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I've only known one Jew, a dude I worked with for a year or so.


Have to say he was an absolute w*nker of a human being, like. Not based on his Jewishness, but rather based on the fact that he was a w*nker.


Sitting at my desk doing paperwork, he sneaks up behind me and boots the back of my chair and about breaksmy spine. The fact he was built like Gollum and I'm 6'+ and over 200lbs didn't seem to phase the f**king weirdo at all. I mean, I'm 99% sure I could have lifted him off his feet and crushed his skull between my mitts like he was made out of polystyrene, but it would have felt like I was smacking a lassie around.


I remember a couple weeks after he left, we were cleaning up the files on his computer and we stumbled upon porn of a highly illegal nature, I mean criminal proceedings sort of porn... a cursory check of the dates on the the files showed they'd been downloaded after we'd gone home for the night, so I suppose he was keeping himself busy after hours.


Anyway, none of this was anything to do with him being a Jew.


My personal opinion on Israel is that it's run by absolute w*nkers.


Again, not because they're Jews but rather because they're absolute w*nkers, and their policies are the worst kind of evil, racist, apartheid bullshit. Call them South Africa and every c**t would be boycotting their oranges.


There is a strong sense that the Jews get it easy because of the holocaust, and fair enough that was f**king appalling... however that doesn't give Israel carte blanche to act like f**king NAZIs themselves. In fact they of all people should know better.


So, Jews in general.. no idea, because I've only met one and he was a w*nker. But you can't generalise about an entire demographic based on one tosser, otherwise I'd hate every c**t from Wigan.. what with the only guy I've known from Wigan also being an absolute tosser.


Israel, absolute f**king shambles of a country... racist, xenophobic, cunting NAZIs.... I'm sure they're not all like that, but the people they vote in are... not because they're Jews, but because they're w*nkers.


Jews in general, don't know enough personally to make that call.


I'd f**k Sarah Silverman, so I guess I'm not anti-semitic.



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I've only known one Jew, a dude I worked with for a year or so.


Have to say he was an absolute w*nker of a human being, like. Not based on his Jewishness, but rather based on the fact that he was a w*nker.


Sitting at my desk doing paperwork, he sneaks up behind me and boots the back of my chair and about breaksmy spine. The fact he was built like Gollum and I'm 6'+ and over 200lbs didn't seem to phase the f**king weirdo at all. I mean, I'm 99% sure I could have lifted him off his feet and crushed his skull between my mitts like he was made out of polystyrene, but it would have felt like I was smacking a lassie around.


I remember a couple weeks after he left, we were cleaning up the files on his computer and we stumbled upon porn of a highly illegal nature, I mean criminal proceedings sort of porn... a cursory check of the dates on the the files showed they'd been downloaded after we'd gone home for the night, so I suppose he was keeping himself busy after hours.



kelt, you've been in amrica too long.

it's kilos.

pounds are for market traders.

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Jews are an easy target coopy.

It's far more trendy and hip to support the Palestinians.





Israel is a disgustingly racist, apartheid state that was founded on zionist terrorism against the British.



Here's a story about how much Israel is an apartheid state.



Palestinians are no longer bagging groceries most days at the Rami Levi supermarket at the Gush Etzion junction, after a romance between a Palestinian bagger and a Jewish cashier spurred local rabbis to demand that Levi take action.


In an effort to prevent fraternizing between the Palestinian packers and the female Jewish cashiers, baggers are no longer working at the checkout counters most of the week. An exception was made for the Wednesday and Thursday night shifts, when the checkout counters are so busy that there is little opportunity for conversation.


Now, imagine if Tesco separated black men and a white women from working together because they might get romantically involved? Can't quite see it myself.




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The thing is, people continually refer to the Holocaust.... it's alarming enough that it's used as a shield for Israel's actions - and morally bankrupt justification for it's actions (and the West's support for them) - but even more appalling to hear it pronounced in the SINGULAR term. While Jewish-led Hollywood churns out movie after movie on this atrocity, we see next to NOTHING about Lenin, Trotsky, Kaganovich, Kamenev, Apfelbaum, Ehrenburg and the countless other Jewish Communists who massacred millions in the USSR (ask Ukrainians about the Holodomor... a min. of 4M of their people died as a result of the Communists' wonderful "Collectivization" policies. Not to mention a min of 10M Russians - Hitler was an amateur compared to these guys and their Gulag system).


Sorry, but I have to agree with Norman Finkelstein here. There is indeed a "Holocau$t Industry" and the $5BN+ that Israel gets from the US, as well as the emotional blackmail they heap on the Western powers that be, has to stop. They wanted their little Apartheid State. Let them face the consequences. They are NOT our ally (the King David Hotel bombing, the Lavon Affair, the attack on the USS Liberty, the Jonathan Pollard Spy case, among others, their defiance of International Law since 1967, all prove this).

