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Aberdeen City Centre


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This whole CGP thing overall boils my piss. Folk constantly moaning that the council threw out a deomcratic decison by the public. There has been feck all democratic since day one. Until Ian Wood came along, there was never even a notion to change the gardens as drastically as what he wants. Peacok visual arts had planning and funding (almost) in place to move there. they would have made it look different and had the disabled access, all for the cost of about £5million. But cause that wasn't what Ian Wood wanted, he tried to dangle his money to the council. Yes, the EE is not a full public vote, but they held a poll. It came back with a No vote. But that wasn't good enough for the Council or Ian Wood, so they forget about the democratic poll, and crack on regardless. They come up with the 6 designs, they give the public to chance to choose what they wanted, and as stated in other posts, the council and Woody went with one of the least favourite choices, as that is what they wanted. Again, feck all democratic there. So then we come to the proper referndum. I will admit, I voted no. Not because I don't want change, purely because I know the gardens can be improved for far less money. So my vote for no was for against the cost, not the change. But I was happy enough to go with the result of the vote. So then we get to council elections, labour clearly said what they would do. Now it doesn't matter who was the most popular party. At the end of the day, the last council never won enough seats to stay in power and couldn't create a coalition. Labour did, and they kept their promise. So people now complain that a party that was technically democratically voted into power, did what they promised. So like I say, there has been feck all democratic about this whole thing right from the start.


I truly feel sorry for the VPA lot. They had the planning and almost funding and were just tossed to the side. I am not saying that the gardens would have looked better, but they had proved, that change could be made for a fraction of the cost that was being touted for the CGP.


To say we would have got essentially a free loan from the TIF is laughable as well. Business rates for new business in Aberdeen would have been priced for paying back the loan. Businesses such as perhaps a curry's for example. They increase their prices of the goods to be able to pay the rates. Other companies do likewise, and its us lot, the joe public, that get hit in the pocket. And if that all fails with the rates. Our council tax goes up to pay for it.


Yes I am all for change, but lets get a realistic cost for improving the place. £10million max would improve UTG.


Slight rant over

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To be fair ten million's probably too much as well. About a million quid, move the carnies there - everyone's happy. My nights down at the carnies at the beach angling for a stinky finger, missing out because of the exposure to weather on the prom could have been so much different in the pishy yet dry shelters of Union Terrace Gardens.

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This whole CGP thing overall boils my piss. Folk constantly moaning that the council threw out a deomcratic decison by the public. There has been feck all democratic since day one. Until Ian Wood came along, there was never even a notion to change the gardens as drastically as what he wants. Peacok visual arts had planning and funding (almost) in place to move there. they would have made it look different and had the disabled access, all for the cost of about £5million. But cause that wasn't what Ian Wood wanted, he tried to dangle his money to the council. Yes, the EE is not a full public vote, but they held a poll. It came back with a No vote. But that wasn't good enough for the Council or Ian Wood, so they forget about the democratic poll, and crack on regardless. They come up with the 6 designs, they give the public to chance to choose what they wanted, and as stated in other posts, the council and Woody went with one of the least favourite choices, as that is what they wanted. Again, feck all democratic there. So then we come to the proper referndum. I will admit, I voted no. Not because I don't want change, purely because I know the gardens can be improved for far less money. So my vote for no was for against the cost, not the change. But I was happy enough to go with the result of the vote. So then we get to council elections, labour clearly said what they would do. Now it doesn't matter who was the most popular party. At the end of the day, the last council never won enough seats to stay in power and couldn't create a coalition. Labour did, and they kept their promise. So people now complain that a party that was technically democratically voted into power, did what they promised. So like I say, there has been feck all democratic about this whole thing right from the start.


I truly feel sorry for the VPA lot. They had the planning and almost funding and were just tossed to the side. I am not saying that the gardens would have looked better, but they had proved, that change could be made for a fraction of the cost that was being touted for the CGP.


To say we would have got essentially a free loan from the TIF is laughable as well. Business rates for new business in Aberdeen would have been priced for paying back the loan. Businesses such as perhaps a curry's for example. They increase their prices of the goods to be able to pay the rates. Other companies do likewise, and its us lot, the joe public, that get hit in the pocket. And if that all fails with the rates. Our council tax goes up to pay for it.


Yes I am all for change, but lets get a realistic cost for improving the place. £10million max would improve UTG.


Slight rant over






I stopped reading properly at the bit in bold and just skimmed the rest.


Aberdeen, thats the people that live in Aberdeen and were registered to vote in Aberdeen had their say, more turned out than has for any local election in years and that say was YES to the CGP.


I'm pig fucking sick of those that sympathised with friends of UTG claiming that they won some sort of victory in this and I'm also pig fucking sick of them now being lorded as some pressure group with real power. They did not win anything, they lost the referendum battle and the only reason work hasnt begun is because Labour got in by playing to the eh-berdonian psyche of nae in my back yard, nae changin at like, leave at alone ya up yer arse rich cunt and the rest of the dinna dee at roon here brigade. They got in by targeting Lib Dem areas, playing on the dislike people had for the Lib Dems after entering into a collision with the tories and promising to put a stop to projects that were for the good of the whole city, sacrificing the progress of the city for a bit of power. We now have no new stadium, yet more fucking 3rd don crossing consultations, artist fucking impression after artist fucking impressions and we are further away from any real progress in the cioty than we were 5 years ago.


As for bullying, well... Barney and Willie have done nothing but try to bully everyone into doing what they decide whether the sums add up or not. Their plans have been shown to be utter fucking pie in sky, there are massive holes in their budgets and they have their heads so far up each others arses its impossible for either to pull them out of the big fucking sand pit they are both buried in.


