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Mccall The New Mcghee?

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So its on par but naebody could beat the top 4 and only us, utd and herts could give wigan a game? Nae really on par then....


And i think we'd get played off the park by wigan and west brom. Probably even west ham ( by far the worst prem team ).


Listen, the point about the top 4 is that the monetary factor sets them apart. It's effectively a fix. Every year they qualify for the Champs League, the gap between richer and poorer increases. This is now a yawning chasm, because the same handful of teams have monopolised this cash for some years now. It's brutal and the very opposite of competitive. So of course they are going to be better, they all have about three times as many players as all the other teams for a kick-off. All this G14 nonsense, seedings, and leagues in the f**king European cup etc. etc. this is turning football into one big fix. The big clubs effectively cannot lose.


You end up with the same clubs in the same positions every year. What a joke.


You are once again dwelling on juvenile conjectures. The ONLY measure is European competition.


Using this, we have held our own. Check the records if you dinna believe me.

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Grella started 7 games out of last 9 and came on as sub the other 2.


Point taken, but I had been checking the records for Leeds and had not realised he'd been farmed out to Carlisle. But these are minutae, not relevant to the overall point really.


It disna make the point I'm making any less valid though, Grella is rubbish and will assist in Motherwell plunging down the table.

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Point taken, but I had been checking the records for Leeds and had not realised he'd been farmed out to Carlisle. But these are minutae, not relevant to the overall point really.


It disna make the point I'm making any less valid though, Grella is rubbish and will assist in Motherwell plunging down the table.

I don't know as think seen him just once on telly. Time will tell.

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Listen, the point about the top 4 is that the monetary factor sets them apart. It's effectively a fix. Every year they qualify for the Champs League, the gap between richer and poorer increases. This is now a yawning chasm, because the same handful of teams have monopolised this cash for some years now. It's brutal and the very opposite of competitive. So of course they are going to be better, they all have about three times as many players as all the other teams for a kick-off. All this G14 nonsense, seedings, and leagues in the f**king European cup etc. etc. this is turning football into one big fix. The big clubs effectively cannot lose.


You end up with the same clubs in the same positions every year. What a joke.


You are once again dwelling on juvenile conjectures. The ONLY measure is European competition.


Using this, we have held our own. Check the records if you dinna believe me.


You wont get me disagreeing re the fix arguement or the fact that money talks. It does and thats why top level football is boring now.


Given the sky cash im sure the OF could compete highly in the prem along with 2-3 other clubs. Fact is we dont and are not on par.


Also dont agree with one off euro ties being a yardstick. ANY spl side currently would struggle to stay up over a slog of a prem season.

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You wont get me disagreeing re the fix arguement or the fact that money talks. It does and thats why top level football is boring now.


Given the sky cash im sure the OF could compete highly in the prem along with 2-3 other clubs. Fact is we dont and are not on par.


Also dont agree with one off euro ties being a yardstick. ANY spl side currently would struggle to stay up over a slog of a prem season.


What I'm saying is it's the only measure we have, as we never meet these teams any other way. So we can surmise till we're blue in the face about what may or may not happen to our teams in their league, or their teams in ours, but we'll never know for sure.


We always put up decent performances in friendlies with English clubs too, I remember a fairly poor Dons side giving Everton a helluva fright in a decently competitive friendly for (was it Anderson?) a testimonial fixture.

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Plymouth, Rochdale & Colchester.


The point being that only one of the above could be considered a success.


Folly is far too lightweight for SPL football and will not be here long term.


And McArdle is distinctly average, he's not great at all at fullback, he's OK at centre back but a touch on the small side for my liking and I don't think he'd form an integral part of a properly successful Aberdeen team, he's useful as backup only in my opinion.


sh*te. Folly for me has been one of our best players this season.

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An Aberdeen team that, until the last few games were languishing in the lower reaches of the SPL i.e. one of our worst teams for some time. Anyone who says that any player in that team was excellent needs their head examined, they were all culpable to a lesser or greater extent.


He won't form any part of a properly successful Aberdeen team, as he's simply not good enough to win the midfield battle. This is a prerequisite of SPL football. He's got some good ball control I'll grant you but WINNING football matches is about so much more than that I'm afraid, you need to have the measure of your opposite number.


This cannot have happened very often since we lost most of the games this season in which he's featured.


Derek Young would be in my team any day before Folly.

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Can't fault much of McGhees signings this year other than Velicka. It was his man management that was shambolic.