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The thing is, people continually refer to the Holocaust.... it's alarming enough that it's used as a shield for Israel's actions - and morally bankrupt justification for it's actions (and the West's support for them) - but even more appalling to hear it pronounced in the SINGULAR term. While Jewish-led Hollywood churns out movie after movie on this atrocity, we see next to NOTHING about Lenin, Trotsky, Kaganovich, Kamenev, Apfelbaum, Ehrenburg and the countless other Jewish Communists who massacred millions in the USSR (ask Ukrainians about the Holodomor... a min. of 4M of their people died as a result of the Communists' wonderful "Collectivization" policies. Not to mention a min of 10M Russians - Hitler was an amateur compared to these guys and their Gulag system).


Sorry, but I have to agree with Norman Finkelstein here. There is indeed a "Holocau$t ™ Industry" and the $5BN+ that Israel gets from the US, as well as the emotional blackmail they heap on the Western powers that be, has to stop. They wanted their little Apartheid State. Let them face the consequences. They are NOT our ally (the King David Hotel bombing, the Lavon Affair, the attack on the USS Liberty, the Jonathan Pollard Spy case, among others, their defiance of International Law since 1967, all prove this).


What's the chances? Was just watching this only moments ago.



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Israel is a disgustingly racist, apartheid state that was founded on zionist terrorism against the British.

So we blame all jews, which is what this utter toss topic is all about, for that then? As that seems to be the trend really. All jews are c**ts cause a country mainly populated by jews are c**ts. What a fantastic arguement.


Of course this comes from the nation that brought among other things the industrialisation of slavery, the concentration camp, a laxidasical, at best, attitude to the potato famine and colonised half the world killing the indigenous population as we went including the middle east. Still isreal are right c**ts.


It is still a young nation that agressivly defends it borders. Some its policies are reprehensible others it will feel it needs to ensure its very survival while surrounded on all sides by enimies, percived or real, that wish to wipe it off the map.


Oh and Jocky the acts that you feel most agrieved by did not happen under Lenins watch nor did they happen while trotsky had anything to do with the USSR. It was uncle Joe wot did em.

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So we blame all jews, which is what this utter toss topic is all about, for that then? As that seems to be the trend really. All jews are c**ts cause a country mainly populated by jews are c**ts. What a fantastic arguement.


Of course this comes from the nation that brought among other things the industrialisation of slavery, the concentration camp, a laxidasical, at best, attitude to the potato famine and colonised half the world killing the indigenous population as we went including the middle east. Still isreal are right c**ts.


We don't have slaves now, and in fact British ships, as policy, attacked slave ships following the repeal of slave laws in Britain. We don't have concentration camps now, and in fact were part of the Alliance that freed Jews, amongst others, from concentration camps. We don't have an Empire now, and in fact was part of the alliance that saw German attempts at creating a Pan-Asian-European Empire destroyed in 1945.


And whatever Britain did over a hundred years ago, the slavery, the Empire building, the concentration camps, all are 100% irrelevant to the guy in the street being disgusted by Israels apartheid policies. Just like we were disgusted by South Africa's apartheid policies, and America's apartheid policies. Again, this is based on revulsion at Israel's political and social policies, and has nada to do with them being Jews.


It is still a young nation that agressivly defends it borders. Some its policies are reprehensible others it will feel it needs to ensure its very survival while surrounded on all sides by enimies, percived or real, that wish to wipe it off the map.


Survival is one thing, bulldozing Palestinians in their homes, executing Palestinians at Road Blocks, building a wall right through Palestinian settlements, illegally settling Palestinian land, denying Palestinians pensions, forcibly evicting Palestinians and driving Palestinians into refugee camps... stuff like that... has little to do with keeping their borders free of Egyptian and Syrian tanks. The Gaza Strip has rightly been called the largest concentration camp in the world... how does starving Palestinian children, and depriving them of medicine, how does that secure Israel from foreign invasion?


The Turks are rightly lambasted for their inhumane treatment of the Kurds, the Iraqis found themselves invaded, we're told, in part because of their record of human rights abuses against the Kurds on their territory... not hearing a whole lot of complaint from the US or UK when it comes to human rights abuses against the Palestinians.


The Katusha rocket attacks are no excuse for the abuses against Palestinian civilians. When the Irish blew up British civilians Britain didn't then drop bombs on Irish cities, or round up hundreds of Irish and put them in camps, denying them food, fresh water and medicine. Incidentally, I say hundreds, there's currently 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza concentration camp. Not hundreds or thousands, one and a half million.


