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Flares In Football - For Or Against?

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yes but you specifically said they look sh*t. that's not just a simple for or against and I was curious about what specifically looks sh*t about them ?


strikes me as an odd statement to have made. incidentally you can quite reasonably be for them without liking them personally.


But in my eyes they do look rubbish. The after smoke looks horrible and I think it's uneccessary.


I'm against it because if it was personally up to me, I wouldn't have them because I do not like the look of them, having to inhale the smoke or having to smell of the smoke aftwards.


Despite being quite young, I think I'm a bit old school. Let's have some good old classic Aberdeen songs and a few rattles. That's all we need! No pansy red flares.


COYR! :sheepdance:

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How the fk would you know without ever being in the situation though?

Anyway, you asled wat they add...


First has flares


Second is Pittodrie 3 weeks ago


What's better? :laughing:


I know what would inspire me and a few flares wouldn't. Are you saying that the flares are what made the atmosphere better in the first video? the fans who are quite fanatical made that not the flare


EDIT - theres nothing that inspiring about the milan fans. a few flags and a flare and thats it,



its incredible that you and your friends on here cannot accept that some of us don't think flares add anything to atmosphere. Learn to accept other opinions or simply stay away from threads like these.

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I know what would inspire me and a few flares wouldn't. Are you saying that the flares are what made the atmosphere better in the first video? the fans who are quite fanatical made that not the flare


EDIT - theres nothing that inspiring about the milan fans. a few flags and a flare and thats it,



its incredible that you and your friends on here cannot accept that some of us don't think flares add anything to atmosphere. Learn to accept other opinions or simply stay away from threads like these.


What, and leave the threads to clowns like you :laughing:

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What, and leave the threads to clowns like you :laughing:



that's what they want eh. not content with coming out AGAINST flares even though their only excuse is they "don't like them" boo hoo. they now want anybody who doesn't share their viewpoint to refrain from posting.


democracy is great eh :hysterical:


if you two could kindly combine the single brain cell you share for a second and read what has been written. I said to accept other opinions and thats all. If you cannot do that then don't go in to the thread. It's not that difficult. I have not came out against flares (see my first post in here). All viewpoints are accepted here and only yourself and RUL seem to have an issue with it/

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if you two could kindly combine the single brain cell you share for a second and read what has been written. I said to accept other opinions and thats all. If you cannot do that then don't go in to the thread. It's not that difficult. I have not came out against flares (see my first post in here). All viewpoints are accepted here and only yourself and RUL seem to have an issue with it/


I'm starting to see a pattern emerging. Everything you say is correct by default and anybody who disagrees with you is wrong and should just sit in the corner holding their tongue for fear of being chastised.


Must be great in your world always knowing you're in the right. What a man :thumbs:

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I'm starting to see a pattern emerging. Everything you say is correct by default and anybody who disagrees with you is wrong and should just sit in the corner holding their tongue for fear of being chastised.

Must be great in your world always knowing you're in the right. What a man :thumbs:


dear lord!!!!!!


at no point has this been said, in fact I said the complete opposite.

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I know what would inspire me and a few flares wouldn't. Are you saying that the flares are what made the atmosphere better in the first video? the fans who are quite fanatical made that not the flare


EDIT - theres nothing that inspiring about the milan fans. a few flags and a flare and thats it,



its incredible that you and your friends on here cannot accept that some of us don't think flares add anything to atmosphere. Learn to accept other opinions or simply stay away from threads like these.

Could let off 100 flares as the teams come out at Pittodrie tonight and the atmosphere will still be sh*t!!


Flares do NOT make atmosphere.

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Could let off 100 flares as the teams come out at Pittodrie tonight and the atmosphere will still be sh*t!!


Flares do NOT make atmosphere.


by themselves they perhaps don't create atmosphere as that imho is mainly done by singing but wouldn't you concede they do perhaps add to it in some way. if only by adding a sense of occasion or spectacle ? even if you don't what does it hurt to let some folk who want to let some off do as they wish.


as somebody partly in agreement with yourself (I don't think they add a great deal to the atmosphere) that's all I'm arguing for, more freedom for fanatical fans to do as they wish inside stadiums. get rid of the now all too familiar library scenario and get a climate of excitement back into the ground.

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by themselves they perhaps don't create atmosphere as that imho is mainly done by singing but wouldn't you concede they do perhaps add to it in some way. if only by adding a sense of occasion or spectacle ? even if you don't what does it hurt to let some folk who want to let some off do as they wish.


as somebody partly in agreement with yourself (I don't think they add a great deal to the atmosphere) that's all I'm arguing for, more freedom for fanatical fans to do as they wish inside stadiums. get rid of the now all too familiar library scenario and get a climate of excitement back into the ground.


