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Aberdeen Casuals

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Obviously to young to remember when the huns and tims terrorised Aberdeen in the early 80's then ASC eradicated that problem.


think the loon is on a fishing trip. funny how so many folk on forums seem to harbour similar views yet never voice these opinions to the faces of the cowardly casuals they seem to find so pathetic :hysterical:

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that is your opinion and I am perfectly aware it is one shared by many. I don't deny some casuals are arseholes as such people are to be found in any group of people. however many of them are very fine lads indeed. good fathers and husbands with a strong sense of values. they are also for the most part, football fanatics and fiercely proud aberdeen fans. don't you remember the mid 80s ? the casuals were the majority of the hardcore dons support, we were the 'beach end' for want of another way of putting it. thousand plus in the south stand with all the cities youth eager to sit beside us and roar the team on to victory.


so before banally writing them all off as "arseholes", "fannies" and "cowards" perhaps you should look a bit deeper.


ps. I should declare an interest, I am a casual.



You dont have to be Stephen Hawking to work out that you are a casual. Some of them may "fiercely proud Abedeen fans" etc etc. But why the need to bang on about battering the sh*te out of "scarfers" etc?

Go to the game, gve a few bevvies, shout abuse at whoever...but why the rest of it....is that what the so called older guys with kids teach their own kids? Sad

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You dont have to be Stephen Hawking to work out that you are a casual. Some of them may "fiercely proud Abedeen fans" etc etc. But why the need to bang on about battering the sh*te out of "scarfers" etc?

Go to the game, gve a few bevvies, shout abuse at whoever...but why the rest of it....is that what the so called older guys with kids teach their own kids? Sad



Scarfers........thats how litttle you fookin know.......it was mob v mob........how old are you SK?????

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You dont have to be Stephen Hawking to work out that you are a casual. Some of them may "fiercely proud Abedeen fans" etc etc. But why the need to bang on about battering the sh*te out of "scarfers" etc?

Go to the game, gve a few bevvies, shout abuse at whoever...but why the rest of it....is that what the so called older guys with kids teach their own kids? Sad


who bangs on about battering the sh*te out of scarfers ?


asc members get on perfectly well with the majority of scarfers, several travel to away games on afc supporter club buses. nae sure where you're getting your information from but you seem to be creating a scenario that simply doesn't exist.

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Scarfers........thats how litttle you fookin know.......it was mob v mob........how old are you SK?????



The casuals are virtually dead

That is undeniable.

No-one gives a sh*t anymore.


And the reference to "scarfers" was irony you f**kwit - the previous poster asked if I remembered the 1980's.

Jay Allen and all that.

No doubt you were best mates

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The casuals are virtually dead

That is undeniable.

No-one gives a sh*t anymore.


And the reference to "scarfers" was irony you f**kwit - the previous poster asked if I remembered the 1980's.

Jay Allen and all that.

No doubt you were best mates


how was your mentioning "scarfer" irony and what has it got to do with anything ?


you've obviously decided you hate casuals and they're all shitbags. that's your perogative, there are plenty that share your view. don't get where you're coming from with the battering scarfers line or this latest post going on about tghe 1980s and jay allan.


you backtracking or just havering ?

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The casuals are virtually dead

That is undeniable.

No-one gives a sh*t anymore.


And the reference to "scarfers" was irony you f**kwit - the previous poster asked if I remembered the 1980's.

Jay Allen and all that.

No doubt you were best mates



You cared ........you posted my fellow f**kwit :hysterical:

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The casuals are virtually dead

That is undeniable.

No-one gives a sh*t anymore.


And the reference to "scarfers" was irony you f**kwit - the previous poster asked if I remembered the 1980's.

Jay Allen and all that.

No doubt you were best mates


Ironic? Ehhhh.... Fit?!


Where's the irony in what you've said? Please do explain, I'm keen to know. Either the definition has changed, or you're speaking pish!

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how was your mentioning "scarfer" irony and what has it got to do with anything ?


you've obviously decided you hate casuals and they're all shitbags. that's your perogative, there are plenty that share your view. don't get where you're coming from with the battering scarfers line or this latest post going on about tghe 1980s and jay allan.


you backtracking or just havering ?

backtracking - the watchword of the casual ;)

I do hate casuals yes - I hide it well eh?

I cant get my head round the older guys that were around 25 years ago as 16 year olds that still think it's "cool" for want of a better word. 40+ year old men most of them with kids, bringing them up to think it's acceptable to batter someone.