Israel is a wretched, vile state... and that has nothing to do with their Jewishness. It's because they're murderous w*nkers.


They get no free ride from me.. and the fact that many Europeans refuse to be guilted into turning a blind eye to their atrocities is one of the reasons they say 'anti-semitism' is on the rise in Europe. That's a bullshit line... to call someone out on their human rights abuses has precisely dick to do with their religion. But that's what Israel uses as the preferred means of shutting down debate on this subject.. antisemitism.

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We don't have slaves now, and in fact British ships, as policy, attacked slave ships following the repeal of slave laws in Britain. We don't have concentration camps now, and in fact were part of the Alliance that freed Jews, amongst others, from concentration camps. We don't have an Empire now, and in fact was part of the alliance that saw German attempts at creating a Pan-Asian-European Empire destroyed in 1945.


And whatever Britain did over a hundred years ago, the slavery, the Empire building, the concentration camps, all are 100% irrelevant to the guy in the street being disgusted by Israels apartheid policies. Just like we were disgusted by South Africa's apartheid policies, and America's apartheid policies. Again, this is based on revulsion at Israel's political and social policies, and has nada to do with them being Jews.

Correct we don't now. Who is to say that in a 100 years time Isreal will not be a model state? I agree it has nothing to do with them being jews hence So we blame all jews, which is what this utter toss topic is all about, for that then? or did you decide to not read that part?

Survival is one thing, bulldozing Palestinians in their homes, executing Palestinians at Road Blocks, building a wall right through Palestinian settlements, illegally settling Palestinian land, denying Palestinians pensions, forcibly evicting Palestinians and driving Palestinians into refugee camps... stuff like that... has little to do with keeping their borders free of Egyptian and Syrian tanks. The Gaza Strip has rightly been called the largest concentration camp in the world... how does starving Palestinian children, and depriving them of medicine, how does that secure Israel from foreign invasion?


The Turks are rightly lambasted for their inhumane treatment of the Kurds, the Iraqis found themselves invaded, we're told, in part because of their record of human rights abuses against the Kurds on their territory... not hearing a whole lot of complaint from the US or UK when it comes to human rights abuses against the Palestinians.


The Katusha rocket attacks are no excuse for the abuses against Palestinian civilians. When the Irish blew up British civilians Britain didn't then drop bombs on Irish cities, or round up hundreds of Irish and put them in camps, denying them food, fresh water and medicine. Incidentally, I say hundreds, there's currently 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza concentration camp. Not hundreds or thousands, one and a half million.


Israel is a wretched, vile state... and that has nothing to do with their Jewishness. It's because they're murderous w*nkers.


They get no free ride from me.. and the fact that many Europeans refuse to be guilted into turning a blind eye to their atrocities is one of the reasons they say 'anti-semitism' is on the rise in Europe. That's a bullshit line... to call someone out on their human rights abuses has precisely dick to do with their religion. But that's what Israel uses as the preferred means of shutting down debate on this subject.. antisemitism.

Once again it seems you have misread my comments. Here they are again:

It is still a young nation that agressivly defends it borders. Some its policies are reprehensible others it will feel it needs to ensure its very survival while surrounded on all sides by enimies, percived or real, that wish to wipe it off the map.


Notice the bit where it says some are reprehensible and others IT will feel. Not that I feel. Also note the perceived or real part with regards to enemies. Just as we do not see it as a threat does not mean the isrealis do not. The easiest historical paralell is the bombing of Dresden in ww2 you could say. We were in a fight to the death, even though the war was all but over, and felt dresden was a military target worth attacking even though it was populated by innocent german civilians. Isreal may feel this about the gaza strip.


Besides this is a sidetrack. My main point was that many seem to be blaming isreal being overtly jewish for the way it carries on rather than it is governed by aggressive c**ts. Like America was during the bush administration. Oh and attacking isreal and their policies isn't anti semitic. Blaming all jews, ragardless if they support it or not, for the way isreal carries on does have undercurrents of it.

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I have pointed out on many occasions that criticism of Israel and it's policies does not and should not equate to "anti-Semitism" (something of a misnomer, as Arabs are also a Semitic race. Christianity is also a Semitic religion). I have gone to great lengths to point out already that many Jews oppose Israel's policies. In fact, a significant number oppose it's very existence.


(oh and blaming Stalin alone for Communist atrocities is garbage. His biggest henchmen were the NKVD - founded and led by Jews - and butchers like Lasar Kaganovich and his Propaganda Minister, Ilya Ehrenburg, who sanctioned these acts. Like it or not, Communism was thoroughly Jewish at it's roots.)


