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Homos deserve everything coming to them, sick fiends that they are :tup:


Thon B&B boy had the right idea, chased the bufties when he realised they wanted to share a double bed, quite right.


what if your wee boy grows up to be a bummer?


quite likely to rebel against his authoritarian upbringing.

just saying, like.

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what if your wee boy grows up to be a bummer?


quite likely to rebel against his authoritarian upbringing.

just saying, like.


No hope of that, he likes Iron Man and fitba, and hates lassies things, so he's not a poof, you can tell these things early doors.


Squeaky voice, drama, and a penchant for make-up and jewellery = your son's a poof.


Believe me, he'd be getting the kicking of his life the moment he turned 18 and promptly disowned if he telt me he was a queer arse.


If your mither ate lots of spaghetti hoops when she was pregnant, this massively increased your chances of being a gender bender, either a rug muncher or a homo.

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No hope of that, he likes Iron Man and fitba, and hates lassies things, so he's not a poof, you can tell these things early doors.


Squeaky voice, drama, and a penchant for make-up and jewellery = your son's a poof.


Believe me, he'd be getting the kicking of his life the moment he turned 18 and promptly disowned if he telt me he was a queer arse.


If your mither ate lots of spaghetti hoops when she was pregnant, this massively increased your chances of being a gender bender, either a rug muncher or a homo.


as i said he may rebel.


wouldnt surprise me with a sgt major of a dad.

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Got so much to say on this but not enough time. Away from the whole occupation and annexation of territory thing I have a friend who belonged to the Hasidic community in Borough Park NY. He left and is now working as an actor and writer. He regularly posts articles about the criminal acts that get kept secret due to the Hasidic community's lack of trust in the police and their arrogance of thinking they can sort out things for themselves.

Here's his latest article about how the Shomrim hindered the work of police when investigating the disappearance of a child (who was brutally murdered). He also mentions how the police are also hindered from fear of being labelled as anti semitic. Certainly seems like the rule of law doesn't apply to this Jewish community.




Anyway if anyone is interested here's his blog. He's f**ked up but until a couple of years ago he didn't know who Nelson Mandela was or John Lennon, such was the secrecy of his community.



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Got so much to say on this but not enough time. Away from the whole occupation and annexation of territory thing I have a friend who belonged to the Hasidic community in Borough Park NY. He left and is now working as an actor and writer. He regularly posts articles about the criminal acts that get kept secret due to the Hasidic community's lack of trust in the police and their arrogance of thinking they can sort out things for themselves.

Here's his latest article about how the Shomrim hindered the work of police when investigating the disappearance of a child (who was brutally murdered). He also mentions how the police are also hindered from fear of being labelled as anti semitic. Certainly seems like the rule of law doesn't apply to this Jewish community.




Anyway if anyone is interested here's his blog. He's f**ked up but until a couple of years ago he didn't know who Nelson Mandela was or John Lennon, such was the secrecy of his community.




Yes I've read a number of books on the Hasidic cult, and to say their methodology is archaic and sinister is the understatement of the century.


Outsiders are not tolerated, to put it in basic terms.

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No hope of that, he likes Iron Man and fitba, and hates lassies things, so he's not a poof, you can tell these things early doors.


Squeaky voice, drama, and a penchant for make-up and jewellery = your son's a poof.


Believe me, he'd be getting the kicking of his life the moment he turned 18 and promptly disowned if he telt me he was a queer arse.


If your mither ate lots of spaghetti hoops when she was pregnant, this massively increased your chances of being a gender bender, either a rug muncher or a homo.



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It's no laughing matter diamonds min, they are cut with oestrogen, so we used to taunt homos at school with tins of Heinz hoops, and they kent in their heart of hearts they'd be normal were it not for those darned hoops, which are reasonably tasty on toast, and a housewive's favourite.


Wolfs in sheep's clothing thon.

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I can't imagine a Whites / vanilla faces only football tournement would get off the ground.


I don't agree with all these religious schools etc as well, all they are doing is creating a divide between them and others. Same with same sex schools, all thats doing is creating lesbians. FACT.


Or bis-sexual women open to experimentation...... RESULT !!! Completely off topic, but I have historically been and continue to be pleasantly surprised by the number of women open to the concept of girl on girl.


On the Jewish thing, I suspect that it's all down to the whole thing of Hitler trying to ethnically cleanse them from the face of the earth. Basically the response being to become fiercely defensive (perhaop excessively so) of their religion, so you get all the Jewish this, Jewish that etc.


They've kind of been persecuted quite a bit through history, so I think it's probably a reaction to that.....basically trying to be as proud as possible in response to getting b**ch slapped historically quite a lot.


I don't have any statistics to back that up, just a thought really...

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The MOBO's isn't a 'black only festival', it's music of black origin. The races of the artists is irrelevant, but the music has to be of black roots.


Not sure if this has been said. The thing that annoys me about the MOBO awards is that its all RnB rubbish that wins. Never get a rock n roll band winning anything, yet rock n roll is music of black origin!

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It's no laughing matter diamonds min, they are cut with oestrogen, so we used to taunt homos at school with tins of Heinz hoops, and they kent in their heart of hearts they'd be normal were it not for those darned hoops, which are reasonably tasty on toast, and a housewive's favourite.


