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My mate works for them and he wanks over how great a place it is and ace the beer is now, he never ever liked beer, always drank cider and when I've offered him beers to try in the past he always said they were shit, now it's brewdog or nothing


He sounds like a wank.


To be fair, the only person I know that worked for them on an RGU Placement but that was 5 years ago.


Person in question quit and was prepared to do an extra year of uni (instead of a paid placement) delaying their graduation rather than work at Brewdog. Luckily they found something else.

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I want to like Brewdog's beer but I just don't. Fair play to them, great marketing and all that, but however they package it, it's not real man's beer.



My mate works for them and he wanks over how great a place it is and ace the beer is now, he never ever liked beer, always drank cider and when I've offered him beers to try in the past he always said they were shit, now it's brewdog or nothing


Interesting notion - one or two of Brewdog's ales I described as grapefuit cider.

They're just pure grapefruit daft it seems.

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  • 2 months later...

The two founders of Aberdeenshire-based craft beer company BrewDog have been awarded MBEs in the Queen's Birthday Honours list.

Friends James Watt and Martin Dickie set up the sometimes controversial firm in 2007 in Fraserburgh.

BrewDog now employs hundreds of staff, has bars around the world, and saw revenue climb by 51% to £44.7m in 2015.

Mr Watt said: "It's amazing to have been awarded something so prestigious."

He and Mr Dickie started brewing beer together as a hobby in their early 20s.

Mr Watt was working as a deep sea fisherman, while Mr Dickie was a whisky distiller.

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The two founders of Aberdeenshire-based craft beer company BrewDog have been awarded MBEs in the Queen's Birthday Honours list.

Friends James Watt and Martin Dickie set up the sometimes controversial firm in 2007 in Fraserburgh.

BrewDog now employs hundreds of staff, has bars around the world, and saw revenue climb by 51% to £44.7m in 2015.

Mr Watt said: "It's amazing to have been awarded something so prestigious."

He and Mr Dickie started brewing beer together as a hobby in their early 20s.

Mr Watt was working as a deep sea fisherman, while Mr Dickie was a whisky distiller.

Proper anti establishment punks indeed

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  • 7 months later...

I see they have started a spat with Aberdeenshire council now.




Craft beer company BrewDog and Aberdeenshire Council have become embroiled in a war of words over the cost of buying land for an expansion.

The Ellon-based company said in its blog it wants to build a hotel, restaurant and conference centre, creating 80 jobs.

However, BrewDog claims the council wants "60 times fair market value".

Aberdeenshire Council said it had a responsibility to ensure best value for public money.

BrewDog said: "After well over a year of banging our heads against a brick wall with Aberdeenshire Council we feel we had no option but to let the public know what is happening.

"We are trying to grow our business and provide more local jobs and they are making this impossible.

"As a result it will cost Ellon employment, investment and facilities.

"This project would see us invest £5m into the local area and create over 80 new local jobs.

"However, the project cannot go ahead because the council are refusing to sell us the land at fair market value, indeed, they are insisting on charging over 60 times fair market value for the land we need to make this exciting local project happen."


What they fail to point out is the land valuation is for agricultural use and not land with planning permission for buildings.


Indeed a couple of years ago they bought 2 or 3 acres of land in the same area for approx 750,000 pounds. :laughing:


Absolutely full of shit from them as per normal.


Fucking rhubarbs.

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  • 9 months later...


A craft beer giant has launched its latest protest drink to help highlight climate change.

BrewDog hopes its “Make Earth Great Again” beer will make world leaders take action on climate change.
Co-founder of the firm James Watt said: “This beer is our statement of intent to hold a mirror up to all of the establishment figures that could, and should, do more on an issue that affects everyone on the planet.”



A Scottish brewery has teamed up with an environmental charity to launch a beer aimed at raising awareness of climate change.

BrewDog’s Make Earth Great Again contains ingredients sourced from areas affected by global warming, including water from melting Arctic glaciers and endangered Arctic cloudberries.
The beer was inspired by Donald Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement, and a case has even been sent to the White House in an attempt to capture the attention of the president.
All proceeds from the beer will be donated to the charity 10:10 to help fund projects that focus on tackling climate change.




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