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Aye - does look a bit to pot!!



earlier on the had ICT 2-0 and St Mirren 1-1 with ross county as the full times


They corrected them but then the table has been updated twice so ICT have gained 6pts (as have celtic) and stmirren only gained 2 instead of 3 and ross county have gained 1 despite losing


As our game was earlier it hasnt changed

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good result. thought we certainly deserved it based on how much of the ball we had.


their lad clancy, what an utter cunt. constantly noising up the main stand, then complaining to the ref. when griffiths tried to steal the penalty clancy started a massive argument wi brown and knox. braver man than me!

then at fulltime folk were pointing and shouting stuff as he headed toward the tunnel. guy stops starts mouthing off and needed pulled away by stewards.


only downside, how bloody quiet our support is. i know sitting in the main isnt exactly going to lead to random songs being sung all the time, but 3 times ive sat there this season and 3 times not a single song has been thought about, let alone sung. that being said, we did seem especially quiet today.

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I'm guessing this is you, Roberto?


Craig Robertson ‏@Roberto2904


@jamlang22 Hemin piano key teeth, fucking retire you waste of a wage. You are absolutely shit!!! Near post AGAIN. #uselessfuck


If so, that is terribly poor form. He was at fault for the goal, but to speak like that to anyone is laughable and embarrassing.


Agreed, shit patter.

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Just in and on my way out again to see Mylo...



Thought we played OK, some good passing and movement but that was cancelled out by some pish movement and poor finishing. Couldve won this 6-1 IMO if the finishing was better.


All in all though some decent fitba, nowt really to complain about bar Langfield being utter shite and its nice to see us win :)

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I'm guessing this is you, Roberto?


Craig Robertson ‏@Roberto2904


@jamlang22 Hemin piano key teeth, fucking retire you waste of a wage. You are absolutely shit!!! Near post AGAIN. #uselessfuck


If so, that is terribly poor form. He was at fault for the goal, but to speak like that to anyone is laughable and embarrassing.


It's stuff like this that stops players going on to things like Twitter. Main reason Gav Rae stopped and people wonder why players are unapproachable or rude when they get abuse like the above. Just becuase they are football players on a social networking site doesn't mean people have the right to fire any sort of abuse they want to them. Very pathetic really.

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100% agree with that Peterheid Loon min.


Firing abuse at random strangers online is not on, I'm sure you'd never consider doing that in a million years and you're well within your rights to attack others for it.


Your not a professional footballer just a professional attention seeker. Your reply was so predictable as well. You deserve what you get for the way you act on here. Didn't see Langfield acting the cunt on Twitter, he made one mistake at his work and gets abuse like Roberto's, out of order IMO.

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Agree with above comments also, I think folk writing stuff like that on twitter are just attention seeking and to do it in the public eye where everyone can see is even more pathetic. Not sure what you do for a job Roberto, but say for an instance it was a plumber or a joiner or even a burger van man. Lets say you had a major leak or cut a bit of wood squint or didn't cook a customers burger correctly....a mistake in your job, would you think it would be fair if Jamie Langfield popped onto twitter and absolutely slaughtered you in the public eye in front of friends and family, calling you piano teeth or all the names under the sun over a stupid lapse of concentration in your job. Am I correct in thinking here that through his mistake today nobody was killed?? Nobody hospitalised? Anybody abused or anything?? No? So why the need to treat this lad like a criminal or a paedophile by disrespecting him on social networking sites? Only folk like them deserve abuse on these sites! Grow up and act like an adult, only kids post messages like that

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Agree with above comments also, I think folk writing stuff like that on twitter are just attention seeking and to do it in the public eye where everyone can see is even more pathetic. Not sure what you do for a job Roberto, but say for an instance it was a plumber or a joiner or even a burger van man. Lets say you had a major leak or cut a bit of wood squint or didn't cook a customers burger correctly....a mistake in your job, would you think it would be fair if Jamie Langfield popped onto twitter and absolutely slaughtered you in the public eye in front of friends and family, calling you piano teeth or all the names under the sun over a stupid lapse of concentration in your job. Am I correct in thinking here that through his mistake today nobody was killed?? Nobody hospitalised? Anybody abused or anything?? No? So why the need to treat this lad like a criminal or a paedophile by disrespecting him on social networking sites? Only folk like them deserve abuse on these sites! Grow up and act like an adult, only kids post messages like that

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:


Did they nae move the goalposts forward an extra 10 yards from the Merkland stand due to Clangers restraining order?

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I keep reading the same things. One mistake? If it was one mistake and he'd been superb for us in his time for us I'd not have lost my temper.


