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I do have a bad feeling that in the coming months, maybe year or two, that Putin will just roll the tanks into Moldova inna. 

Like a shoplifter walking out the building with pocket full of nicked shit, might as well grab some of the shit off the display by the front door as he exits. 

He'll then remind the security guard coming to apprehend him, "I've a bunch of nukes... you wouldn't want one flying in through the window, would you? No? I'll just be about my business then."

I suppose it's more armed robbery than shoplifting. 

Is this ploy going to work in say, Georgia or Finland inna. 

"I've a bunch of nukes, so I'll just be taking over your country, eh?"

At some point you have probably need to just get into it with him. 

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5 minutes ago, Grays Babylon 1875 said:


Where have they been living these dopey cunts?



THIS, more than any of the rest of their stupidity, pissed me off. 

"We are gathered waiting for a plan to leave Ukraine"

You're a group of fucking adults, formulate your own fucking plan. 

Steal a fucking bus and head West on E40. When you get to the beautiful city of Zhytomr jump on the M21 South, and don't stop driving till you get to the charming and historic city of Nemiya. Stay on M21 till you get to a bridge... cross that fucking bridge.  You are now in Moldova. 

There... there's your fucking plan, you hopeless drains on society. 

Why are people so fucking helpless? 

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8 hours ago, Clydeside_Sheep said:

Apparently there were minor dogfights in the first (1991) Gulf War and (1971) Indian-Pakistan War.  Little worth mentioning though.  

Probably the last significant dogfights would have been the Falklands War (1982), with Royal Navy & Royal Air Force Harriers facing Argentine Mirages, Daggers (Mirage copy) and Pucaras (prop driven).   

The Falklands also set the record for the longest bombing raid in history, with the RAF flying a Vulcan Bomber from Ascension Island to the Falkands (and back) to bomb an airfield, a trip of 13,000 km.  This stood  for decades, until the Americans sent a B1 bomber from the US to bomb Afghanistan.

There would have been arab-israeli dogfights roughly the same time as Vietnam, with the arabs faring about as good as usual. 


You really are an incredibly boring cunt on any subject aren't you.

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Just now, 1903Fitba said:

I meant the members of NATO list. 

So you are saying it's a joke Turkey are in NATO? They were fairly sound until Erdogan came along. Can't exactly chuck them out, not that we'd want to. 


If by joke you mean, that the Turks were fairly recently fighting Kurds that were armed by the US to fight IS then you have a decent point. 

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1 minute ago, Redforever86 said:

So you are saying it's a joke Turkey are in NATO? They were fairly sound until Erdogan came along. Can't exactly chuck them out, not that we'd want to. 


If by joke you mean, that the Turks were fairly recently fighting Kurds that were armed by the US to fight IS then you have a decent point. 

Your first point is debatable. 

Second point was my main reasoning. 



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1 minute ago, Redforever86 said:

Yeah fair enough. Erdogan is a fud, but he'd do a lot better job of standing up to Putin than our leaders. 


Erdrogan shot down a Russian jet he figured was getting cheeky back in 2015.  It barely crossed into Turkish airspace, ignored warnings, got blown out of the sky. 

He's not scared to get into it.

He's a cunt, but it might not be a bad idea to put him in charge. We need a bit of mental. 

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17 minutes ago, Ke1t said:


Erdrogan shot down a Russian jet he figured was getting cheeky back in 2015.  It barely crossed into Turkish airspace, ignored warnings, got blown out of the sky. 

He's not scared to get into it.

He's a cunt, but it might not be a bad idea to put him in charge. We need a bit of mental. 

That’s it. Putin has ripped up the playbook for international relations. Time to play him at his own game.

The West are all too predictable...diplomacy, sanctions, UN resolutions (knowing they’ll get Vetoed), slow, rule based, predictable.

Like any decent chess player, he’s thinking about 8 moves ahead and has priced sanctions and economic impacts into his plan (I.e. he doesn’t give a fuck).. he’ll have the Russian flag flying in Kiev by the end of the week and the West will still be holding their dicks in their hands.

Do something mental, that makes Putin think - holy fuck, I didn’t think they’d do that!


Letting Ukraine “borrow” a couple of nukes would be a good start.


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43 minutes ago, sheepcrooky said:

Caught BBC Radio Scotland at lunchtime. Our political leaders were lining up to talk. Leader of the Scottish Greens Patrick Harvie “We are all Ukraine. Anything Putin and Russia does wrong, he will feel our full force”. 
I bet Vlad is shitting himself. 

A threat from the nonce-loving weasel Patrick Harvey that has all the impact of a right hook from Stephen Hawking... I bet the conflict will be over in no time. 

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43 minutes ago, sheepcrooky said:

Caught BBC Radio Scotland at lunchtime. Our political leaders were lining up to talk. Leader of the Scottish Greens Patrick Harvie “We are all Ukraine. Anything Putin and Russia does wrong, he will feel our full force”. 
I bet Vlad is shitting himself. 

A threat from the nonce-loving weasel Patrick Harvey that has all the impact of a right hook from Stephen Hawking... I bet the conflict will be over in no time. 

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