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Mccall The New Mcghee?

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Maguire will be staying.


3 year contract with a promise that we can let him go for 2 million if a team wishes to bid that for him and he wants to take the challenge.


Brown and Knox will ensure he stays as they are respected beyond comprehension.


Happy days.


Aye Maguire staying could be the spur required to turn over Celtic on Saturday.


I'm itching to get in about them with serious backing at Hampden.


Come awa the Dons :scarf:

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Aye Maguire staying could be the spur required to turn over Celtic on Saturday.


I'm itching to get in about them with serious backing at Hampden.


Come awa the Dons :scarf:


Your fascination and adulation of Maguire is quite worrying.

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Dont think you can knock mcghee's signings. It was his and his staff's attitudes that had us in bother.


I agree with this, I actually think McGhees signings were - overall - of a higher standard than we have seen in a long time (OK, bar Ifil). Indeed, the probably form the backbone of our team now.


The main problem was that McGhee was a sh*t boss, and one who didn't know what full backs are.

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Your fascination and adulation of Maguire is quite worrying.




Support benefits young players, abuse and stinging critique has the opposite effect.


You won't be saying that when we have Scottish football's most valuable Scot in a couple of years time.


Maguire has the potential to net the club millions, so I'd like more people to realise that and get right behind him.


It's neither a fascination nor an adulation, just a realistic appraisal of our best player.

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I think the mis-timing of things and the sometime impression of him as being slightly off the pace has more to do with the slower football brains of his team mates than any reflection on his own ability.

Call it 'Darren Fletcher' syndrome if you like, this guy performes in a world class manner for Manchester United but can sometimes appear to be relatively poor for the national team.


This only happens because his thinking, if you watch closely, is sometimes several steps ahead of his team mates, whereas in the EPL he has team mates who appreciate and react to his quicker level of thought on the park.


I tend to think Maguire is the same, and would shine greatly in a better team than ours.


I quite like to think Maguire's turn of form is due to the 'Andy Dow' syndrome..... players coming to end of contract - performances increase dramtically as they look for a move elsewhere.

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Support benefits young players, abuse and stinging critique has the opposite effect.


You won't be saying that when we have Scottish football's most valuable Scot in a couple of years time.


Maguire has the potential to net the club millions, so I'd like more people to realise that and get right behind him.


It's neither a fascination nor an adulation, just a realistic appraisal of our best player.


No, you're living in cloud cuckoo land mate, that's the issue. There is no stinging criticism of Maguire. He's improved his performances and he's getting credit for it from most, if not all of the supporters (Bebo, Bebo being chanted on more than one occasion at home games of late). But is his performances way beyond what we should expect, or is it just up to the level where they should be? I feel it's the later. 1st half against St Mirren, he was useless to say the least. So there is lots to work on.


To suggest he has the 'potential' to net us millions is fanciful to say the least. How many non-OF teams net 'millions' from selling players?


Well done you, for big uppin' our players, it's to be admired. But calm yersel doon tae a frenzy min as you're love-in with Maguire is about as bad as some other's on here, waxing lyrical about Darren Mackie.

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I quite like to think Maguire's turn of form is due to the 'Andy Dow' syndrome..... players coming to end of contract - performances increase dramtically as they look for a move elsewhere.


The huge and obvious difference being that Andy Dow was sh*te and was only noticeable for his ability to rise closer to the surface than the other sh*t he was surrounded by in a poor Dons team.


If Maguire gets to play in a good Aberdeen team, which will happen in the summer and beyond, his career will really take off.


He's only been able to play as well as the team surrounding him allowed thus far. Nobody is ever going to shine brightly in a team battling relegation.


I genuinely believe he could be the matchwinner on Saturday, he has an eye for the spectacular and a Dons fan packed Hampden may well be the platform for him to silence the doubters once and for all.

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I agree with this, I actually think McGhees signings were - overall - of a higher standard than we have seen in a long time (OK, bar Ifil). Indeed, the probably form the backbone of our team now.


The main problem was that McGhee was a sh*t boss, and one who didn't know what full backs are.


Ifil's reputation as a Dons player was hampered by McGhee's persistence in playing him at RB most the time. He's a half decent centre half.... nothing more.

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No, you're living in cloud cuckoo land mate, that's the issue. There is no stinging criticism of Maguire. He's improved his performances and he's getting credit for it from most, if not all of the supporters (Bebo, Bebo being chanted on more than one occasion at home games of late). But is his performances way beyond what we should expect, or is it just up to the level where they should be? I feel it's the later. 1st half against St Mirren, he was useless to say the least. So there is lots to work on.