As for the opinion that Israel will perhaps one day be a model state... certainly not in it's current incarnation. As I pointed out in the previous page, Zionists in the West (the Diaspora) have an overwhelming track record of supporting LEFT-wing causes in our lands (Communism, radical Feminism, US Civil Rights Act, multi-culturalism, Affirmative Action, etc. etc.) and yet want the exact opposite for themselves.


Therefore, you must ask yourself on what basis you think they would be a "model state" in ths future? If they suddenly cease the blockade and hand back the land illegally taken in 1967, does that make them exemplary, even though it would remain a Jewish-ONLY state, one that forbids non-Jewish immigration and internarriage? Or surely they would also have to do as they preach to us and flood their borders with ethnic minorities and introduce Affirmative Action/positive discrimination policies against their own?


As I said, Western World = multicultural states. Israel = Jewish state. With or without it's aggression, it is a "racist" state.

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(oh and blaming Stalin alone for Communist atrocities is garbage. His biggest henchmen were the NKVD - founded and led by Jews - and butchers like Lasar Kaganovich and his Propaganda Minister, Ilya Ehrenburg, who sanctioned these acts. Like it or not, Communism was thoroughly Jewish at it's roots.)


I may be wrong but was the term "Judaic Bolshevism" and the belief that the Jews were behind communism not created by the Nazi's to justify their actions. I seem to recall that something like only 5% of the Communist party's membership was Jewish, not quite being thoroughly Jewish.



As for the opinion that Israel will perhaps one day be a model state... certainly not in it's current incarnation. As I pointed out in the previous page, Zionists in the West (the Diaspora) have an overwhelming track record of supporting LEFT-wing causes in our lands (Communism, radical Feminism, US Civil Rights Act, multi-culturalism, Affirmative Action, etc. etc.) and yet want the exact opposite for themselves.



That's twice you've used that phrase and I'm a bit concerned at what you are insinuating.


This :fishing: thread started out aimed at Jews as a religion or as persons themselves, using the state of Israel to justify anti-Jewish sentiments must be on a par with judging all Muslims through the actions of the state of say Iran, where people are sentenced to death for crimes such as converting to another religion and flogged for abusing alcohol.

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I have pointed out on many occasions that criticism of Israel and it's policies does not and should not equate to "anti-Semitism" (something of a misnomer, as Arabs are also a Semitic race. Christianity is also a Semitic religion). I have gone to great lengths to point out already that many Jews oppose Israel's policies. In fact, a significant number oppose it's very existence.


(oh and blaming Stalin alone for Communist atrocities is garbage. His biggest henchmen were the NKVD - founded and led by Jews - and butchers like Lasar Kaganovich and his Propaganda Minister, Ilya Ehrenburg, who sanctioned these acts. Like it or not, Communism was thoroughly Jewish at it's roots.)


As for the opinion that Israel will perhaps one day be a model state... certainly not in it's current incarnation. As I pointed out in the previous page, Zionists in the West (the Diaspora) have an overwhelming track record of supporting LEFT-wing causes in our lands (Communism, radical Feminism, US Civil Rights Act, multi-culturalism, Affirmative Action, etc. etc.) and yet want the exact opposite for themselves.


Therefore, you must ask yourself on what basis you think they would be a "model state" in ths future? If they suddenly cease the blockade and hand back the land illegally taken in 1967, does that make them exemplary, even though it would remain a Jewish-ONLY state, one that forbids non-Jewish immigration and internarriage? Or surely they would also have to do as they preach to us and flood their borders with ethnic minorities and introduce Affirmative Action/positive discrimination policies against their own?


As I said, Western World = multicultural states. Israel = Jewish state. With or without it's aggression, it is a "racist" state.



So what do Israel want from this and what is their overall intention, a free Israel, a land of like minded people?


There will be no end to this war, unless the Palestinians lay down their weapons and show Israel that they want peace, while the gazza strip is being used as a concentration camp, its own people are supporting and allowing their own people to be killed.


it would take a great man to lay down his weapons and show the world what Israel and its thugs are all about.

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So what do Israel want from this and what is their overall intention, a free Israel, a land of like minded people?


There will be no end to this war, unless the Palestinians lay down their weapons and show Israel that they want peace, while the gazza strip is being used as a concentration camp, its own people are supporting and allowing their own people to be killed.


it would take a great man to lay down his weapons and show the world what Israel and its thugs are all about.


Those pesky kids and their rocks. :rolleyes:


So you expect them to put down their homemade rockets and AK-47's, while Israel has one of the world's strongest army, airforce, and navy as well as nuclear weapons?


Would Israel then offer peace if they did put down their weapons? Would they stop building so many settlements? Would they f**k.

