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If weaver is the answer to our keeper problem then we are Fkd.

Even I think clangers is better than him.


We need better than him to put pressure on no1 spot.


Could have been down to lack of game time or low confidence but weaver was truly shocking in his game and a half he got.


I want a keeper I have full confidence in. Like many other teams in our league can boast.

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The current Clangers I most certainly do think must go.

Until he proves otherwise to me, I will be of the strong opinion that he is fucking shite.

If we signed a keeper that I believe to be a very good & professional keeper in Jan with a view to him being our No.1 but then Clangers deservedly keeps him on the bench, well then I can hardly argue that & then I can hardly argue that Clangers is our weakest link.


No pedantry at all in that.


I could accept Clangers as our No.2 fighting it out with a very good keeper for the No.1 slot because if he earns the No.1 spot then fair doo's :dontknow: he wouldn't though. Not against a decent keeper.

The minute we sign a keeper of any quality, Clangers will be second best keeper. Simples


How you feeling about this now?


No better No 1 but playing pretty well.


Surely you now think he is playing well enough to stay as No 2?

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How you feeling about this now?


No better No 1 but playing pretty well.


Surely you now think he is playing well enough to stay as No 2?

I've already said that I'm ok (on current confidence) to have him stay on as No.2 & if we have a decent No.1 in & he manages to oust him onto the bench then Clangers will have EARNED the No.1 shirt from an actual decent keeper & I can hardly argue that because he will THEN have proven himself to me.

Problem in that is that he wouldn't keep a decent keeper on the bench in all honesty (no matter how you try & glam up Clangers) but I could cope with Clangers getting a new deal as long as it is with a view to being No.2 to a decent keeper.

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Absolutely, my friend.


I'm just wondering however. Do you have a notepad or word document with your anti Clangers rant on it? If not you should. Think of the time you will save by just copying and pasting it.


As for you and that bloody arm shrugging icon!! Haha

I have them all stored in numerous emails sent to me from previous keepers at our club.



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You seen muckle games in the flesh this season FnD?


Not me digging you in for confrontation, merely making convo.

Working offshore I've missed a few but working 2/4 so seen more than I've missed


Missed three of the best "fixtures" & results though Utd, Hibs & Well (in the cup) cos they were all in my last 2 weeks away

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aberdeen are keen to extend goalkeeper Nicky Weaver's contract until the end of the season. (Various)


Should we extend his contract? We could get another GK in but I think he would be replaced with much of a muchness.


With McInnes singing Langfield's praises today, no-one will be brought in to directly challenge him for the no.1 jersey.

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Aberdeen are keen to extend goalkeeper Nicky Weaver's contract until the end of the season. (Various)


Should we extend his contract? We could get another GK in but I think he would be replaced with much of a muchness.


With McInnes singing Langfield's praises today, no-one will be brought in to directly challenge him for the no.1 jersey.

Jesus fucking Christ :clangers2:


No we certainly should not extend his deal (he's shite) worse than Clangers unbelievably.

McInnes is (like so many before him) being a fkn lazy/incompetent cunt regarding finding a decent quality keeper that can actually give even the shite keeper that is Clangers a run for the No.1 shirt.


It's pathetic that we have competition in pretty much all positions on the field except maybe LB & certainly in goal.

Goals is arguably the most important position on the field so we should have a decent back up to a very good No.1 but instead we have a shite back up to a shite No.1 :suicide:

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No but his defence has been fkn awesome & have made his stats look better


Defence is a unit. He is part of it. He has been blamed in the past for causing problems in that unit, so surely these aren't existing as much any more?


I wouldn't be in a hurry to change it, especially in the middle of the season where there are hardly going to be a plethora of goalkeepers available with the quality you wish.

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Defence is a unit. He is part of it. He has been blamed in the past for causing problems in that unit, so surely these aren't existing as much any more?


I wouldn't be in a hurry to change it, especially in the middle of the season where there are hardly going to be a plethora of goalkeepers available with the quality you wish.

Usual BS retort for pro Clangers fans.


He is very much part of a solid defensive unit obviously but he has contributed very little in this run we've had this season. Not his fault though because he has HAD to contribute very little & that is the point. He has had next to nothing to do because his defence has been (as a whole) outstanding.

he's made a couple of good saves this season but only one you could maybe class as a great reaction save & that was against St Johnstone.


If we'd had a decent keeper, we'd NOT have lost to Celtic away & arguably also at home.


He is shite & most of us know this. He's been shite for years but at the moment he's being well protected so some of you are getting a little bit of amnesia because of this.


We DESPERATELY need competition for his jersey & I mean proper competition, not just a fkn piss poor average keeper that may or may not be required.

Clangers has had it far too easy for far too long.


If we didn't have a keeper now, would we sign him if he was available? certainly not as No.1 we wouldn't. We'd "maybe" sign him as the no.2 shite like we did (lazily) with Weaver.

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