hair curls and everything. There must have been 40+ of them, with no non-jew in sight. Pretty sure they employed jews only, with no females in sight either. Surely that's racial, gender and religious discrimination?

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Rocket touches upon a good point... surely any religion that has been persecuted for so long (since time immemorial) in so many different countries, cultures and continents (by peoples as disparate as Austrians/Germans and Arabs, Spanish and Canadians, etc. etc.) must be doing something wrong, no? I recommend reading what moderate Jews like Norman Finkelstein, Gilad Atzmon and many others have to say on the subject.


Oh and on the subject of multiculturalism, let's address the hypocrisy of the political wing of Judaism (i.e. Zionism):


Western world = multicultural states

Israel = Jewish state


You cannot emigrate to Israel unless you are Jewish (and that's not permitted simply by conversion - i.e. if one of us converted to their religion, it is by LINEAGE. You must have ancestry to even be considered for entry), they legally forbid inter-marriage and "race-mixing" and do not grant equal citizenship to the Palestinians living in occupied territory within it's borders. Yes, while they preach (and in some cases ENFORCE, through their disproportionate grip on the media and Hollywood) the virtues of "diversity" on us, it is one rule for them and one rule for non-Jews (AKA "Gentiles" or "Goyim"). To top it all off, they have an Apartheid wall that makes Gaza the world's largest open-air prison. Did we not - rightly - condemn White South Africa for such a system all those years?


All the while, they claim they are a victim state. Go figure...


It is no secret that an unusually high percentage of Jews living in OUR lands have an overwhelming bias towards left-wing causes (Communism was MASSIVELY overrepresented by them, the Civil Rights Act in 1960's America, multi-cultural reforms, liberal - i.e. open-door - Immigrations Acts in Western countries, Obama's fundraisers and 2 of his Chief Advisors, you name it) yet they want NONE of it for themselves.


You have to ask why...?

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Conversely, though:


We also persecuted homosexuals since time immemorial (in the "West") and have, recently in terms of the total time spent having so-called civilisation, stopped torturing them to death and or summarily executing them.


Would be hard-pressed to consider them having deserved it, though.

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Rocket touches upon a good point... surely any religion that has been persecuted for so long (since time immemorial) in so many different countries, cultures and continents (by peoples as disparate as Austrians/Germans and Arabs, Spanish and Canadians, etc. etc.) must be doing something wrong, no? I recommend reading what moderate Jews like Norman Finkelstein, Gilad Atzmon and many others have to say on the subject.


Oh and on the subject of multiculturalism, let's address the hypocrisy of the political wing of Judaism (i.e. Zionism):


Western world = multicultural states

Israel = Jewish state


You cannot emigrate to Israel unless you are Jewish (and that's not permitted simply by conversion - i.e. if one of us converted to their religion, it is by LINEAGE. You must have ancestry to even be considered for entry), they legally forbid inter-marriage and "race-mixing" and do not grant equal citizenship to the Palestinians living in occupied territory within it's borders. Yes, while they preach (and in some cases ENFORCE, through their disproportionate grip on the media and Hollywood) the virtues of "diversity" on us, it is one rule for them and one rule for non-Jews (AKA "Gentiles" or "Goyim"). To top it all off, they have an Apartheid wall that makes Gaza the world's largest open-air prison. Did we not - rightly - condemn White South Africa for such a system all those years?


All the while, they claim they are a victim state. Go figure...


It is no secret that an unusually high percentage of Jews living in OUR lands have an overwhelming bias towards left-wing causes (Communism was MASSIVELY overrepresented by them, the Civil Rights Act in 1960's America, multi-cultural reforms, liberal - i.e. open-door - Immigrations Acts in Western countries, Obama's fundraisers and 2 of his Chief Advisors, you name it) yet they want NONE of it for themselves.


You have to ask why...?


I blame those daft hats they wear.

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Conversely, though:


We also persecuted homosexuals since time immemorial (in the "West") and have, recently in terms of the total time spent having so-called civilisation, stopped torturing them to death and or summarily executing them.


Would be hard-pressed to consider them having deserved it, though.



Not just the West.


I disagree with your last sentence in many ways. :tup:

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