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Big win for Aberdeen today!!! Reports seem to suggest we played quite well in a 4-4-2 (rather adventurous).... Showed some good squad depth today to with Magennis putting in another shift as well as the return of Milsom (which i am delighted by).


Apparently the ref and assistants were woeful, thank God it didnt cost us the result.

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great to get the win though probably didnt quite shade it as much as some drawn games this season.


clangers has to be hoping to do better there but i am not calling for a keeper change...brown acting absolute idiot again at ht today.


heyho win next time out and its almost a good start to the season overall

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Played well generally and totally deserved to win.


........despite the best efforts of that prick Calum Murray who had a howling match.


How the fuck he didn't think the assault on Fraser was a red was beyond me, and how he missed the handball by McPake I'll never know.

Inept performance by the officials.


Langfield should never have lost that goal, although he redeemed himself a bit with the save from the ned.

Considine is also never ever in his life going to be a left back. Please stop playing him there.

Big Magennis did well when he came on, credit where it's due. Praise indeed from me as I think he's a horse normally.

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Just in. Missed most of the first half but the second half I thought we played well. Particularly Magennis, Mcginn, Reynolds, Fraser.

Hughes was shit but good to see Millom back for a few mins.

The officials were a fucking disgrace. Soooo inconsistent as well.


mdal....the officials were not inconsistent. They were very consistent.....consistently fucking shite against us.

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I'm fighting the cause here.


Folk fairly getting torn in like, but standing my ground here as he's shit.


People keep saying 'he kept us in the cup at Dunfermline' - holy shit, big fucking deal, he also cost us places in finals. Bunch of plebs.


We got the 3 points, and thankfully Langfield never cost us.




Goal that Hibs scored was an abosolute cracker was behind the hibs player just about in line and the swerve and dip that was on the ball was fantastic - ball moved significantly in all three dimensions at the same time. This was AFTER a super save that kept it at 1-0


question that should be being asked is why reyonlds let him turn and let fly from what looked a fairly innocuous ball that didnt have any danger until the player hit it - once struck it was only going one place

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Goal that Hibs scored was an abosolute cracker was behind the hibs player just about in line and the swerve and dip that was on the ball was fantastic - ball moved significantly in all three dimensions at the same time. This was AFTER a super save that kept it at 1-0


question that should be being asked is why reyonlds let him turn and let fly from what looked a fairly innocuous ball that didnt have any danger until the player hit it - once struck it was only going one place


I still think Langfield was at fault.

There were mitigating circumstances....

Hughes deflected it into Doyle's path when Rae could've shouted for it and cleared......Reynolds should've got tighter instead of appealing for offside.....and then Doyle hit it earlier than most people thought he would.

It was a good strike, BUT Langfield shouldn't be conceding goals like that.

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Superb save? Are you shitting me?


Wait till you see it again. I cannot believe you used the word 'superb'. You'll change the wording of that once you see it again. It was a truly terrible finish, and it was right at him.



No more than you are saying Langfield almost cost us the game - that save saved us - and the shot from where I sat was not one that 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of goalies wouldnt have a chance in hell of saving due to the movement on the ball. unless you were in line I doubt that TV or even most fans in the gorund could see that movement so i'll let you off with not knowing cos you didnt see it properly

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I'd say it is the other way around, get behind them on the park and if they have been shit, let them know...


Why would you go out of your way to abuse them at the match? I get behind them when at a game.


Of course I'd expect everyone to get behind the players at the game, but what I mean is when a mistake is made, then I expect to hear people in the stands giving the player a fault some abuse. But once the game is over, I don't see why people then go out their way to abuse the player on twitter.


I just think it's very counter-productive.

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