I'd agree with that. Last year's ones hurt (and continue to with Ifil) but Folly, Hartley, Vernon and largely McArdle have been better than what we had. Velicka/Foster was insanity but that blip aside this season's were winners.


Disagree with the OP's thrust.

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I'd agree with that. Last year's ones hurt (and continue to with Ifil) but Folly, Hartley, Vernon and largely McArdle have been better than what we had. Velicka/Foster was insanity but that blip aside this season's were winners.


Disagree with the OP's thrust.


The proof will be in the pudding, let's see how Motherwell go from now on.


Down the table without a shadow of a doubt, and they'll be relegation candidates next season. McCall is making a mistake in thinking the football up here is of a standard where players who cannot get a game in England are going to make a success of it in the SPL.


Leeds are bulleting this guy for a reason, there's no way he'd be going to Motherwell otherwise.

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Sure the players 'Well are getting might be crap BUT that doesn't mean they are by default because of where they've come from. Yes, there's a good chance but it's not certain. I'll agree they could be down there.


However it wasn't the players that McGhee got that screwed him at Aberdeen (uh... this season anyway). It was the fact he's a clueless f**kwit of a manager. You know.

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I note Motherwell have signed some lower league dross from England, Grella from Leeds, and Jones from Walsall.


Exactly the type of signing policy that landed us in hot water over the last 18 months.


The problem McCall has is that he must be of the opinion, as McGhee was, that these guys can thrive in the SPL, even though they canna get a game in the lower reaches of English football.


He's in for the same rude awakening, Motherwell will plummet down the table under this odious ginger arsed hun, mark my words.


utter pish

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I'll have to assume you think they'll thrive under McCall?


It's happening already, they've not won a game under him, and this is hardly the way to remedy that.



Your the same tup that was saying Maguire was genius on Ab Mad? I rest my case (Derek Young better than Folly......)


We must get Maguire to sign a new contract, this is a matter of the utmost importance.


He's a brilliant player, the only thing lacking in his game previously was a level of consistency, but he's found that now.


We have an international class player on our hands, to let his contract run down and have him leave for next to nothing would be criminal.

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I note Motherwell have signed some lower league dross from England, Grella from Leeds, and Jones from Walsall.


Exactly the type of signing policy that landed us in hot water over the last 18 months.


The problem McCall has is that he must be of the opinion, as McGhee was, that these guys can thrive in the SPL, even though they canna get a game in the lower reaches of English football.


He's in for the same rude awakening, Motherwell will plummet down the table under this odious ginger arsed hun, mark my words.







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Your the same tup that was saying Maguire was genius on Ab Mad? I rest my case (Derek Young better than Folly......)


We must get Maguire to sign a new contract, this is a matter of the utmost importance.


He's a brilliant player, the only thing lacking in his game previously was a level of consistency, but he's found that now.


We have an international class player on our hands, to let his contract run down and have him leave for next to nothing would be criminal.


I'm not saying Derek Young is better than Folly, there's all sorts of permutations there. I'm saying he's more suited to the SPL, and I'd have him in the Aberdeen team before Folly, because he has far more dig about him.


Maguire is really coming on to a game now, I'm not saying he's genius, you're stretching it there. I'm saying he is now realising his potential and I'd be delighted if he signed on here for another couple of years, as he could potentially net us a lot more than the laughable

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Yes he has ambition. Dare I say it he thinks we should have aspirations of going after the financially bereft Old Firm for the title IF we get our management structure right?


Yes, I remember the days when it was taken as a given.


And I'm led to believe Brown and Knox stipulated, through Jock Brown, a certain amount of money before taking the job on, and this amount would surprise many people if publicised but amazingly Milne agreed. Nobody is letting on, because our manager is a shrewd operator and speaks only when necessary and with the minimum of fuss and maximum politeness.


We will be going after these clubs before long, the turnaround executed by Brown and Knox, bearing in mind it's not their team, has been nothing short of miraculous.


Think what can be possible with some money behind them and their own players.


Aberdeen FC are a big club and it's my belief that we can challenge for the title within two years. Milne has awoken from a 15 year slumber and we have started to sign players of note again, instead of freebies and dross from Holland (JC) or England (MM).


Happy days.

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I'm pretty sure he said yesterday no-one can beat him on football knowledge, it's his specialist subject.


Well he's failed on that already by saying Folly hasn't been good enough (well words to that extent).


Being a part of a losing team is not what I consider to be 'good'.


