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29 minutes ago, Ramandu said:


Footage from a dogfight going on over Kiev today. Not sure when the last dogfight was - there was something in the Balkans in 1999, but doesn't really count as the mismatch in planes was so big. Vietnam perhaps?

Apparently there were minor dogfights in the first (1991) Gulf War and (1971) Indian-Pakistan War.  Little worth mentioning though.  

Probably the last significant dogfights would have been the Falklands War (1982), with Royal Navy & Royal Air Force Harriers facing Argentine Mirages, Daggers (Mirage copy) and Pucaras (prop driven).   

The Falklands also set the record for the longest bombing raid in history, with the RAF flying a Vulcan Bomber from Ascension Island to the Falkands (and back) to bomb an airfield, a trip of 13,000 km.  This stood  for decades, until the Americans sent a B1 bomber from the US to bomb Afghanistan.

There would have been arab-israeli dogfights roughly the same time as Vietnam, with the arabs faring about as good as usual. 


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13 minutes ago, Torry Tosser said:

Vast majority of Russians hate Putin,all this clapping and cheering at these military parades is all false,because they all worried if they against him,that something will happen to them,amazes me why none of them has had the balls yet to shoot the cunt.

Probably because if you failed and got caught you’d face a lifetime of torture and hard Labour and the same for your family. 

It’s easy to say you’d do this or that but having the balls to do it is different. 

They jail pop stars FFS. 

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1 minute ago, Redforever86 said:

Probably because if you failed and got caught you’d face a lifetime of torture and hard Labour and the same for your family. 

It’s easy to say you’d do this or that but having the balls to do it is different. 

They jail pop stars FFS. 

Yes....But there is always one nutter willing to take the chance.

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11 minutes ago, Grays Babylon 1875 said:

What if you just rammed the nut on him, but didn't shoot him. 

Maybe a fine?

Superglued onto the first Russian nuclear missile to be launched at London.

Luckily for us it'll be a Lada nuclear weapon so will break down after 10 seconds and wipe out St Petersburg

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Zelensky is about as incompetent a leader as Ukraine could hope to have at as critical a moment as this. His level of incompetence is Bojo/Trump incompetence, unfortunately. 

The signs have been there for eight fucking years that Russia planned to attack Ukraine, growing more alarming with each passing 'military exercise', and yet Zelensky waits until a day before he was warned the Russians would invade to order a recall of reservists. He even went so far as to RULE OUT fucking mobilisation. 

Hundreds of thousands of potential soldiers are literally standing around unarmed at train stations, at home, or (in a few cases) in transit, who'll never be able to fire a shot in defence of their county.  

If Ukraine survives this, and Russia eventually withdraws somewhere down the road in ten years time or whenever, the Ukrainians need to cut Zelensky's head off on live TV. 


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1 minute ago, RedArmyFakshun said:

Putin invaded Crimea while USA under Obama

Putin invaded nowt while USA under Donald

Putin invaded Ukraine while USA under Biden

Seems to me that Putin and Donald got along just fine

Putin and Trump 'got along' because Trump was subservient to Putin. 

Putin launched the largest cyber attack on America in history under Trump. 

Trump refused to acknowledge that Russia had attacked American networks, despite pretty much every intelligence agency telling him it was Russia. Even going so far as to say, "I don't see why it would be Russia". Trump refused to retaliate. 

Trump refused to sign off on sanctions Congress imposed upon Russia, and when he finally caved months after he was supposed to sign the act, he would only sign off on sanctions on a few Russian individuals. 

Trump refused to act against Russian interference into the US Presidential election.

Trump has even gone so far as to heap praise on Putin invading Ukraine, calling him a 'Genius', and referring to the invasion as a "Peace Force" 

I think it's hard to deny that Trump acts as little more than an outlet for Russian propaganda, hence Putin getting along with him, 'just fine'. 


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27 minutes ago, Ke1t said:

Putin and Trump 'got along' because Trump was subservient to Putin. 

Putin launched the largest cyber attack on America in history under Trump. 

Trump refused to acknowledge that Russia had attacked American networks, despite pretty much every intelligence agency telling him it was Russia. Even going so far as to say, "I don't see why it would be Russia". Trump refused to retaliate. 

Trump refused to sign off on sanctions Congress imposed upon Russia, and when he finally caved months after he was supposed to sign the act, he would only sign off on sanctions on a few Russian individuals. 

Trump refused to act against Russian interference into the US Presidential election.

Trump has even gone so far as to heap praise on Putin invading Ukraine, calling him a 'Genius', and referring to the invasion as a "Peace Force" 

I think it's hard to deny that Trump acts as little more than an outlet for Russian propaganda, hence Putin getting along with him, 'just fine'. 


To be fair Putin has that video of Trump drinking some trannies piss in a Moscow hotel room.

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1 hour ago, Ke1t said:

Trump has even gone so far as to heap praise on Putin invading Ukraine, calling him a 'Genius', and referring to the invasion as a "Peace Force" 

Trump is absolutely an idiot, and I wouldn't want him in charge of a corner shop, but I listened to that interview and he was being sarcastic when he said Peace Force. 

Pretty much every leader in the West: UK, Germany, USA, has enabled this by the response to 2014. 

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21 minutes ago, Ramandu said:

Trump is absolutely an idiot, and I wouldn't want him in charge of a corner shop, but I listened to that interview and he was being sarcastic when he said Peace Force. 

Pretty much every leader in the West: UK, Germany, USA, has enabled this by the response to 2014. 

You can't really blame the West for the independent actions of Vladimir Putin. 

They might want to take heed of the chain of events perpetrated by another dictator in the 1930s, though, and how current events are imitating them. 

6 F-35s and 10,000 redeployed soldiers isn't much of a counterforce. 

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