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I have pointed out on many occasions that criticism of Israel and it's policies does not and should not equate to "anti-Semitism" (something of a misnomer, as Arabs are also a Semitic race. Christianity is also a Semitic religion). I have gone to great lengths to point out already that many Jews oppose Israel's policies. In fact, a significant number oppose it's very existence.


(oh and blaming Stalin alone for Communist atrocities is garbage. His biggest henchmen were the NKVD - founded and led by Jews - and butchers like Lasar Kaganovich and his Propaganda Minister, Ilya Ehrenburg, who sanctioned these acts. Like it or not, Communism was thoroughly Jewish at it's roots.)


As for the opinion that Israel will perhaps one day be a model state... certainly not in it's current incarnation. As I pointed out in the previous page, Zionists in the West (the Diaspora) have an overwhelming track record of supporting LEFT-wing causes in our lands (Communism, radical Feminism, US Civil Rights Act, multi-culturalism, Affirmative Action, etc. etc.) and yet want the exact opposite for themselves.


Therefore, you must ask yourself on what basis you think they would be a "model state" in ths future? If they suddenly cease the blockade and hand back the land illegally taken in 1967, does that make them exemplary, even though it would remain a Jewish-ONLY state, one that forbids non-Jewish immigration and internarriage? Or surely they would also have to do as they preach to us and flood their borders with ethnic minorities and introduce Affirmative Action/positive discrimination policies against their own?


As I said, Western World = multicultural states. Israel = Jewish state. With or without it's aggression, it is a "racist" state.

Of course. The fact that communism was an atheist state so most if not all did not actually practice the jewish religion under stalin seems to have been forgotten. Although stalin did outlaw anti semitism in the USSR the man himself was anti semitic. 1% of the soviet jews were arrested in stalins purges which is rougly the same % as the ukranians and russians and hostility toward jews increased during the great terror. In 1939 the jewish percentage of the people in piower was about 8% and dropped to about 4% in 1940. In addition to this after ww2 and the creation of Isreal the Soviet party started to try and destroy Judaism in soviet russia as they were scared that they would all up sticks.They shut down any jewish museums and we won't even go into the doctors plot. The best thing is Stalins daughter twice was engaged to jews. He sent the first to the gulag as a spy and the second he allowed her to marry but arrested the grooms father as payback. Your assertation that the soviet party under stalin was an overtly jewish or pro jewish state is false. They suffered as much as any other ethnic grioup or religion under stalin and his henchmen as anyone else did.

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Me either? :dontknow: Are you saying that what is going in Afganistan is the same as the illegal occupation of territory and annexation of a capital city?

Well have they not done that in Iraq and Afghanistan against a percieved threat to their nation hood and the American people?

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Of course. The fact that communism was an atheist state so most if not all did not actually practice the jewish religion under stalin seems to have been forgotten. Although stalin did outlaw anti semitism in the USSR the man himself was anti semitic. 1% of the soviet jews were arrested in stalins purges which is rougly the same % as the ukranians and russians and hostility toward jews increased during the great terror. In 1939 the jewish percentage of the people in piower was about 8% and dropped to about 4% in 1940. In addition to this after ww2 and the creation of Isreal the Soviet party started to try and destroy Judaism in soviet russia as they were scared that they would all up sticks.They shut down any jewish museums and we won't even go into the doctors plot. The best thing is Stalins daughter twice was engaged to jews. He sent the first to the gulag as a spy and the second he allowed her to marry but arrested the grooms father as payback. Your assertation that the soviet party under stalin was an overtly jewish or pro jewish state is false. They suffered as much as any other ethnic grioup or religion under stalin and his henchmen as anyone else did.


You betray a poor understanding of "Jewish group identity" here, with your assertion that being Atheist absolves a Jew of their Jewishness completely. It is no secret that a lot of Israelis are in fact Agnostic/Atheist, yet still consider themselves Jewish by identity (even Karl Marx himself and, yes, Lenin and his fellow Commissars). A point in question being that, as I correctly stated before, you cannot emigrate to Israel and become a citizen unless you are Jewish. However, that does NOT extend to Jewish by conversion alone. You have to have LINE-AGE (i.e. to have been born by a Jewish Mother). According to it's practitioners, they are a Tribe (even erroneously referred to as a "race", in some quarters, such as the Likud Party, a group who make the National Front look like tree-hugging hippies).


You also neglect to mention that Stalin's purges were directed at ANYONE who questioned or attempted to challenge his authority. Gentiles were much more prominently targeted (millions of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, etc. Christians and Atheists died under his rule. That's a lot more than a handful of Jews, no?).