To suggest he has the 'potential' to net us millions is fanciful to say the least. How many non-OF teams net 'millions' from selling players?


Well done you, for big uppin' our players, it's to be admired. But calm yersel doon tae a frenzy min as you're love-in with Maguire is about as bad as some other's on here, waxing lyrical about Darren Mackie.


I ken a good player when I see one. Maguire is far better than Mackie, let's get real.


If Scott Brown was worth

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The huge and obvious difference being that Andy Dow was sh*te and was only noticeable for his ability to rise closer to the surface than the other sh*t he was surrounded by in a poor Dons team.


If Maguire gets to play in a good Aberdeen team, which will happen in the summer and beyond, his career will really take off.


He's only been able to play as well as the team surrounding him allowed thus far. Nobody is ever going to shine brightly in a team battling relegation.


I genuinely believe he could be the matchwinner on Saturday, he has an eye for the spectacular and a Dons fan packed Hampden may well be the platform for him to silence the doubters once and for all.


Andy Dow was a decent player when he cared to try. He had a brilliant 6 months for us, including a wunder goal at Hampden v Hibs. He more than earned his contract extension, then reverted to the lazy sh*t you remember him for. Exactly the same could happen with Maguire.

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Maguire, so far as I can tell, is a forward in the mould of Duncan Shearer.


Hi kelt, how is life in motor city?


I think Vernon is a good comparison to Shearer actually.


Imo, he is the first striker we have had, since shearer, who is always likely to score (I realise it is still early in his AFC career, but I have been delighted with him so far).

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You come across as a big smug mate. It doesn't sit well with most on here.




Untrue, most people can debate things without the need for sniping, as you appear to be doing.


Being knowledgeable on football matters is wholly different from being smug. I've watched football and Aberdeen FC for a long time, and I know that Maguire is well above ordinary when it comes to talent.


Dow was not, he was average but had a scoring burst in the same way that Paul Sheerin did, which gave a brief impression of talent unbefitting his overall status in the game.

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Fair point.


How do you rate him in comparison with the other CBs at the club?


In terms of his strength and ability to clear the ball, I'd put him near the top. Only McArdle I would say (and potentially Vujadinovic) go through the ball with such ease. However, I think his game is let down by his nervy use of the ball and being rather slow. So on that front, he'd be a back up to all the other guys we have who can play in that position.

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Untrue, most people can debate things without the need for sniping, as you appear to be doing.


Being knowledgeable on football matters is wholly different from being smug. I've watched football and Aberdeen FC for a long time, and I know that Maguire is well above ordinary when it comes to talent.


Dow was not, he was average but had a scoring burst in the same way that Paul Sheerin did, which gave a brief impression of talent unbefitting his overall status in the game.


Smug, as in, I'm a football guru, football is my forte, I can spot a true legend miles off, AFC will have millions to spend as Milne agreed to this, Maguire will net us millions as he's the next Kenny Dalglish.


I'm all for debate, but it's getting rather tedious is it not. You like the lad, let's just leave it at that.

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Smug, as in, I'm a football guru, football is my forte, I can spot a true legend miles off, AFC will have millions to spend as Milne agreed to this, Maguire will net us millions as he's the next Kenny Dalglish.


I'm all for debate, but it's getting rather tedious is it not. You like the lad, let's just leave it at that.


No, no, no you've got me all wrong min.


You're adding arms and legs to most of what I've said, all I've said regards Maguire is that I'm confident, no make that convinced, that he's going to make the club a lot of money in the near future.


An insertion of a transfer fee clause of

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I'd just like to also point out that the provision of several million pounds to overhaul the squad does not = millions to spend.


That's taking me deliberately out of context.


The new contract for Maguire should be a sign that things are operating differently at Aberdeen now, but you can believe what you want to believe tinyweelad min, it's no skin off my nose.

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No, just good, honest football debate about the Dons.


I dinna ken what your problem is with it, you're being critical for no reason and I'm beginning to ask myself why.


Debating is good, for sure. I would rather we did that than they petty squabbling that usual descends on these sites.