He's been a fucking calamity since he's joined us and made more than one mistake and more often that not it costs us.


People kept tweeting me saying 'take no notice, you were ace at Dunfermline' - what sort of a reply is that? Wow he played decent in one game, he's let us down far too fucking often, so it's an accumulation of errors that I lost the rag with the cunt for.


Professional footballers should be nowhere near Twitter, if they can't handle the abuse, either play better and they'll receive no abuse - or GTF off Twitter.


Ah right so because he has made more than one mistake gives you the right to go and fire personal abuse at him? Pathetic. Not as pathetic as your last sentence though. They could play top notch matches and would still get idiotic comments like yours directed at them. It's a lose/lose situation no matter what they say.

More to the point imagine losing your temper over that and thinking "fuck it i know what i'll do i'll go on Twitter and call him piano teeth, that will show him not to fuck up again" :hysterical: deary me!!!

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I keep reading the same things. One mistake? If it was one mistake and he'd been superb for us in his time for us I'd not have lost my temper.


He's been a fucking calamity since he's joined us and made more than one mistake and more often that not it costs us.


People kept tweeting me saying 'take no notice, you were ace at Dunfermline' - what sort of a reply is that? Wow he played decent in one game, he's let us down far too fucking often, so it's an accumulation of errors that I lost the rag with the cunt for.


Professional footballers should be nowhere near Twitter, if they can't handle the abuse, either play better and they'll receive no abuse - or GTF off Twitter.

So forgetting the opening day game how many points dropped or cup exits is clangers directly responsible for this season?

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roberto, the fact you celebrated tweeting that says everything about you.


You lack the decency and integrity to understand what you've done wrong.


You were brought up by shit people, or a shit single parent, or a shit orphanage or care home. You're just shit loon. We ALL see it.


Fucking hell. You have completely contradicted yourself from your first post where you lambasted Roberto.


Both as bad as each other!

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So forgetting the opening day game how many points dropped or cup exits is clangers directly responsible for this season?

That's as bad a point to make as the clowns who said Ifill was doing well as none of his errors had led directly to a defeat when he first joined. A fe wof us noticed his cock ups but were ridiculed. Fast forward a few months and it was common opinion that he was useless.

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That's as bad a point to make as the clowns who said Ifill was doing well as none of his errors had led directly to a defeat when he first joined. A fe wof us noticed his cock ups but were ridiculed. Fast forward a few months and it was common opinion that he was useless.

Agreed. Mackie never cost us games directly either.

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He's been shit for years min.


Cost us many times before Celtic and will cost us again in the future.

I know he isn't the best but blaming him for things he hasn't done yet is hard on the guy.

I've seen better keepers than him make an arse of it this season.

I think he is better than the Celtic keeper, who cost them 2m or so.

If you don't rate someone its tough to find any positives. Different level but I think your man Essien is one of the worst players I've ever seen, but I'm sure many would beg to differ.

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good result. thought we certainly deserved it based on how much of the ball we had.


their lad clancy, what an utter cunt. constantly noising up the main stand, then complaining to the ref. when griffiths tried to steal the penalty clancy started a massive argument wi brown and knox. braver man than me!

then at fulltime folk were pointing and shouting stuff as he headed toward the tunnel. guy stops starts mouthing off and needed pulled away by stewards.


only downside, how bloody quiet our support is. i know sitting in the main isnt exactly going to lead to random songs being sung all the time, but 3 times ive sat there this season and 3 times not a single song has been thought about, let alone sung. that being said, we did seem especially quiet today.

Brilliant! I absolutely loved the second half purely for this! I find it great that we were able to get under his skin enough that he completely blew a fuse. I was hoping he'd be at fault for a goal or get sent aff. I thought his heid was going to explode at one point.

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So... good win for the dandies...


Can we move on and talk about the game rather than the Roberto vs. Langfield Twitter Coalition. :deadhorse:


Aye OK:


Clangers - played very well. Whether he has bad teeth or a paedo haircut is for others to judge. Pretty much blameless at the goal as nobody expected that from Doyle who was otherwise hopeless.


Defensively we were very solid.


Midfield very strong and full of creativity.


Attack - Vernon looked hungry and in the mood, McGinn excellent.



The referee was abysmal, Maybury should have been red carded and we had a clear penalty turned down.


Fraser was kicked to shit again and it's awful that the referees are not protecting a young player with a bit of balls about him.


No wonder skilful players are away first offer they get, crude is an understatement.


All in all a brilliant performance from the Dons. Onwards and upwards.

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