I should also point out that the Bolshevik Party gave special dispensation to Jews in their emigration policy after the creation of Israel (the so-called "Right of Return") whereas Europeans were kept behind an Iron Curtain for decades... yet, you make no mention of this treatment of Gentiles.

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You betray a poor understanding of "Jewish group identity" here, with your assertion that being Atheist absolves a Jew of their Jewishness completely. It is no secret that a lot of Israelis are in fact Agnostic/Atheist, yet still consider themselves Jewish by identity (even Karl Marx himself and, yes, Lenin and his fellow Commissars). A point in question being that, as I correctly stated before, you cannot emigrate to Israel and become a citizen unless you are Jewish. However, that does NOT extend to Jewish by conversion alone. You have to have LINE-AGE (i.e. to have been born by a Jewish Mother). According to it's practitioners, they are a Tribe (even erroneously referred to as a "race", in some quarters, such as the Likud Party, a group who make the National Front look like tree-hugging hippies).


You also neglect to mention that Stalin's purges were directed at ANYONE who questioned or attempted to challenge his authority. Gentiles were much more prominently targeted (millions of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, etc. Christians and Atheists died under his rule. That's a lot more than a handful of Jews, no?).


I should also point out that the Bolshevik Party gave special dispensation to Jews in their emigration policy after the creation of Israel (the so-called "Right of Return") whereas Europeans were kept behind an Iron Curtain for decades... yet, you make no mention of this treatment of Gentiles.

Well you started out anti semitic and continued on from there. Why the f**k would a jew need to be absolved from being jewish? It is not a sin to be jewish. It is a matter of religous choice just like being a catholic. If they are not a practising catholic and class them selves as aethiests do they also need to be absolved of their catholic roots or are they fine? What about muslims? Protestants? Do they need to be absolved or are they fine and it is just the jews who need to be absolved? A frankly f**king horrific view. If he is not a practiscing jew then he is not religous ergo his religion means nothing to him. I consider myself to be scottish by identity. Does this make me a b*stard as well or just those that see themselves as jewish? They were persecuted as a race for centuries so is it any wonder that they view themselves as one?


You can't emigrate to australia without meeting certain criteria. Will we be lambasting them for this as well? I agree Isreal is not a nice place but to use this as a basis, as you seem intent to do, to attack every jew in the diaspora is a disgusting thinly veiled anti semitic load of horseshit.


Oh and I did point out that 1% of russians and Ukranians along with jews were murdered at the hand of stalin and his organs but this was suddenly twisted to a handful of jews and millions of russians. The fact that Jews made up a smaller % of the population doesn't seem to matter to you so they could not have reached the figures the russians or ukranians did, that would not fit your anti jewish agenda. A handful of jews. Once again with that statement you show how in contempt you hold them. Go the whole hog and call them untermensch next time.

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Well you started out anti semitic and continued on from there.


Fail *1: I made it clear that many Jews DO NOT toe the party line on Zionism (some even opposing it's very existence).


Why the f**k would a jew need to be absolved from being jewish? It is not a sin to be jewish. It is a matter of religous choice just like being a catholic. If they are not a practising catholic and class them selves as aethiests do they also need to be absolved of their catholic roots or are they fine? What about muslims? Protestants? Do they need to be absolved or are they fine and it is just the jews who need to be absolved? A frankly f**king horrific view.




Fail *2: You have twisted my words. If deliberate, then YOU are the Untermensch, needlessly looking for a cyber fight. If unintentional, then you again betray a lack of understanding of the topic at hand.


I was simply demonstrating a fact, that many Zionists IN THEIR OWN WORDS see the Jewish people as more of a race or a Tribe, even those who are Atheist or Agnostic. That is no secret and is well documented by people like the ADL, AIPAC, Chabad Lubavitch and the Likud Party.


For the record, I have several friends who are of European Jewish descent and I can personally vouch for them, in that they live peacefully and are loyal to this country. Their birth into a religion is not a sin in itself. Choosing to be fanatical to the point of zealot is. I am against fanaticism, period. Whether that be tickly handshakers, hard-line Catholics, Muslim or Zionist terrorists, or Monster Raving Loony Party aficionado. Get the point?


If he is not a practiscing jew then he is not religous ergo his religion means nothing to him. I consider myself to be scottish by identity. Does this make me a b*stard as well or just those that see themselves as jewish? They were persecuted as a race for centuries so is it any wonder that they view themselves as one?


You can't emigrate to australia without meeting certain criteria. Will we be lambasting them for this as well? I agree Isreal is not a nice place but to use this as a basis, as you seem intent to do, to attack every jew in the diaspora is a disgusting thinly veiled anti semitic load of horseshit.