Nae a bad analogy min, but at least in a library I can whisper really quietly and get away with it. I can also stand up for a reasonable amount of time in a library without being told to sit down or be escorted out.

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So allowing flares in to stadium would bring stayaway fans back to add to the atmosphere?


Or the holding of a flare turns someone in to a more fanatical person?


Takes a certain type of person tae let off a flare in these circumstances. They're nae normally the type to sit down after it's gone out and be silent like the majority that venture to Pittodrie these days!

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by themselves they perhaps don't create atmosphere as that imho is mainly done by singing but wouldn't you concede they do perhaps add to it in some way. if only by adding a sense of occasion or spectacle ? even if you don't what does it hurt to let some folk who want to let some off do as they wish.


as somebody partly in agreement with yourself (I don't think they add a great deal to the atmosphere) that's all I'm arguing for, more freedom for fanatical fans to do as they wish inside stadiums. get rid of the now all too familiar library scenario and get a climate of excitement back into the ground.

In a bizarre twist of irony it seems it is actually the letting off of flares/smoke bombs from beneath big flags when specifically warned not to that got the same big flags banned and has led to the same group falling out with club and now getting restricted on what they are allowed to do. If the couple of braindeads hadn't gone and deliberately let off these things knowingly hiding under flags then they would still be allowed their displays and wouldn't have so much heat on them from both the club and other fans who it seems want nothing to do with them.


As i have said before set out to do one admirable thing and now doing completely the opposite.

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Nae a bad analogy min, but at least in a library I can whisper really quietly and get away with it. I can also stand up for a reasonable amount of time in a library without being told to sit down or be escorted out.

It isn't the club who make the laws. Maybe try getting group to behave. For the record i will be standing the entire game tonight as have done all season and not been told to sit once.

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Takes a certain type of person tae let off a flare in these circumstances. They're nae normally the type to sit down after it's gone out and be silent like the majority that venture to Pittodrie these days!

Aye - an attention seeking braindead who is knowingly risking the club getting into trouble and knowingly going to make problems for his supporters group undoing any good work they do and further alienating them from the rest of the support.

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It isn't the club who make the laws. Maybe try getting group to behave. For the record i will be standing the entire game tonight as have done all season and not been told to sit once.


Where, if you don't mind me asking? You don't have to say if you don't want, but might be worth letting the RA12 know? I know they've had untold problems with stewards in their area when they want to stand up to sing.


Maybe the stewards are a little more relaxed in your area.

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Where, if you don't mind me asking? You don't have to say if you don't want, but might be worth letting the RA12 know? I know they've had untold problems with stewards in their area when they want to stand up to sing.


Maybe the stewards are a little more relaxed in your area.


Won't be there tonight as currently off work ill, but I have stood at the back of the RDS all season long (actually, make that every season since I got there). Never once been asked to sit down, and pretty much applies to the back 8 or 9 rows...

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Where, if you don't mind me asking? You don't have to say if you don't want, but might be worth letting the RA12 know? I know they've had untold problems with stewards in their area when they want to stand up to sing.


Maybe the stewards are a little more relaxed in your area.

Back row of RDL near middle. Although last game was so bad in cup i actually sat down!!

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In a bizarre twist of irony it seems it is actually the letting off of flares/smoke bombs from beneath big flags when specifically warned not to that got the same big flags banned and has led to the same group falling out with club and now getting restricted on what they are allowed to do. If the couple of braindeads hadn't gone and deliberately let off these things knowingly hiding under flags then they would still be allowed their displays and wouldn't have so much heat on them from both the club and other fans who it seems want nothing to do with them.


As i have said before set out to do one admirable thing and now doing completely the opposite.


I agree, and i'm pretty sure the guys responsible also regret the way things ended with their group, some people love the European type atmospheres in the grounds, some don't.


To be honest i don't think we'll ever have that type of scenes in our stadiums, not just becuase the law dictates but also the mentality of the British supporter, totally different and will never catch on here due to many things.

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I agree, and i'm pretty sure the guys responsible also regret the way things ended with their group, some people love the European type atmospheres in the grounds, some don't.


To be honest i don't think we'll ever have that type of scenes in our stadiums, not just becuase the law dictates but also the mentality of the British supporter, totally different and will never catch on here due to many things.



nail on head

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how long did the germans take to go from kutten types to pretty much a full blown ultra scene as good as anything in europe ? certainly a lot better there than it is in italy these days.


suppose that took about two decades all told, then again they had a headstart because they were already into the big flags and stuff.

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It would take a few decades to change, and you would have to change the mentality away from the terraces also.


there would be a lot of changes needed. no allocated seating unless you expect a full house for a start, standing area would be good and cheaper tickets. Less fitba on the TV is another way forward IMO

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