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Sevco Thread

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doing for Aberdeen this season what Deila did a couple ago.

What? Making a cunt of Celtic? Not sure how he's going to do that. Could not care less who manages that mid table at best hun shower of cunts. The only team in the division that we should consider rivals are Celtic. Anything other than a win against anyone else, huns included,requires either us to under-perform, them to over perform, or some combination thereof.


This season should be about winning our home games against the Tims and beating everyone else both home and away.


Now that's a target....a stretch...a fucking huge stretch target, but achievable. Do that and we've won the league by the way.

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^^^ " still have a big budget and are under preforming due to miss management like Celtic were.

Bigger budget? Are you referring to the season ticket money that they have already spent, the Europa league money that they will not get or the magic pot of money that they claim to have from farming unicorn shit or whatever.


Those cunts will be lucky to keep the lights on or back in administration Give yourself a shake.


Signing over the bill Portuguese defenders to satisfy fan base living in a delusional fantasy is not the same as having a budget.

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