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Club Officially Asking Us To Keep Our Side Of The Bargain

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Bon Accord is where it's at. Although I have been known to dip into the Caley on occasion.

:thumbup1: I have a lovely photo of us all from Maguire 89.

Having made commitment to Pittodrie for the season, it is for certain that there will be beers consumed before and after each game in one of the above clubs.

Not certain as to where we will end up yet, but let me give you the lowdown on each from a personal perspective, having had spells in each for a time at various points over the years.


Starting from furthest awa.



Good few years back this would have been the place of choice.

Many a pre-match pint quaffed along with the emergency "food" option, when coming straight out of bed. into the shower then into the pub.

In the form of stovies, or a bit of fash wi' chips if lucky. Service nae bad at food windi and bar, but wis nae so teen fan they made it a queue for the drinks.

Being exceptional at eye contact with bar person concentration, I could fire pints up with minimum effort as others dithered for a fraction of a second.

So an orderly queue means waiting langer for a pint. Gads.



Place of choice last season. Nae sure why. Jist wis. BA gets bypassed for reasons that will emerge in their own write-up.

Bar staff here are pretty attentive. Looking oot for customers, which again with yer eye on the ball can gain precious drinking time.

Normally nae bad at answering the buzzer, and quite comfortable toliets to pish in, wi' paper towels for hand drying as opposed to electric hand dryers fae the seventies.

Easier to get a seat than the ither twa.



Avoided mostly because of twattery of doormen. Was okay for a while...had a steady spell there 2 or 3 seasons back.

All went to pot again as jobs worth gypes refuse to let ye in.


Affiliated min (this means a member of a fellow golf club).

Sorry, members only.

OK ye ignorant cunt. Next time Bon Accord members come oer to Nigg Bay they will be booted oot on their erses.

Either to the car park or in fron o' a No.12 bus. Depending fitiver door is closest fan the cunts are uncovered.

Apart fae that, the lounge you go through to is total fucking meltdown.

Maybe that's why MDAL likes it in there, so she can hae an excuse to strip aff an dirl the young loons and auld mannies into a frenzy. ;)



I'm still there to be swayed.

Mak yer case if ye want the business for the hale season.

Or mak a case for your 2 rival clubs if ye preffered I went naewie near yer ain club. :checkit:

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Nae sure if this has been asked before, but I bought a black & gold season ticket at the weekend and was wondering if anyone knew how to redeem the subscription to RedTV? Went on the RedTV sight and it wasn't very clear, only had a redeem promo code option which I'm assuming you have to use? :dontknow:


Anyone done this already or will I just have to phone them up?

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Having made commitment to Pittodrie for the season, it is for certain that there will be beers consumed before and after each game in one of the above clubs.

Not certain as to where we will end up yet, but let me give you the lowdown on each from a personal perspective, having had spells in each for a time at various points over the years.


Starting from furthest awa.



Good few years back this would have been the place of choice.

Many a pre-match pint quaffed along with the emergency "food" option, when coming straight out of bed. into the shower then into the pub.

In the form of stovies, or a bit of fash wi' chips if lucky. Service nae bad at food windi and bar, but wis nae so teen fan they made it a queue for the drinks.

Being exceptional at eye contact with bar person concentration, I could fire pints up with minimum effort as others dithered for a fraction of a second.

So an orderly queue means waiting langer for a pint. Gads.



Place of choice last season. Nae sure why. Jist wis. BA gets bypassed for reasons that will emerge in their own write-up.

Bar staff here are pretty attentive. Looking oot for customers, which again with yer eye on the ball can gain precious drinking time.

Normally nae bad at answering the buzzer, and quite comfortable toliets to pish in, wi' paper towels for hand drying as opposed to electric hand dryers fae the seventies.

Easier to get a seat than the ither twa.



Avoided mostly because of twattery of doormen. Was okay for a while...had a steady spell there 2 or 3 seasons back.

All went to pot again as jobs worth gypes refuse to let ye in.


Affiliated min (this means a member of a fellow golf club).

Sorry, members only.

OK ye ignorant cunt. Next time Bon Accord members come oer to Nigg Bay they will be booted oot on their erses.

Either to the car park or in fron o' a No.12 bus. Depending fitiver door is closest fan the cunts are uncovered.

Apart fae that, the lounge you go through to is total fucking meltdown.

Maybe that's why MDAL likes it in there, so she can hae an excuse to strip aff an dirl the young loons and auld mannies into a frenzy. ;)



I'm still there to be swayed.

Mak yer case if ye want the business for the hale season.

Or mak a case for your 2 rival clubs if ye preffered I went naewie near yer ain club. :checkit:


Gave on the BA for exactly the same reasons MH the doormen are utter pricks always glad of your custom when there isn't a big crowd against a 3rd div team in the cup but the same twat who was all smiles then tells you to fuck off on the Saturday when we're playing Celtic !

Caley is my den of choice now

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To be honest I can never mind the difference between the Caley and the Bon Accord.


Maybe it's the Bon Accord I'll be in pre-match.


I canna mind which is which. Six and half a dozen.


All I ken is that I was asked to remove my hat in the depths of winter by some war veteran as soon as I set foot over the parapet of the door.


Was tempted to say 'fuckoff, it's freezin you old cunt' but then I remembered to respect my elders, they fought for my freedom and all that pish.


So I bit my lip. He was just attempting to assert his authority. I just wanted a pint. So a bit of come and go did no harm.

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Nae sure if this has been asked before, but I bought a black & gold season ticket at the weekend and was wondering if anyone knew how to redeem the subscription to RedTV? Went on the RedTV sight and it wasn't very clear, only had a redeem promo code option which I'm assuming you have to use? :dontknow:


Anyone done this already or will I just have to phone them up?


log onto redtv and sign up as a new customer, it will ask you to redeem your code at the bottom of the page as one of the payment optioins to tick, from there it's easy.

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log onto redtv and sign up as a new customer, it will ask you to redeem your code at the bottom of the page as one of the payment optioins to tick, from there it's easy.



Cheers min.


Should I have been given a code when I got my ticket? 'Cause all I was given was a ticket for the free shirt.

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Cheers min.


Should I have been given a code when I got my ticket? 'Cause all I was given was a ticket for the free shirt.


Nah min, ye should receive an email from the ticket office wae your code.


If no, I'd give them a shout and see what the hold up is.


Took me about 4 days after I ordered my ST before I got the code.

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Tell her the bed was very uncomfortable the other week. :millertime:


Get a cheap hotel instead of a B&B.


I don't like staying in hotels either. Very impersonal.


I'm a man of the people, I need human contact, not the isolation of a hotel.


No matter how fucking expensive the rooms, no matter how good the facilities.


There's no soul in a hotel.

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I don't like staying in hotels either. Very impersonal.


I'm a man of the people, I need human contact, not the isolation of a hotel.


No matter how fucking expensive the rooms, no matter how good the facilities.


There's no soul in a hotel.



Just drive there and back. :dontknow:

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