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Flares In Football - For Or Against?

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There's enough room at football for people to do what they want within reason. It's the constant sticking of everyone in a designated seat that sees discord. As to 'it's not the Scottish/British culture' viewpoint- so what? What is 'our' way of doing things at Aberdeen currently? It seems to be mostly sitting in silence and then going home to whinge about it on the internet (like I am just now) But of course as it's only half of Europe, North Africa, the US, Canada, South America and even Australia where it's part of football, what possible reason would there be for it to look decent here?


get rid of that and it would be a start to improving atmosphere at games in this country, nobody will even give a f**k about flares

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aye and while we're doing all that we could of course watch a sport invented in england. isn't it great to embrace new things from foreign countries :scarf:


I thought the first report of the modern game of football had it as being originated in Scotland?


Or in turn we can just pay our money, sit down and be quiet then leave.


Or... we can pay our money, sing Aberdeen songs, encourage the team, watch the match and celebrate our win then leave for the pub. :D

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there are always myths and legends, the italians claim the origins go back to the calcio storico played in firenze, some historians even claim it goes back to ancient times in china, others that first written records are of a game played in aberdeen. all nonsense aside though the game of association football we play is english.


so your suggestion we shouldn't use flares because they are connected with italy is a daft one. if you follow that logic to it's conclusion we shouldn't even play football because it's from england and not a scottish invention :thehat:

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there are always myths and legends, the italians claim the origins go back to the calcio storico played in firenze, some historians even claim it goes back to ancient times in china, others that first written records are of a game played in aberdeen. all nonsense aside though the game of association football we play is english.


so your suggestion we shouldn't use flares because they are connected with italy is a daft one. if you follow that logic to it's conclusion we shouldn't even play football because it's from england and not a scottish invention :thehat:


Never once did I say there shouldn't be flares because their use at football matches is of Italian origin.

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For someone who's indifferent, you seem to have a helluva lot to say about the subject.


I think you're in the closet :sherlock:


I think he is aswell.



I'm not saying they do, try and read the thread. Now please answer the question put to you :thumbs:


Well I don't think I'm as amazed by light, smoke and fire as some people. It does nothing for me. It's just an uneccessary distraction in the crowd when all focus should be on what the team are doing on the pitch.

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I think he is aswell.





Well I don't think I'm as amazed by light, smoke and fire as some people. It does nothing for me. It's just an uneccessary distraction in the crowd when all focus should be on what the team are doing on the pitch.


fair enough. although you're still not really explaining why you actively don't like them. sounds more a case of indifference which is in effect the same as myself. that being the case I don't see any valid reason to object to those that do for whatever reason want to let them off before games.

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fair enough. although you're still not really explaining why you actively don't like them. sounds more a case of indifference which is in effect the same as myself. that being the case I don't see any valid reason to object to those that do for whatever reason want to let them off before games.


The question was For or Against. Not For, Against Or Indifferent and if I had to choose between the two I'd choose Against as I don't like them.


Jeezo. :banghead:

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The question was For or Against. Not For, Against Or Indifferent and if I had to choose between the two I'd choose Against as I don't like them.


Jeezo. :banghead:


yes but you specifically said they look sh*t. that's not just a simple for or against and I was curious about what specifically looks sh*t about them ?


strikes me as an odd statement to have made. incidentally you can quite reasonably be for them without liking them personally.

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