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Top Given Names In Scotland


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Kylie is no slut :angry2:


She has just merely had a lot of different cocks in her fanny.


I'm not talking about actual Kylie obviously.


I'm talking about the type of council estate scum who sit on their slack arses all day watching MTV who might call their bairn after one of the 'pop stars' they see on the box 24/7.


These women will be of the useless variety, of easy virtue.


Their bairns will no doubt do likewise.

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Some absolute ridiculous names in Australia... however, the ones that make me smile the most are certain womens names which are basically just mens names with a suffix. I have met a Raylene and Keitha since living here!


One of my pals works in a hospital and she recently treated a patient called 'La-a' - pronounced 'Ladasha'

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Some absolute ridiculous names in Australia... however, the ones that make me smile the most are certain womens names which are basically just mens names with a suffix. I have met a Raylene and Keitha since living here!


One of my pals works in a hospital and she recently treated a patient called 'La-a' - pronounced 'Ladasha'



Strewth, what happened to good old Bruce and Sheila?

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It strikes me as very English in origin and trips off the mooth like skitter off a hind quarter. Keith is another bad one. It can't be the K's cos some lassie names beginning with K are awright. Like Kayak or Kaleidoscope.


Kevin is Irish I believe. Keith I would presume is Scots. Kayak is obviously inuit and kaleidoscope was coined by a Scot though clearly based on Greek.

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