Your argument here is pathetic AND it misses the point. Australia long since abandoned it's Whites-only policy of immigration and is instead a merit-based points system which, if anything, has heavily favoured ethnic minorities. Israel has not followed suit by repealing it's ethnocentric selection process and as I correctly pointed out, you do not meet the criteria merely by conversion. You have to have LINEAGE, which proves that the religion itself is NOT the main criteria, but bloodline is.


Oh and I did point out that 1% of russians and Ukranians along with jews were murdered at the hand of stalin and his organs but this was suddenly twisted to a handful of jews and millions of russians. The fact that Jews made up a smaller % of the population doesn't seem to matter to you so they could not have reached the figures the russians or ukranians did, that would not fit your anti jewish agenda. A handful of jews. Once again with that statement you show how in contempt you hold them. Go the whole hog and call them untermensch next time.


To which source do you attribute your 1% of the Gentile population of the USSR? Historians (Russian AND Western) almost unanimously accept that around 20M or more died under Communism in the USSR alone. Given that the population during that time period was around 250M, that is approx. 1 in 12, making it over EIGHT percent, by my rough estimation. Of course, I am no Oracle and will allow for significant margin or error here, but I did concede that it is ROUGH estimation. Either way, it's a f**kload more than your measly 1% guess, no doubt haphazardly plucked out of thin air. Furthermore, you will find that early demographics of Commissar groups in the USSR (and Hungary) were up to 40% Jewish. So, while they occupied about 2-3% of the population, they were up to 10% of Party membership and up to 40% leadership. If that's not over-representation, I don't know what it is.


Your last 2 sentences are so devoid of thought-out argument, I won't even bother replying. Read over previous posts, where I namecheck many honourable, honest people of Jewish extraction whom I credit (Norman Finkelstein, Gilad Atzmon, the late Israel Shahek, Rabbi Ginsberg, among many others). It's not anti-White to condemn the KKK, it's not anti-Black to criticise the gang violence and neanderthal mentality of some Rap artists, not anti-Hispanic to loathe Colombian drug cartels, etc. etc. so neither should it be considered "anti-Semitic" to criticise Jewish extremist groups.


...and for the last f**king time, give it a rest with your "anti-Semite" jibe. Arabs are also a Semite race. Islam is also a Semite religion. Chrisianity is a Semite religion. Get the point?

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Correct we don't now. Who is to say that in a 100 years time Isreal will not be a model state? I agree it has nothing to do with them being jews hence So we blame all jews, which is what this utter toss topic is all about, for that then? or did you decide to not read that part?



I read the whole thing.. don't automatically assume that someone reading your post will then be compelled to agree with you. I read your post and I still disagree with you. If, in 100 years time the Israelis stop acting like complete scumballs then I'll happily change my opinion accordingly. To respond specifically to your red text, I'm not blaming Judaism for the humanitarian abuses by Israel, and I don't see anyone else doing that either. Israel is a Jewish state, so I can safely say that those particular Jews are f**kers... but not because they're Jews, but because those people are f**kers. Just like I might say white power groups are dickheads... not because they're white but because they're dickheads with f**ked up ideals. Those particular white folks are dickheads. Israel is run by dickheads with f**ked up Ideals. Those particular Jews are dickheads.


Further to your comments... and I think that this is important... we're not talking 100 years ago and we're not talking 100 years in the future. One is history, the other is speculation. In the here and now Israel is a scumball state, and that's the long and short of it.


Once again it seems you have misread my comments. Here they are again:

It is still a young nation that agressivly defends it borders. Some its policies are reprehensible others it will feel it needs to ensure its very survival while surrounded on all sides by enimies, percived or real, that wish to wipe it off the map.


And once again I'll reiterate that Israel's desire to defend its borders are no excuse for its inhumane treatment of the Palestinians. And the age of the state is largely irrelevant. Its not some fragile nation that is still trying to find its own feet. It's a nuclear armed state, backed by the money and military might of the United States.


Notice the bit where it says some are reprehensible and others IT will feel. Not that I feel. Also note the perceived or real part with regards to enemies. Just as we do not see it as a threat does not mean the isrealis do not. The easiest historical paralell is the bombing of Dresden in ww2 you could say. We were in a fight to the death, even though the war was all but over, and felt dresden was a military target worth attacking even though it was populated by innocent german civilians. Isreal may feel this about the gaza strip.


That's a pretty poor analogy, and I'll tell you why.


By the time of the Dresden bombing we were not in a fight to the death. The Germans were in full retreat, they had lost the large part of their elite divisions in Russia, we had complete air supremacy, the Reich was starved of fuel, we were a mere 6 or 7 months from German capitulation. The Soviets had retaken their lost territory, and were more or less at the German border. Any notion that we were still facing invasion or domination by the NAZIs was long gone.