Folly was an integral part of a losing team, an ever present.


He is not good enough for a team which expects to finish in the top three in the SPL.

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none of our players are


Maguire is, so potentially are Jack & Fyvie. And Pawlett would also fall into that category.


Some of these players also featured in the team that were second for a substantial part of the season not so long ago.


We have the raw materials, all we needed was a manager of stature to bring that on.


We are starting to look like the Aberdeen of old again, and by that I mean the Dons of the 80's and early 90's. A club with purpose, and one which enters EVERY season thinking it's going to win a trophy.


For too long we've been battered into accepting mediocrity, this will no longer be the case from next season onwards, and we may yet nick a trophy to polish the turd of this horrendous season.


Brown and Knox will not settle for second best, and will not suffer fools gladly. Milne has finally seen we were a club on it's knees.


We've had a succession of managers ranging from passable to utterly hopeless. Finally we have a man who has echoes of Fergie.

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Maguire is, so potentially are Jack & Fyvie. And Pawlett would also fall into that category.


Some of these players also featured in the team that were second for a substantial part of the season not so long ago.


We have the raw materials, all we needed was a manager of stature to bring that on.


We are starting to look like the Aberdeen of old again, and by that I mean the Dons of the 80's and early 90's. A club with purpose, and one which enters EVERY season thinking it's going to win a trophy.


For too long we've been battered into accepting mediocrity, this will no longer be the case from next season onwards, and we may yet nick a trophy to polish the turd of this horrendous season.


Brown and Knox will not settle for second best, and will not suffer fools gladly. Milne has finally seen we were a club on it's knees.


We've had a succession of managers ranging from passable to utterly hopeless. Finally we have a man who has echoes of Fergie.



there is absolutely no evidence of this, maguire has played in the same team as folly yet he is top 3 material........... how to you equate that ?

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Under McGhee (the failing manager) we were never going to finish top 3, due to silly tactics and blow up interviews. He's a good manager in his eyes (check his wikipedia).


Folly runs his socks off and works hard for Aberdeen, if you want to go deeper - check his passing statistics and passes completed statistics. He's been a very good player and before he got injured, the best player for Aberdeen under a poor manager. You just have to look at the amount of people disagreeing with you to see that.


The fact you said Derek Young better than Folly just makes you look a bit silly now.


Christ min, you seem determined to misrepresent me.


I never said he was BETTER. I said he should be in the Aberdeen team before him. A MASSIVE difference.


Folly is a reasonably good player who would be suited to a league of much slower pace than Scotland, where physical attributes are less of a concern, he would do OK in French or Dutch football for example.


Young is the better player for this style, in my opinion. Nothing silly about it, please read the posts before diving in with erroneous comments.

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there is absolutely no evidence of this, maguire has played in the same team as folly yet he is top 3 material........... how to you equate that ?


He plays for the under 21's with players of stature and does not look out of place, in fact has risen to the top of that bunch.


Bannan and others play for Premiership clubs.


Folly has not a hope in hell of ever featuring at that level.


Is that enough evidence?

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Christ min, you seem determined to misrepresent me.


I never said he was BETTER. I said he should be in the Aberdeen team before him. A MASSIVE difference.


Folly is a reasonably good player who would be suited to a league of much slower pace than Scotland, where physical attributes are less of a concern, he would do OK in French or Dutch football for example.


Young is the better player for this style, in my opinion. Nothing silly about it, please read the posts before diving in with erroneous comments.


Folly is a stone heavier than young and from what I have seen likes a tackle

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the same u21's that were pumped by Iceland...............STELLAR


Facetious nonsense, you should be well aware that this particular Iceland under 21 side had well over 70 FULL international caps between them.


And hammered Germany 4-0.


If you're just arguing for the sake of it, I'm through with wasting my time proving you wrong. Please give me some valid reasons as to why you think I might be incorrect, instead of shifting the debating goalposts to little point scoring details which have no merit to the overall point being made.

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Facetious nonsense, you should be well aware that this particular Iceland under 21 side had well over 70 FULL international caps between them.


And hammered Germany 4-0.


If you're just arguing for the sake of it, I'm through with wasting my time proving you wrong. Please give me some valid reasons as to why you think I might be incorrect, instead of shifting the debating goalposts to little point scoring details which have no merit to the overall point being made.



To use the U21 argument is flawed, its what these guys can do week in week out in the mans league, Maguire hasnt delivered, I seem to remember Bryan Prunty doing ok for Scotland U21's

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