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Aberdeen V Celtic

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I assume that this is on at a really sh*te time to accommodate the community shield? Tis a pathetic time, crowd is going to be low in numbers at the best of times, but midday on a Sunday...



Forgot that was on. Get up 11.45. Watch Dons game then Community shield. Good stuff. Don't even have to leave my house.

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Im not going to the game with high hopes but then again i wont be surprised if we manage to fluke a result.


Been the pattern of play for years now. Play OK against St J, absolutely disgraceful against st mirren then pull a performance out the bag against these c**ts.


12pm on a Sunday though us an absolute joke. Will be like a morgue apart from having to sit and listen to 3-4k minks sing sh*te. f**k that.

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Im not going to the game with high hopes but then again i wont be surprised if we manage to fluke a result.


Been the pattern of play for years now. Play OK against St J, absolutely disgraceful against st mirren then pull a performance out the bag against these c**ts.


12pm on a Sunday though us an absolute joke. Will be like a morgue apart from having to sit and listen to 3-4k minks sing sh*te. f**k that.


We lost to St. Mirren away before the 9-0 last year. That was after a heartening win over Hibs in the league too. Wouldn't read too much in to patterns.


I don't think we will get thumped, but I struggle to see much beyond a loss. Can see a very tight 4-5-1, unless anyone else is signed. Can see it being the 3rd different starting back 4 in 3 games as well, as can't see him sticking with Robertson at left back for this one.

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I appreciate that many of you guys watch the dons week-in and week-out, paying good money to sit through rank rotten football but surely if everyone turns up against celtic we might have a better chance of beating them. If every dons fan in the stadium sang their hearts out for ninety minutes and really supported the team....


Either way I'm looking forward to coming up to watch the game against ICT no matter what, with my son, in his dons top and will watch with a proud heart. As this will be my first home game in three years (been a supporter since 1973) I'll be expecting a 10-0 thrashing of the highlanders and chips on the way home.



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I appreciate that many of you guys watch the dons week-in and week-out, paying good money to sit through rank rotten football but surely if everyone turns up against celtic we might have a better chance of beating them. If every dons fan in the stadium sang their hearts out for ninety minutes and really supported the team....


Either way I'm looking forward to coming up to watch the game against ICT no matter what, with my son, in his dons top and will watch with a proud heart. As this will be my first home game in three years (been a supporter since 1973) I'll be expecting a 10-0 thrashing of the highlanders and chips on the way home.





Like we did at Hampden a couple of times last year you mean?


Yeah, this may actually work.

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fair play to anyone attending, putting yourselves threw what will undoubtably be 90mins of torture. for reasons listed earlier i won't be there. i'd rather let my ex bird attack my helmet with a cheese grater then smother it in salt and vinegar.

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Or fans yes.


Is fan short for fanatics or fannies?


Both I think. Seriously though it's not life or death. I've been to hundreds of games and even in the eighties there was a lot of crap football played by Aberdeen. It's got to a ridiculous state of affairs now where so many supporters spend more time hating everyone else, what a waste of energy. I feel let down when they play badly, let down when we are slaughtered by Celtic and let down by a lack of finance but that's it - let down, sad but I don't feel the need to spend even more time talking hatred of other teams. Who cares about the OF really. We know we would be better off without them. We know they want to play in England. We know that won't happen. So we are all stuck in the same small country trying against all the odds to win something. Lets support the dons. That's all that really matters surely?



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Sounds as though Foster isn't arsed about playing Celtic


Quote from today's Herald:




Doesn't sound too good, does it?



where does he say he isnt arsed about playing celtic? to me he says its far to early in the season to be panicing about a couple of results and in that I intend to agree with him


He says we cant play like we did this weekend or it would be another 9-0 - again probably fair comment


he says The manager will look to strengthen as much as possible before the end of the window, But the way the finances are it might not be possible.


seems realistic rather than optimistic - given the two positions we want to fill are the two "expensive" positions in a team as everyone wants a creative midfielder and super striker


Love to know where you get foster can't be arsed from ....or are you just sensationalising - for that I can read the Daily record

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Both I think. Seriously though it's not life or death. I've been to hundreds of games and even in the eighties there was a lot of crap football played by Aberdeen. It's got to a ridiculous state of affairs now where so many supporters spend more time hating everyone else, what a waste of energy. I feel let down when they play badly, let down when we are slaughtered by Celtic and let down by a lack of finance but that's it - let down, sad but I don't feel the need to spend even more time talking hatred of other teams. Who cares about the OF really. We know we would be better off without them. We know they want to play in England. We know that won't happen. So we are all stuck in the same small country trying against all the odds to win something. Lets support the dons. That's all that really matters surely?




I couldn't give a sh*te about the OF either, they do not concern be in the slightest.


I feel let down also by our club the majority of the time but the main felling now is feeling ripped off.