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backtracking - the watchword of the casual ;)

I do hate casuals yes - I hide it well eh?

I cant get my head round the older guys that were around 25 years ago as 16 year olds that still think it's "cool" for want of a better word. 40+ year old men most of them with kids, bringing them up to think it's acceptable to batter someone.



Hey min that's superb but please explain fit was the irony in your previous post, because I'm reading it again and again and just can't work out what you're trying to say.

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wondering, why are the casuals so often demonised when they are only doing what the beach enders did in the 70s. in fact it strikes me many of those that criticise the casuals were in fact beach enders of that era.


aggro was the order of the day, chasing dundonians down king street, and generally causing mayhem. clock the old dons fans song book, brutal stuff ;)


all are dons fans so why do some try and cause divisions :wtf:

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wondering, why are the casuals so often demonised when they are only doing what the beach enders did in the 70s. in fact it strikes me many of those that criticise the casuals were in fact beach enders of that era.


aggro was the order of the day, chasing dundonians down king street, and generally causing mayhem. clock the old dons fans song book, brutal stuff ;)


all are dons fans so why do some try and cause divisions :wtf:



Dons scarfers diddnt have to hide when they went to Parkhead , Ibrox or any other away game

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he can't. he was shown up to be a bigot who has based his hatred of casuals on nothing but personal prejudice and now he's just havering. hasn't been able to counter anything I said.

A bigot?! :-)

Good one mate.

T'internet hardmen - just love 'em

Have you ever actually fought anything other than sleep?

Before you ask, I box, so organised battering of folk (or being battered!) is acceptable

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So fit's the problem here, then?




Seems to be a problem that I've expressed an opinion that I think the casuals are pathetic.

It IS only an opinion!

As for you mentioning the boxing, it is a sport, the "noble art".

Casuals are the polar opposite, and most of them wouldn't last two minutes in a "proper" fight.

Each to their own I suppose.

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Seems to be a problem that I've expressed an opinion that I think the casuals are pathetic.

It IS only an opinion!

As for you mentioning the boxing, it is a sport, the "noble art".

Casuals are the polar opposite, and most of them wouldn't last two minutes in a "proper" fight.

Each to their own I suppose.


You said organised fighting is acceptable... I'm just not getting your point at all, sorry min.

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Seems to be a problem that I've expressed an opinion that I think the casuals are pathetic.

It IS only an opinion!

As for you mentioning the boxing, it is a sport, the "noble art".

Casuals are the polar opposite, and most of them wouldn't last two minutes in a "proper" fight.

Each to their own I suppose.


not a problem at all, I've went to some lengths to say it's your opinion, shared by loads of folk and you're perfectly entitled to it BUT you don't seem to be able to say why exactly you think casuals are all fannies.


is it just a blind hatred you feel but can't really explain or do you have an actual reason for disliking casuals :confused:

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A bigot?! :-)

Good one mate.

T'internet hardmen - just love 'em

Have you ever actually fought anything other than sleep?

Before you ask, I box, so organised battering of folk (or being battered!) is acceptable


so now it would appear you've decided in the absence of being able to explain yourself you'd go in for some personal abuse instead.


I can see I've met my match here :hysterical:

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Seems to be a problem that I've expressed an opinion that I think the casuals are pathetic.

It IS only an opinion!

As for you mentioning the boxing, it is a sport, the "noble art".

Casuals are the polar opposite, and most of them wouldn't last two minutes in a "proper" fight.

Each to their own I suppose.

And there's a also a percentage that wouldn't be out of place in a lunatic asylum and would love to put your theory to the test

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not a problem at all, I've went to some lengths to say it's your opinion, shared by loads of folk and you're perfectly entitled to it BUT you don't seem to be able to say why exactly you think casuals are all fannies.


is it just a blind hatred you feel but can't really explain or do you have an actual reason for disliking casuals :confused:



what makes you harder?? because you box????? my bro in law is fighting i glasgow next week for the scottish title in muay thai and he's a casual

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what makes you harder?? because you box????? my bro in law is fighting i glasgow next week for the scottish title in muay thai and he's a casual


seems to be the new thing, he dropped boxing into the thread thinking it would make him look hard perhaps. 12 year old lassies box lol. the lad minijc has also taken to mentioning he does the slinky chinky stuff in a lot of his posts as well.


dangerous people, eh :hysterical:

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