Oh and finally, check the actual elections results. You'll find more people voted for the SNP than Labour and more voted for parties that didnt say no to the CGP than did so your backing of them pulling the project does nothing but give their undemocratic actions validity.


We now have what all those that voted Labour deserve. Unfortunately the rest of us with sense deserved a lot better than they lumped us with.


Thanks for that.





It was just a wee ballot box thing though, not really a public consultation or a public vote. Yes the people that did vote voted wanted a different design and the committee, made up of councillors, Wood and a couple of other businessmen then picked the final winner but it was by no means a public vote or consultation.


The consultation the Scottish Government held could be and was voted on by people as far a field as Australia. It wasnt and didnt represent the feeling of the people of Aberdeen, just the feeling of those with the most active friends on facebook or whatever other social media outlet FoUTG were posting the links on screaming vote no.


Unfortunately I dont think you will now. FoUTG had Barney round for their AGM, had a vote on moving the train station entrance to UTG and decided there was too much concrete and that Barney Square will do nicely. So instead put bird boxes on trees and think that they have no made a massive improvement to the gardens because some more birds stop by for nuts.



This that about covers that.

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This whole CGP thing overall boils my piss. Folk constantly moaning that the council threw out a deomcratic decison by the public. There has been feck all democratic since day one. Until Ian Wood came along, there was never even a notion to change the gardens as drastically as what he wants. Peacok visual arts had planning and funding (almost) in place to move there. they would have made it look different and had the disabled access, all for the cost of about £5million. But cause that wasn't what Ian Wood wanted, he tried to dangle his money to the council. Yes, the EE is not a full public vote, but they held a poll. It came back with a No vote. But that wasn't good enough for the Council or Ian Wood, so they forget about the democratic poll, and crack on regardless. They come up with the 6 designs, they give the public to chance to choose what they wanted, and as stated in other posts, the council and Woody went with one of the least favourite choices, as that is what they wanted. Again, feck all democratic there. So then we come to the proper referndum. I will admit, I voted no. Not because I don't want change, purely because I know the gardens can be improved for far less money. So my vote for no was for against the cost, not the change. But I was happy enough to go with the result of the vote. So then we get to council elections, labour clearly said what they would do. Now it doesn't matter who was the most popular party. At the end of the day, the last council never won enough seats to stay in power and couldn't create a coalition. Labour did, and they kept their promise. So people now complain that a party that was technically democratically voted into power, did what they promised. So like I say, there has been feck all democratic about this whole thing right from the start.


I truly feel sorry for the VPA lot. They had the planning and almost funding and were just tossed to the side. I am not saying that the gardens would have looked better, but they had proved, that change could be made for a fraction of the cost that was being touted for the CGP.


To say we would have got essentially a free loan from the TIF is laughable as well. Business rates for new business in Aberdeen would have been priced for paying back the loan. Businesses such as perhaps a curry's for example. They increase their prices of the goods to be able to pay the rates. Other companies do likewise, and its us lot, the joe public, that get hit in the pocket. And if that all fails with the rates. Our council tax goes up to pay for it.


Yes I am all for change, but lets get a realistic cost for improving the place. £10million max would improve UTG.


Slight rant over

If going to copy and paste at least make the font the normal and make it look like you wrote it yourself!!

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You forgot The Bloody Marys CP.

No Aberdeen happening would be complete without them. Oh yeah APB as well


Back on topic

When are the next cooncil elections due ? I am going up for sherrif and will run that hoofer Young out of town



We're not even half way through this fucking omnishambles.


2017 is the next ones which must be doing that fat fucking dinosaurs nut in. If the country votes independence I'm sure he'd be looking for a way to take that referendum result off us inna.




Hallo, what great ideas can I chop into little bitty bitties today kids.

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Its got to a stage now that i do not fucking care what plans are used

whether its the original, Ian Wood or the new ones as long as something is done


The bypass, football stadium, Aberdeen city garden project and the trump golf course have all been fucked by this willie young mob

Its like Aberdeen still wants to stay in the dark ages.

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Its got to a stage now that i do not fucking care what plans are used

whether its the original, Ian Wood or the new ones as long as something is done


The bypass, football stadium, Aberdeen city garden project and the trump golf course have all been fucked by this willie young mob

Its like Aberdeen still wants to stay in the dark ages.

Trumps course also has fuck all to do with Aberdeen.

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  • 6 months later...


Up to 300 jobs are set to be created if plans for a new restaurant and cinema development in the heart of Aberdeen get the go ahead.

The multi-million pound plans to expand the Bon Accord & St Nicholas shopping centres have been submitted to Aberdeen City Council.

They include a 28,000 sq ft cinema complex featuring seven screens, with the capacity to seat 800 people.

Seven new restaurants would also be created in the expansion.

F&C REIT, owner of the Bon Accord & St Nicholas centres, believes the project can complement the landmark developments taking place in the traditional core of Aberdeen.

The design includes the creation of a new entrance from Upperkirkgate at Drum's Lane.

This would lead to an external courtyard and provide access to the upper level of the mall where the new leisure area would be situated.


The plans work within the existing footprint of the Bon Accord mall at the city shopping centres.

If approved, the restaurant phase could be completed by autumn 2015 with the cinema complex following early in 2016.

Craig Stevenson, Bon Accord & St Nicholas centre manager, said: "We are incredibly enthusiastic about these plans, which have the potential to bring substantial economic benefits to Aberdeen through the construction phase and then when complete.

"As well as our own significant financial commitment to the construction, there will be additional investment by operators in the individual units with very positive spin-offs to the economy in the north east."

Other current plans for city centre regeneration include the Marischal Square development by Muse, which would bring 175,000 sq ft of office space as well as a four star hotel.

Dandara's site at The Point, overlooking Union Terrace Gardens, will provide 72,600 sq ft of office accommodation.





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