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I'm far from pro Langfield, I just know how to objectively look at something. You missed the key part anyway when highligting, where are teams releasing goalkeepers mid season? Or are we delving in to the Scandinavian market?


Last season you'd have made judgements about defenders squaffing clearances or being badly positioned or poorly communicated to on a lack of confidence in Langfield. Where is that happening this year?


He is being well protected, but at the same time has the highest shot save % in the league. Is he actually being all that well protected? ICT, Celtic and Dundee United have all protected their keeper better. St Johnstone as well. Stats are no use though as it doesn't say anything about the type of saves made.


Most were happy with the Weaver signing given his pedigree. Maybe McInnes expected more of a challenge from him, but you aren't going to get a first team keeper in at this time of the season on the cheap. Weaver gets retained, continues to give Langfield a degree of a challenge, then at the end of the season moves on. Then you look in a better market for a new goalkeeper.

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I'm far from pro Langfield, I just know how to objectively look at something. You missed the key part anyway when highligting, where are teams releasing goalkeepers mid season? Or are we delving in to the Scandinavian market?


Last season you'd have made judgements about defenders squaffing clearances or being badly positioned or poorly communicated to on a lack of confidence in Langfield. Where is that happening this year?


He is being well protected, but at the same time has the highest shot save % in the league. Is he actually being all that well protected? ICT, Celtic and Dundee United have all protected their keeper better. St Johnstone as well. Stats are no use though as it doesn't say anything about the type of saves made.


Most were happy with the Weaver signing given his pedigree. Maybe McInnes expected more of a challenge from him, but you aren't going to get a first team keeper in at this time of the season on the cheap. Weaver gets retained, continues to give Langfield a degree of a challenge, then at the end of the season moves on. Then you look in a better market for a new goalkeeper.

Well I know of one fantastic young keeper in Norway that we could get & he's currently No.1 for Odd Grenland André Hansen


Ok your other point being his save percentage.

If it's so high you should be able to rattle off a lot of memorable saves he's had to make this season :dontknow: No thought not. ZERO quality saves (maybe last weeks) & that for me is where you judge a keeper.

He's more remembered for his shite saves & mistakes.

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Well I know of one fantastic young keeper in Norway that we could get & he's currently No.1 for Odd Grenland André Hansen


Ok your other point being his save percentage.

If it's so high you should be able to rattle off a lot of memorable saves he's had to make this season :dontknow: No thought not. ZERO quality saves (maybe last weeks) & that for me is where you judge a keeper.

He's more remembered for his shite saves & mistakes.


He's available for free then?


As for the saves, he can only save what is shot at him. I remember Fox making a good save in the game against us, but we still scored 4.


This about Weaver anyway. What is the point in getting another keeper in for a 6 month stint as back-up (as that is what we'd get). Shop in the summer.

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Save the Clangers argument for the correct thread but the point being that Weaver should not be getting an extension.

He was shocking in the one & a half games he's played & whilst that's not a lot & not really fair to judge him I seen enough to fear he's not got enough to push Clangers for the jersey (& that's saying something)


We need to keep searching until we find a gem & not just lazily give up & "settle" for a pish No.2

So many managers have done this in the past for us & at serious detriment to the club/squad & I had hoped McInnes is better than that

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He's available for free then?


As for the saves, he can only save what is shot at him. I remember Fox making a good save in the game against us, but we still scored 4.


This about Weaver anyway. What is the point in getting another manager in for a 6 month stint as back-up (as that is what we'd get). Shop in the summer.

I agree we should trust in McInnes cos it would be embarrassing to him if we got in a back up manager.


That keeper would be available for a small fee & will likely come to us because he wants to push on into the full International team.

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Dont imagine many keepers who would challenge for number 1 will be out of contract or available for free in January so probably makes sense. Also give more time to source, approach and make offer to potential keepers who are out of contract in summer as able to talk to them from January 1st. Heres hoping they are doing the homework now and come up trumps

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We don't pay fees.


Number of times you've seen him play?

I've only seen him play half a dozen times but know a few of their fans also & they really rate him.


He's still very young (for a keeper) & is making waves.

This is the type of player we can & should be paying a small fee for.

he may not oust Clangers straight away (but then neither will shite like Weaver) but he is very much one for the future & the type of player that should certainly be on our radar.


Why do folk like you automatically just resign your thoughts to negatives in this sense?

We should be building for the future under what seems to be a great manager & signings like Weaver are NOT in that way of thinking.


Offer them Chris Clark & a small fee & they'd maybe consider it :dontknow:


Our goalkeeping standards in recent times have been so dire considering the club we are. Especially when you compare other clubs that are paying much less wages.

We haven't had a decent keeper worthy of the name keeper sine Kjaer & that desperately needs to change if we are ever to achieve anything & some of our fans have to realise this otherwise we will forever be in groundhog day

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of a random rant there?

Not random at all.


Weaver's deal expires in a few days & we do not need yet another shite No.2 signing on again & being yet another lazy option taken by another manager that (it seems) is incompetent at sourcing a decent keeper, like so many before him.


Leighton has been the most common factor in all these years & he is part of the embarrassment

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Hector was the only other player who's deal expires in Jan and we know what is happening there...I've an awful feeling I heard/read somewhere that he had his deal extended to the end of the season?

Weaver originally only signed a six month deal.


Hope they haven't extended in on the quiet but surly Clangers would be bleating on about it on his twitter if he had.

The usual "i'm delighted for my mate Nicky for getting his deal extended" when he really means "that's me secured as No.1 for the rest of season at least yet again"

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Having lost 4-0 to Kilmarnock on Thursday, Hearts were eager to avoid another defeat and, but for former Tynecastle goalkeeper Marian Kello, may have left Paisley with all three points.

Gary Locke


Hearts manager

"We were always on the front foot," said Locke.

"Marian, unfortunately, has pulled off two or three cracking saves, especially one at the end, I don't know how he saved that one.


May not be Oliver Khan but he's more competent than Clangers is all I maintain.

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I don't think we could get McDonald in Jan because Hearts couldn't lose him (even for a small fee) because they cannot replace him with their embargo.

What I would suggest as a good move for us would be for us to offer him a pre-contract in Jan with a view to signing for us in Summer. Test his resolve or his faithfulness towards Hearts. He's pretty confident that Hearts will go down I'm sure & with no certainty of getting straight back into top flight in a years time.


Meantime we need to replace Weaver because he's shite & Kello is a far better No.2 to have putting pressure on Clangers than Weaver is & he's one we could easily get in Jan for (most likely) the same wage we're currently paying Weaver. St Mirren won't be paying him a huge wage & we can surly compete with them for a his signature.


Easy solution for a short term fix.

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I don't see the issue with Weaver staying, Clangers has already signed a new deal so why waste time worrying about who the back up keeper is when he's likely to never get a game?

Because the better the back up is the more likely he is to oust Clangers.

Kello would be a cheap & easy stop gap that "could" oust Clangers as he is better than Both Weaver & Clangers. He may not be the best keeper in the world but he's sure as fk better than Clangers.


McDonald on a pre would also be worth a shout for next Summer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We're stuck with clangers until the end of next season now and Weaver until the end of this.


What I'd like to see happen in May is Weaver let go, Leighton let go, a new GK coach brought in, one that can actually improve keepers instead of just having them tread water and a youngish, 24-25 year old keeper with loads of potential and hungry for a chance along with the new coach so Langfield has a year left to annoy us before the new guy, who would be blooded next season in the cups, is then able to take over and still improve as a keeper so we have someone who is at least as good as Langfield if not better to replace him and someone that will also get better with age and experience.

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