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This boy was found guilty of anti-zionism today:






another link to it


Mr Colchester and Mr Donnachie, deny the charges.


They are accused of acting in a racially aggravated manner intended to cause alarm or distress to Mr Reitblat by placing their hands on their genitals before rubbing them on the Israeli national flag while making comments of an offensive nature.


and then


He said: "They were extremely drunk and smelled of alcohol, falling over a lot as they walked in.


"Paul noticed that I had a flag, at which point he said Israel was a terrorist state and the flag was a terrorist symbol.


"They both then unbuttoned their trousers.


"Paul put his hands down his pants, pulled off a pubic hair and rubbed it over my flag. Sam did the same thing.


"Sam started urinating in my sink. He asked me if I wanted him to jump on me. I said no, but he did it anyway."

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Why did he need to go see the Jewish society before going to the police,?

Total over reaction, hardly Krystallnacht was it?


my argument is where is the racism here?


The state of Israel is fascist despite what they claim. Some people feel very strongly about that country and their flag nowadays.

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I don't know if Israel is a Fascist state... not in the context that I understand Fascism, anyway.


It's an abhorrent, disgusting, violent, apartheid state without question, but Fascist, I don't know.... I'm thinking probably not.


I dislike the Israeli State because of its actions, not because of its religion... however I can guarantee I would be called an anti-semite because of my opinion on Israel's behaviour.


This is what Israel uses to shut down all argument or protest against its behaviour. As soon as someone raises a concern or a complaint they are shouted down as an anti-semite. It's bullshit, and anyone with half a brain understands that it's bullshit.


Israel can f**k off.

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I don't know if Israel is a Fascist state... not in the context that I understand Fascism, anyway.


It's an abhorrent, disgusting, violent, apartheid state without question, but Fascist, I don't know.... I'm thinking probably not.


I dislike the Israeli State because of its actions, not because of its religion... however I can guarantee I would be called an anti-semite because of my opinion on Israel's behaviour.


This is what Israel uses to shut down all argument or protest against its behaviour. As soon as someone raises a concern or a complaint they are shouted down as an anti-semite. It's bullshit, and anyone with half a brain understands that it's bullshit.


Israel can f**k off.


The thing is (and I've cited examples of this in the past) many of it's biggest critics are Jewish (MP Gerald Kaufman, Musician Gilad Atzmon, Rabbi Ginsberg, Prof Norman Finkelstein, Israel Shamir and the late Israel Shahek, among many others) and some oppose it's very existence, either on moral grounds or religious (Ultra-Orthodox legend has it that there is no returning to "Zion" until the Messiah comes and as they reject their fellow Jew, Jesus Christ, they're still waiting).


It is true however that Gentiles who voice this dissent are treated as "anti-Semites" (erroneously, as Arabs and Bedouins are Semitic races. Christianity is also a Semite religion) but these aforementioned men are treated as pariahs in the ZOG community.


(as a side note, it's interesting how Jews didn't generally care about their own statehood for 2000yrs, until the German Jew Theodor Hertzl - the "Godfather of Zionism" - came along in the late 19th Century.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Question re Israel/Palestine.


Not knowing much about it at all, but I have one question.


In biblical times the Israelites and the Jews occupied this land (Israel)? What happened to displace them in the first place?



they decided to move to america and europe in search of a better living and to make money.

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I think it was the Romans who forced them out.


no. they left so that they could find their fortune in europe flogging gold and silver.

they were the banker of th 8th century.

tight fisted frugal cnuts.


can anyone tell me why they have such unimaginative names?

gold this. silver that. somoneberg. somethingman.

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no. they left so that they could find their fortune in europe flogging gold and silver.

they were the banker of th 8th century.

tight fisted frugal cnuts.


can anyone tell me why they have such unimaginative names?

gold this. silver that. somoneberg. somethingman.


The Romans did indeed force them out, far before the Jews became the banking elite of nations.


It wasn't until the crusades when Jews started to return to the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which was a Christian nation at the time.

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Is there a common theme here?


The continual prosecution and forced exile of jews?


Christians were banned from loaning money by following the example of Jesus (remember when he threw a shit fit in the temple at the money lenders?), so Jews became vastly wealthy in what amounted to a monopoly due to Christians imposing a ban on themselves. Jewish banking families then sent their sons across Europes' cities to establish banking systems. These sons married into other Jewish banking families creating banking dynasties of sorts.


With no competition, they amassed large portfolios of properties and wealth and employed only Jews, keeping it in the family so to speak.


In a period of time, where the system of governance in Europe was mostly Feudal Monarchies, where land owners and nobles promised the Kings manpower and taxes in exchange for certain concessions, Kings didn't take kindly to a group that owed no loyalty to them, especially powerful ones. When they no longer served a purpose or advantage to the King, they were exiled and their possessions confiscated. Much like Edward I did in England.


I think Scotland is one of the only places in Europe to have never taken part in state sponsored persecution of Jews.

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The Romans did indeed force them out, far before the Jews became the banking elite of nations.


It wasn't until the crusades when Jews started to return to the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which was a Christian nation at the time.


dunno about that.


i read that even back in stone age times jews were thrifty and entrepenerial.


they have found evidence of jews in suffolk as far back as cavemen times.

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The Romans did indeed force them out, far before the Jews became the banking elite of nations.


It wasn't until the crusades when Jews started to return to the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which was a Christian nation at the time.


They had been forced out long before the Romans arrived. The Assyrian Empire had conquered the area in around 800 BC odds and exiled a lot of Jews at that time before the Babylonians invaded themselves in around 600 BC, then the Persians and then the Macedonians before the Romans

took control.


The area has in effect been fought over for centuries and been ruled by various nations over that time.

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