Wolfs in sheep's clothing thon.

Tup. Your as funny as f*#k...

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no, dinna get me wrong i'm not remotley racist (or bothered) what other god botherers or coloureds get up to.


BUT,.... what i dinna get is the jews.


listening to talksport now they are going on about a massive worldwide jewish football tournament going on.

i also know they have a jewish football league in britian.


since when did religion come into sport (dont answer that one)?


but its not just football, its every aspect of life that the jews have a jewish version of.


newspapers - the jewish cronicle (tagline - ''The UK's oldest and most widely-read Jewish newspaper, covering news, sport, lifestyle and religious features of interest to Jews worldwide.'' ) - arent jews interested in the same news as i ? ? :dontknow:


humour. anyone ever met a fenian comedian and i dinna mean all the irish funny men, but someone that embodies catholic humour in the way you get jewish humour. what do jews find funny that i dont? :dontknow: you dinna get catholic humour, theres nae such thing. but jewis humour exists, what is it?


things are always described as jewish this and jewish that.

i've never been to a catholic deli.

nor a protestant ghetto area of town.

and i've never seen a buddist football tournament before.


just wondering why they always like to have the jewish adjective infront of anything that is generally in the public domain?


Could the same not be said for many other, religions though?


You've never been to a Catholic Deli but what about a Halal butchers?


The Jewish Chronicle / The Catholic Herald ?


There is Islamic humour and Muslim and Catholic leagues and sporting tournaments as well?


These things are all there and it may just be the area that you live in has a more prominent Jewish community so you have formed a more disproportionate opinion on it.

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If I was going to be religious I would be Jewish.


They seem to like getting drunk for stupid reasons. So I could fit in fine, but I would keep hold of my foreskin.



is that so you could get into another drunken fumble with a bloke?


indians arent jewish by the way.

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Indian is a nationality, Judaism is a religion. The two aren't mutually exclusive.


In theory, you are right. In practice however, many Jews consider themselves a race and/or ethnic sub-group. It's no secret that many, even in Israel, are Atheist/Agnostic, but still identify themselves as one of The Tribe.

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In theory, you are right. In practice however, many Jews consider themselves a race and/or ethnic sub-group. It's no secret that many, even in Israel, are Atheist/Agnostic, but still identify themselves as one of The Tribe.


Nevertheless there are Indian Jews.


As for the Jewish claim to be a race, they're no more a race than Catholics, despite their attempts to say otherwise. They share their genetic characteristics with all the semitic peoples, so their claims of race would encompass Muslims too.... which kind of f**ks their claims of Judaism being a race.


The difference, on the most basic level, being that you can change religion but you can't change your race. I could convert to Judaism if I felt like it, but I'm never going to be black regardless of how much I wanted it. Race is genetic, religion isn't. Judaism is a religious choice, not a gene.


I think it goes back to the Jewish idea that they're somehow special, 'God's chosen people', and that they're a different race to the Goy sub-races, like you and me.

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Amy Winehouse an exception to your rule I hope?


It wasn't a rule, just an observation based on limited first hand experience. AW did have alright bangers though. It was the rest of her that was pretty rank.


I didn't actually know she was jewish tbh, although I suppose the snout should have given it away.

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The only thing I don't like about jews is the fact that they are jewish. Other than this, they're just human beings.


Unlike most NE, I have experience of jews. I worked for one and with others. My wife hated midwifing to jewish princesses and their men were f**king weird, she says.


Living in the city with the 2nd biggest Jewish community in Western Europe (behind London) I too have much experience of them. I have several friends who have ancestry, albeit non-observant and non-practising (i.e. secular) and their observations are very astute, like many of us who were born Christian and have rejected that particular doctrine.


I stand by my points about Zionist hypocrisy, though. Facts speak for themselves. They, as a people, have an OVERWHELMING bias in supporting left-wing causes in our lands, while wanting the opposite for their Holy Land . Whether it's Communism, Bolshevism, Multi-culti, the US Civil Rights Act, the US Democratic Party (TWO-THIRDS of their funding is from Jewish sources!), their support for Obama (when will Israel ever elect a Black President? Never!).

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Hmm, the aftermath of events in Oslo are interesting, in that the media are reporting that the perpetrator is a "far-right" lunatic, yet omit the fact that he was in fact a Christian Zionist, with VERY strong support for Judaism and Israel and an equally strong hatred for Hitler and National Socialism.


Is this therefore an admission by the (Zionist biased) Western media that Zionism = far-right ideology?


Either way, their distorted, economical-with-the-truth reporting on this is damning.

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You make sarcastic talk, little Goy, yet you offer no refuttals or counter-argument. Oi vey!

I have done it so many timeson here only to be given the same counter arguement over and over by the same people that I am bored to the eye teeth with it .


Oh and MDAL it would be preferable to the place that I currently reside so I would welcome it.

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I have done it so many timeson here only to be given the same counter arguement over and over by the same people that I am bored to the eye teeth with it .


Oh and MDAL it would be preferable to the place that I currently reside so I would welcome it.


Jews are an easy target coopy.

It's far more trendy and hip to support the Palestinians.

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