I can handle the odd let down but being constantly ripped off by the club is nothing less than criminal :dontknow: It may be legal because it's a trust/hope based business but it's nothing short of daylight robbery imo.

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Just went online to buy tickets for this game, and got the following message....



Unfortunately, this time you don't have the correct privileges on your account to purchase tickets for this match. Why not return to ticket home and try another match?


Whats this about!? Im registered etc on the database and the likes. Great stuff!!!!



Not sure but don't think you can purchase OF tickets via the website as the website ticketing isnt linked to the club database they cant check you have a purchase history on line.


Pretty sure if you do it by phone it will be ok

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I couldn't give a sh*te about the OF either, they do not concern be in the slightest.


I feel let down also by our club the majority of the time but the main felling now is feeling ripped off.

I can handle the odd let down but being constantly ripped off by the club is nothing less than criminal :dontknow: It may be legal because it's a trust/hope based business but it's nothing short of daylight robbery imo.


Fair comment. We don't have the resources to make any real difference now sadly and Mr Milne would rather see his money in the bank but...I'm ever hopeful and am still looking forward to seeing the glorious dons in nineteen days time with my boy.



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Far too sensible.


Thought Foster called it spot on - to be honest if folk are determined to be negative then they'll find a way to twist anything and everything.



We're not 'determined' to be negative, it's just the only things we can see right now. (no 'twisting' required at all)


Besides, it's ok for Foster to be negative & point out our failings but not ok for us the fans?


Foster get's it spot on but we're "determined to be negative"?

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There was nothing really in the Foster article to moan about though was there?


I'm as disappointed as anyone with the start we've had, but some of the guff written on here since Saturday beggars belief.



No not imo either but also a lot of the guff written on various threads since Saturday (except maybe my drunken thread) is more than justified also.

Just cos folk do not like to constantly hear/read about how sh*te we are, doesn't mean it isn't the correct things being said

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Stop with the drama queen stuff, nobody said it wasn't OK for folk to point out our failings.


The original poster suggested the article suggested Foster wasn't arsed about the game on Sunday, which was utter codswallop.



Been to a game lately?

This is what you get in the stands, so why should it be any different on a fans forum?

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We're not 'determined' to be negative, it's just the only things we can see right now. (no 'twisting' required at all)


Besides, it's ok for Foster to be negative & point out our failings but not ok for us the fans?


Foster get's it spot on but we're "determined to be negative"?



So if it hasnt been twisted could you explain to me were it even slightly says that foster cant be arsed about playing celtic


To me it reads an accurate assessment of our season so far, an accurate asssement of the game at the weekend and an accurate assessment of our situation re signings


I dont see anywhere that even slightly suggests he cant be arsed about celtic


Also seems very strange that some people dont want him to be captain because of his now so called links with the dark side that is rangers but others think he cant be arsed against celtic. Seems the two arguements are completely polar?


(bot both serve and arguement against him and the team?)

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So if it hasnt been twisted could you explain to me were it even slightly says that foster cant be arsed about playing celtic

To me it reads an accurate assessment of our season so far, an accurate asssement of the game at the weekend and an accurate assessment of our situation re signings


I dont see anywhere that even slightly suggests he cant be arsed about celtic


Also seems very strange that some people dont want him to be captain because of his now so called links with the dark side that is rangers but others think he cant be arsed against celtic. Seems the two arguements are completely polar?


(bot both serve and arguement against him and the team?)


Excuse me?


Did I disagree in the slightest rgds the article in question?

look at my posts please. I said what he's (Foster) saying is right, just as the complaints by the fans on various threads rgds how bad thing are getting are correct.

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Some of it is justified, but that's not to say a little perspective and taking a more balanced view might not be worthwhile.

The first two games of last season didn't make us, and the first two of this season won't break us.



Well personally I have been saying that yes Broon's done things mostly right in that he HAD to strengthen from back to front but he's stopped at the defensive midfield position & gone back again.

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Seen every kick this season, cheers.


I'm usually pretty irate, wound up, whatever at games but then I've also got the ability to see things in the cold light of day later and take a balanced view - far removed from anything I say or do in the stand on a Saturday.



True what they say then about time healing all wounds then?

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Why do you seem to think anyone who isn't on the verge of topping themselves seems to think everything is fine?


Everybody is well aware we've got deficiencies FFS.



I'm just exercising my right to voice my concerns about the club.

Just fed up when folk see this as a problem just cos they do not like what I have to say.


Also I didn't say that anyone though things were fine

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Two games into the season and i'm already getting bored of the SPL. Celtic will run away with league, Rangers will struggle but will still raise game against the Tims. Hearts will be third...maybe even second now that JJ has gone and there may be some money for new manager to spend.


Same sh*t, different season.


I'm going to just support an English team in the EPL from now on, it's far more competitive and not ruined by the same team winning it every year. Plus there aren't any clubs just trying to buy their way to the top like in the SPL.....

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