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Enjoyed that game and totally deserved the win. Hibs started briliantly and looked like could take us apart but got break and early goal and we settled. Knocked ball about well after that albeit mostly square and only time Hibs looked to threaten was when we gave ball away. Hibs scored from another nothing ball that opened up our defense and yet again Langfield left looking stupid.


Second half all the ball again and actually creating a few chances. Magennis coming on turned the game in our favour as he got ball and ran at a terrible Hibs defense. Scored goal then sat in dangerously and invited Hibs forward but we kept Griffiths quiet.


But easily best home performance of the season and finally mange to enjoy our performance.

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The save from Griffiths was not 'superb'. It was a standard save.


He could have cost us 3 points if Rae hadn't scored.


So yeah, he did almost cost us the game....just like he's cost us many games in the past. I just fucking despise him, and I couldn't care less your thoughts on that.


By the same token, you could then say Rae would have cost us two points had he not scored.

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The save from Griffiths was not 'superb'. It was a standard save.


He could have cost us 3 points if Rae hadn't scored.


So yeah, he did almost cost us the game....just like he's cost us many games in the past. I just fucking despise him, and I couldn't care less your thoughts on that.




Just sums up why you opinion on how langfield has played then is of zero worth - you are so blinkered that you cant see what is happening everyingthing you say on langfield is at least one may be two factors in error because of your biased blinkered attitudue


Therefore when you say "standard" that comment highlighted is affecting your judgement and any one reading your comments has to take that into account

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As soon as it happened, I abused him - not after the game.


He's pish, I'll point that out.


I'm not saying you did abuse him after the game, however a lot of people seem to be doing so on twitter.


I don't think he is pish. I don't think he's the best, but I don't think he is pish. He is capable of making some very good saves, as shown at East End Park on Wednesday. However on occasion he makes a blunder like the one at Celtic Park. I wouldn't say Doyle's goal was a blunder from him, I think it just totally took him by surprise. It is an excellent hit from Doyle, and the surprise element means Langfield hasn't been able to adjust his feet in time. It happens.

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I could also rattle off so many games where he's cost us.


As per Twitter people's responses. Everyone saying 'what about Dunfermline performance' - they don't appear to have an answer when I rattle off the cup semi finals, Tannadice etc etc.


I never hear back from them, strange that huh?


People are much more likely to remember a mistake than something he's done good. Fantastic saves are something I expect from him, since he is a goalkeeper, and that's maybe why people can't seem to rattle off the good things as quickly as the bad. Goalkeeping gaffes are always memorable.

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On occasion?


Sweet Jesus holy mother christ - or whatever thon saying is.


On occasion. Wow, just - well just wow.


Well it is "on occasion" though, isn't it? It's not happening every game, nor every few games in fact. He's only made one 'blunder' this season, and that was on the opening day. I would say today's goal was more of an unfortunate mistake than a 'blunder', by the way.

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I'm not the only one who has this opinion on the goal, or him as a goalkeeper.


It's his goalkeeping errors that made me despise him because he's not fucking good enough!



maybe not but you self proclaimed hatred means that your opinion has less standing that others who see through less clouded eyes than you do


Not because you dont make valid points occassionaly but in this case you are so totally biased it makes critism that you try and offer of doubtful worth

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I'm delighted we won loon, but if a player has been shit, I'm going to point that out.


No surprises the player who is shit and making a mistake is Langfield....how many times has that been the case? He's a shit house.


3 points were well deserved though, and we should have had a fucking peno aswell.


Point it out? Fuck me... your one man crusade is way beyond the stage of "point that out".

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Despite a few people agreeing with me?


I.E. Dynamo, Jonty - and I can't remember the others. K-9 also stated Langfield was made to look stupid.


I'm sure there will be many more who think Langfield is shite.


So more than 'one man'.


Are they going on twitter and putting a dozen abusive tweets at the man himself?



They might agree with your sentiments that Langfield isn't good enough for us, or his mistakes cost us but I bet they're not stalking the guy.


It's your constant tireless tiring tirade - here and twitter - that you need to get a grip of.


We won the fucking game and you just launched into this bullshit.

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Good result and well deserved, shocking tackle on Fraser, def penalty i thought as well.


Heart in mouth everytime Langfield is called into action, he has to be told to stop kicking the ball up the park, it is just giving the ball away most of the time, i thought suspect at near post again for goal.


Magennis done great for second goal, too many players would be passing back outside the box, he kept the pressure on.


Good win tho and great to see Milson getting back on the pitch.

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Langfield looked ropey all afternoon...The current team will get us mid table...if we could bring in a good keeper and have a little bit more guile in midfield...Hughes in particular is a waste of a jersey...we could be contenders


You said it, chief.


Just out of interest, what are your thoughts on Craig Brown?

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Fuck me! What a shower of shit most of this forum is. Roberto your an utter fud and nice to see Langers retweeting your post so we can all see yer pompous little pin head that is likely a tad on the empt side. The dons fair got themselves a few haters even after a rather good performance. Well done the lads today. Langfid has admitted he could maybe have done better at the goal but it was a cracking and early strike the sadly caught him off guard.


Mon the reds and fuck you fanny fans!!!

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Delighted with the win today, its a shame this thread has become a load of utter nonsense.


We've played better this season and not got the 3 points. Altho9ugh Vernon didn't score he looked a lot mor like his old self, still a bit frustrating at times, but worked hell of a hard, decent shot that led to the opener and made a nusisance of himself all game. Also, was great to see Milsom finally back, hopefully we will start to see Hughes benched and Milsom in his place :crossfingers:


Incidentally, Roberto, there was a bloke down the front of the SS today with a Liverpool scarf on, wondered if it was you?

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I'm guessing this is you, Roberto?


Craig Robertson ‏@Roberto2904


@jamlang22 Hemin piano key teeth, fucking retire you waste of a wage. You are absolutely shit!!! Near post AGAIN. #uselessfuck


If so, that is terribly poor form. He was at fault for the goal, but to speak like that to anyone is laughable and embarrassing.

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