Israel has fought its wars and is currently armed with WMD. Even the Iranians, portrayed as wild-eyed lunatics in the Western media, are aware of the implications of assaulting the Israeli state. No-one is rushing to invade Israel, backed as it is with its own nuclear weapons and the might of the United States, who have a couple of carrier groups there or there abouts at all times, backing them up. And all the out-of-context rhetoric FOX or SKY 'report' isn't going to change the reality that not Iraq, Iran, Syria or Egypt are interested in getting into a war with the Israelis.


Gaza, on the other hand, is a giant camp filled with men, women and children... largely noncombatants. Israel routinely and forcibly halts medical and humanitarian aid to the camp. It's not an industrial centre supplying tanks or aircraft or munitions to the Arab States, it's a place for depositing unwanted people, the easier to keep them under Israeli control.


If you want to make a comparison, at least do it properly. The Gaza Strip is like Theresienstadt. A designated area for concentrating undesirables, and made out to be a livable place where the untermensch can be separated from the general populace.


To compare it to Dresden is just bizarre.

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Right just so I know where the debate is now...


The state of Israel is bad, but Jews individually are not, unless as Kelt pointed out they are w*nkers but that is not due to their religion rather than themselves and they would still be w*nkers if they were Buddhists from Wigan. At least that I think was his point.

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You also neglect to mention that Stalin's purges were directed at ANYONE who questioned or attempted to challenge his authority. Gentiles were much more prominently targeted (millions of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, etc. Christians and Atheists died under his rule. That's a lot more than a handful of Jews, no?).


Using the total number of individuals targeted by the "Great Purge" is somewhat misleading. In % terms there is a debate as to what extent the Jews suffered during this period. Gennady Kostyrchenko indicates that they represented the same percentage as other groups whilst others such as Mikhail Baitalsky and Jeffrey Veidlinge argue that it is possible that the Jews were more significantly affected due to their more common position in white collar employment rather than blue collar. I am unaware of many sources that say the Jews escaped the effects of the Purge.



I should also point out that the Bolshevik Party gave special dispensation to Jews in their emigration policy after the creation of Israel (the so-called "Right of Return") whereas Europeans were kept behind an Iron Curtain for decades... yet, you make no mention of this treatment of Gentiles.


Stalin was an initial supporter of the creation of the Israeli state and supported Israel in the '48 War but whilst doing so he also was pursuing various anti Jew policies in the USSR including a campaign against the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, an organisation he had created but which now was being anti-Soviet in his opinion, and the events leading upto the Night of the Murdered Poets in '52 closely followed by his announcement that

Every Jewish nationalist is the agent of the American intelligence service


By 1957 the USSR was also a supporter of the Arab nations in the Arab/Israeli conflict and between 1960 and 1970 only 4,000 Jews were allowed to leave the USSR for Israel


Following the 1970 attempted Hijacking of a plane and the international response the rules were relaxed but various issues such as the "diploma tax" was imposed to limit emigration and during that time Brezhnev was no supporter of the Jewish community and there was almost an encouragement to the anti-Judaic attitudes promoted by the State as it allowed ordinary workers to feel superior to someone.





To which source do you attribute your 1% of the Gentile population of the USSR? Historians (Russian AND Western) almost unanimously accept that around 20M or more died under Communism in the USSR alone. Given that the population during that time period was around 250M, that is approx. 1 in 12, making it over EIGHT percent, by my rough estimation. Of course, I am no Oracle and will allow for significant margin or error here, but I did concede that it is ROUGH estimation. Either way, it's a f**kload more than your measly 1% guess, no doubt haphazardly plucked out of thin air. Furthermore, you will find that early demographics of Commissar groups in the USSR (and Hungary) were up to 40% Jewish. So, while they occupied about 2-3% of the population, they were up to 10% of Party membership and up to 40% leadership. If that's not over-representation, I don't know what it is.



I'd be interested to see your sources for the 40% figure as the information I have seen puts the % in the Central executive committee in the 20's as topping out at about 9% "ethnic Jews."


Also the involvement of the Jewish religion in the revolution can be traced back to the "May Laws" and the subsequent Pogroms that the Jews had suffered in the years leading upto and after the revolution, with Nicholas II being very active in promoting these massacres. Further given their position in society with regards to their education and white collar employment it is of little surprise that a % of them were involved in the leadership.


I feel your suggestion that the ills of the USSR communist party were in some way disproportionately linked to or the responsibility of the Jewish religion somewhat unfair given the events that were ongoing in the USSR at the time.

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