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Jack Reynolds Anderson Considine


Fraser Osbourne Rae Hayes


McGinn Vernon


Robertson - No, wasn't impressed last night.

Magennis - See Jack as a better player and would rather he played full back.

Hughes - Not been impressed this season to be honest. Nice touches etc, but too slow and don't really see us missing him.

Osbourne - Will have to play better than last night but a bit of bite and a high workrate in midfield like against Hearts and we can take control.

McGinn up front - Well, pretty much crying out for a partner for Vernon.



Fantastic post. :applause:

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It's way too attacking for Brown (& maybe a littel light in midfield) but I'd like to see us set up with something like this to see if it'd work.



Magennis (or other) Anderson,Reynolds,Considine(orRobertson)


Fraser..........................Osbourne........................Hayes (Fraser & Hayes can switch about at will)

................Smith.............................McGinn.........(these pair can also chop & change)






Ok Osbourne would have a hell of a task in midfield but if their was good understanding/planning between the others as far as covering him when others are in more advanced positions, it could work :dontknow:


One things sure, it'd be a hell of a hard team to defend against. Fast, interchanging/mobile & very tiring to keep track of.


Would be a little dodgey/weak from a defensive mid point of view yes but I want to see some exciting stuff.


But Brown would never go for it :( Maybe arange some bounce games to test out his more attacking side (just to see if he has one)


Thank Christ you're nae Dons boss - we'd be overrun every week.

I agree with the more attack minded mentality, but that's taking it too far.

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Thank Christ you're nae Dons boss - we'd be overrun every week.

I agree with the more attack minded mentality, but that's taking it too far.



Nae really.


Smith & McGinn could do as good if not a better job than Rae & hughes.

I look forward to a fit Milsom ousting one of them from the starting line up. Don't get me wrong, Rae has been ok (good in some games but shite in others) but Hughes mostly (barring a couple of his earlier games this season) has been shite & especially in his last couple.


McGinn has pace & yes has yet to prove his all round game but looks like he gives us good options.

Smith imo looked very good & comfortable on the ball last nite, especially at a high speed passing game, his movement & his passing was fabulous. Yes he's young & has a lot to learn but he's good enough now imo & has obviously been getting rave reviews at lower levels. If Fraser can push into the side so effortlessly then so can this lad.



There would be a good mix of experience & youth & pace in that line up & it's a very flexible mid to front formation. Granted that most of the experience is at the back but that's where I'd rather keep the experience in the side & take the risks further up the park for now.



Ideally I'd rather we still had Arnason over both Hughes & Rae in all honesty & that for me would be a better squad all round.


Would love it if we could get rid of Clark (yes he had a couple of decent passes last nite) but that's just not gonna happen but if he's ONLY there as back up, then I can just about come to terms with that.

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Yeah a very attacking type formation is just crazy for Brown & Aberdeen.



I know it's weak in middle but it would rely on players understanding who's covering up so as to always have support in middle with Osbourne.


But going forward, it'd be outstanding for Aberdeen.


Be like Real Madrid of old (on a smaller budget)


No offence F&D but we don't need to go crazy to make this team more attacking. In fact very little needs to be changed but a few tweaks and get the players thinking positively.


Simplest change to my mind is play the wingers on the natural side for them to go outside the FB and look to get crosses in rather than the opposite way as Brown does I think, That alone would change the way the team plays a lot IMO.


I've suggested its not the be all end all but I'd be happy to see us start with 2 up top in the next game (can always drop one back should it not be working).


Personally I went for Smith of McGinn because I just don't really see McGinn as a forward. Doesn't seem to have real goal instinct to me.




Jack Reynolds Anderson Considine


Fraser Osbourne Rae Hayes


McGinn Vernon



Thats very close to what I went for. In fact I'd be just as happy with your backline as with the one I picked.


I definately would play Smith ahead of McGinn up front though. Maybe play McGinn wide and rest one of Hayes or Fraser.

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It's way too attacking for Brown (& maybe a littel light in midfield) but I'd like to see us set up with something like this to see if it'd work.



Magennis (or other) Anderson,Reynolds,Considine(orRobertson)


Fraser..........................Osbourne........................Hayes (Fraser & Hayes can switch about at will)

................Smith.............................McGinn.........(these pair can also chop & change)






Ok Osbourne would have a hell of a task in midfield but if their was good understanding/planning between the others as far as covering him when others are in more advanced positions, it could work :dontknow:


One things sure, it'd be a hell of a hard team to defend against. Fast, interchanging/mobile & very tiring to keep track of.


Would be a little dodgey/weak from a defensive mid point of view yes but I want to see some exciting stuff.


But Brown would never go for it :( Maybe arange some bounce games to test out his more attacking side (just to see if he has one)


Why is Vernon in goals?

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Annoying that we'll probably have Clark Robertson on the bench who is a decent left back however Brown will insist on playing Considine there as he just cannot bring himself to drop him or Reynolds.


Good to have selection headaches but at the moment we have no excuse for playing Players out of positions.


Robertson was awful on Tuesday.

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Robertson was awful on Tuesday.


He was indeed.


To be fair, when he first came into the team under McGhee he looked pretty poor and not ready for 1st team football, however, last season, I thought he got better and better with every game he played, and was out MOTM on a few occassions. He'll be rusty, but the only way he'll get back to where he left of last season is to play him, and it has to be better to play a full back in his rightful position, than play Considine there.

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so why did you post that he was awful.


what point were you making?



Oh dear.


When I said, he was awful on Tuesday, what point do you think I was making?


That I think he'll be awful tomorrow? No.

That he was awful on Tuesday? Yes.


I'll expand a little further for you. I think after Tuesday it shows he maybe needs to be eased back after his injury to get up to the speed of the game. He looked well out his depth and this is why I wouldn't play him tomorrow. He needs time to get properly back into the swing of things and maybe sub appearances would be better.


This is of course my opinion after watching him on Tuesday. Feel free to share your thought s on how he played.

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Oh dear.


When I said, he was awful on Tuesday, what point do you think I was making?


That I think he'll be awful tomorrow? No.

That he was awful on Tuesday? Yes.


I'll expand a little further for you. I think after Tuesday it shows he maybe needs to be eased back after his injury to get up to the speed of the game. He looked well out his depth and this is why I wouldn't play him tomorrow. He needs time to get properly back into the swing of things and maybe sub appearances would be better.


This is of course my opinion after watching him on Tuesday. Feel free to share your thought s on how he played.


theres no need to be a prick about it. if you had said you think he should be eased back in then that would have been fine. I'm not a mind reader so its difficult to know exactly what your point was.

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