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Jason Brown

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You're in Baku?

I never knew

Aye just flew back today...was in the Deen for the young loon's birthday...had a great time at the Sports Village for his party...I was the ref...the young laddie that turned up in full Hun strip was yellow carded within the first minute!!


That's what I can't get my head round Broon complaining about training facilities...I would have thought AFC would be a prefered customer and able to train there anytime the weather dictated they couldn't train outside :dontknow:

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Jason Brown, Jason Brown, runnin' down the wing,


Jason Brown, Jason Brown, what are you doing?,


You are our Goalie, you fu-ckin' clown,


Jason Brown, Jason Brown


fair play ollie min, this is a belter. congrats on having a twisted brain.


marginal suggested change just to make it fit

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