Fair doos loon - perhaps I'm coming down on you a bit too hard. But listen out to what the others are saying.... no one wants to hate any Aberdeen player. We'd all like to love them to bits. But Maguire in particular has came over in his time as an Aberdeen player, as somewhat of a big headed wannabe, who has failed to fulfil his potential. That has rubbed most up the wrong way and in many folk's eyes, he's only starting to repay the patience (and wages) we've invested in him.


Good player - not any more potential than Jack, Fyvie, Pawlett or Megginson if you ask me. All these guys will go on to be good players on a higher stage (I hope). Maguire may stay, he may go. At the end of the day, there'll be another player lined up to take his place.


Anyway, no disrespect meant to you.

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Interesting. twl - never had a problem with you as I recall - may well have had though, I fall out with many - but you've exposed something here.


The boy saying about Milne was innovative, but I didn't challenge it at the time as I had no evidence to the contrary and I wanted it to be true.


His conviction that Maguire is worth yea much is obviously an opinion but stated with conviction, it comes across as if presenting fact.


I reckon it is this that you're objecting to.


Where one has such enthusiasm and utter conviction that they're right, it's impossible to intersperse "in my opinion" all the time.


That's not smug. It's simple enthusiasm and conviction. That's my opinion onyhoo.


Nope, you're probably spot on. How anyone could suggest that a young player such as Maguire - with all his obvious faults just now - will be worth

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Debating is good, for sure. I would rather we did that than they petty squabbling that usual descends on these sites.


Fair doos loon - perhaps I'm coming down on you a bit too hard. But listen out to what the others are saying.... no one wants to hate any Aberdeen player. We'd all like to love them to bits. But Maguire in particular has came over in his time as an Aberdeen player, as somewhat of a big headed wannabe, who has failed to fulfil his potential. That has rubbed most up the wrong way and in many folk's eyes, he's only starting to repay the patience (and wages) we've invested in him.


Good player - not any more potential than Jack, Fyvie, Pawlett or Megginson if you ask me. All these guys will go on to be good players on a higher stage (I hope). Maguire may stay, he may go. At the end of the day, there'll be another player lined up to take his place.


Anyway, no disrespect meant to you.


Thanks, and I don't mean any disrespect to yourself or anyone else by my comments, that was the last thing I intended.


I suppose the point I'm trying to get across to people who still seem to be down on Maguire, as if he was still the headstrong Maguire of a couple of years back, is that the lad has finally matured and I'd like the Dons to get the benefit of that maturity rather than another team, given the work and money we've put in to get him to this stage.


Some posters seem determined to tar him with a brush for good, and I have to admit that gets to me.


Anyway, here's hoping he signs before Saturday and the debate is at an end for the time being.

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I'd just like to also point out that the provision of several million pounds to overhaul the squad does not = millions to spend.


That's taking me deliberately out of context.


The new contract for Maguire should be a sign that things are operating differently at Aberdeen now, but you can believe what you want to believe tinyweelad min, it's no skin off my nose.


Have I missed something or have we offered and had accepted, a new contract for Maguire???

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Have I missed something or have we offered and had accepted, a new contract for Maguire???


No, but I'm fairly certain there will be news and movement on that in the next few days, and I'm really hopeful this could be concluded before Saturday.


It would be the perfect boost going into that game and an important sign to our rivals.


Too often in recent years we've had good and sometimes excellent players leave the club for nothing.


I'd like to think we are seeing an end to that practice now.

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No, but I'm fairly certain there will be news and movement on that in the next few days, and I'm really hopeful this could be concluded before Saturday.


It would be the perfect boost going into that game and an important sign to our rivals.


Too often in recent years we've had good and sometimes excellent players leave the club for nothing.


I'd like to think we are seeing an end to that practice now.


I'd wholeheartedly agree with that. For a club our size, we have been shat on from a great height over the years by the likes of Hearts, Utd, and Hibs. We have lost money where they have made profit.


I'd very much like to keep Maguire for what it's worth.

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You come across as a big smug mate. It doesn't sit well with most on here.

Speak for yourself.


I'd like to think that it's a clean slate for all the players now that Brown and Knox are in charge.


It's how those players respond that is important. Whether they do that in a positive manner will and is becoming apparent.


Players will be shipped out as not good enough and I'm fine with that. Means better players coming hopefully.


Maguire seems to have responded to this current management team like he's not responded before. His performances seem on the up and whilst there are still infuriating things about him still. Hopefully this experienced management team can be allowed to work on them and improve him further.


Sign a new deal, improve your game under two of the most experienced guys in the game and earn us a few quid into the bargain.

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